"If it's really Jiang Ziya, then I'll go take a look." Ji Chang said, he set off immediately and didn't want to delay for a moment.

When the group came to Weishui, they saw an old man with white hair, like a statue, fishing motionlessly.

Taking a closer look, everyone found that the hook turned out to be straight.

"Mr. Ziya, why do you use a straight hook for fishing?"

Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, took a few steps forward and asked softly.

Hearing this, Jiang Ziya was indifferent, and was not distracted at all because of the presence of the crowd.

"Fishing with a straight hook, if you wish to hang yourself, fate is the most important thing." He said lightly, the fishing rod in his hand was extremely stable.

The two talked for a while, and Ji Chang was shocked by Jiang Ziya's erudition.

At this moment, Ji Chang no longer doubted, and immediately invited Jiang Ziya respectfully to join him, and worshipped Jiang Ziya in front of everyone.

"Sir, you don't need to worry, the fate of the soup has come to an end, and anti-business is doing things for heaven."

Having already received the sage's orders, Jiang Ziya knew the general trend of the world and said directly to Ji Chang.

"Father, the Prime Minister has no objection. I think that when I go back this time, it is the foundation of the country." When Ji Fa saw this, he immediately stepped forward and said.

With these words, Ji Chang fell into his arms, and immediately took Jiang Ziya back to Xiqi.

Within half a month, the army of Xizhou and Xiqi merged, and the strength of the prince of Xibo ranked first among the princes, and now it is even more powerful and terrifying.

Chapter [-]: The Western Zhou Dynasty established the country, Kong Xuan helped Ji!

Ji Chang's actions were not slow, and with the assistance of Jiang Ziya, he soon ascended the throne and established the country.

The country is called the Western Zhou Dynasty, Ji Chang is King Wen, and Ji Fa is the crown prince.

King Wen of Zhou appointed Jiang Ziya as the prime minister, and bestowed on his generals high-ranking officials and generous emoluments.

They played the banner, executed traitorous ministers, turned against the monarch, and received echoes from other princes.

In just half a year, half of the [-] princes of Tangjiangshan revolted, and the anti-business wave in the world was unstoppable.

It was not until half a year later that the anomalies in various places were passed on to Chaoge.

At this time, the battle in the Beihai Sea was tense, and the imperial army led by Wen Zhong was held back, and people all over the world panicked.

Chaoge's bustling street, Budokan.

"Chengtang Jiangshan is in an unprecedented crisis. I don't know what Mr.'s plan is?" Daji asked with a slight blessing towards the void, and asked in a warm voice.

King Zhou will come soon, and at that time, it will be difficult for her to decide how to decide.

After all, what he did at the beginning was only for Xiqi to be anti-business, but he never thought about disrupting Chengtang Jiangshan.

"Jizhou Su Hu Rende, you can go to Beihai with Su Hu to replace the imperial army. As for Grand Master Wen Zhong, you should go to Xiqi to suppress the rebellion."

A faint voice came.

Li Zhenwu didn't show up, just voice transmission from the void, so he didn't speak anymore.

Just as he finished speaking, there was a commotion outside the martial arts hall.

King Zhou walked in hastily, his expression no longer in high spirits, apparently troubled by the rebellion in various places.

As before, what Daji said was enshrined by him like a god, and he thought it was taught by a stranger in the martial arts hall, so he left happily.

Jizhou, the residence of the Su family.

On this day, two strange aliens were greeted, and they directly stated that they wanted to see Su Hu, but the guards did not dare to drive them away, so they hurried in to report.

"I don't know where the master..."

Shen Gongbao and Su Hu walked out side by side. When he saw the two outside the door, he suddenly stopped, his face full of disbelief.

These are two young men, one wearing colorful Taoist robes, with a stern expression, silent, making people feel extremely arrogant.

The other person in white clothes wins snow, holding a feather fan, immortal style, but has the temperament of a master.

"Master Kong Xuan?" Shen Gongbao exclaimed after seeing the two of them clearly.

Ordinary mortals may not know, but he once stayed under the door of the two great saints, and he is naturally very clear about the great supernatural powers in the world.

"Master Kong Xuan? Do you know them, sir?"

Su Hu, who was beside him, asked with a puzzled expression.

"I don't know Pindao, but I have heard their legends." Shen Gongbao shook his head with emotion.

He informed Su Hu of the identities of Kong Xuan and Bai Ze, and Su Hu was also stunned.

The title of Master Kong Xuan is a great supernatural power that has been passed down from ancient times and existed when the Three Sovereigns ruled the world.

And Bai Ze is also very famous. Shen Gongbao was a monster in his previous life, so he naturally understands it very well. This is an ancient monster in ancient times, and it can be called an antique existence.

"I don't know if the two immortals are here, but is there anything Su Hu needs help?"

Hearing Shen Gongbao's words, Su Hu hurriedly handed over, with a very polite attitude.

It can be said that such great supernatural powers are rare to see in a thousand years. Now that there are two people, no one will believe that they are passing by.

Furthermore, the delicate relationship in the world, is to go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything.

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