Indeed, Jizhou's [-] soldiers and horses can last for a long time, and because Su Quanzhong is a fierce general, whether he leads troops or goes into battle to kill the enemy, he can be called a general's style.

"Zhong'er is a natural tiger general, and Beihai is his stage." Kong Xuan said with admiration.

In this way, when they arrived at the Beihai Imperial Court Barracks, ten days had passed.

Wen Zhong simply handed over to Su Hu, then left in a hurry and turned to Xiqi, where he wanted to conquer the biggest hidden danger of the court - the Western Zhou Dynasty.

However, when Xiqi was still thousands of miles away, a message came from the front.

Immediately afterwards, the news seemed to have wings, radiating the whole world, causing the few hundred princes in Chengtang to be shocked beyond words.

"The father and son of Beibohou Chonghouhu were executed by Jiang Ziya. The position of Beibohou, Chongheihu took over, and he was completely attached to the Western Zhou Dynasty."

As soon as the news came out, the morale of Taishi Wen Zhong's army was hit badly.

In other words, the princes of the four directions, the prince of Xibo, Ji Chang, established himself as the king, and the prince of the north was annexed and attached to Ji Chang's seat.

And Huang Feihu, a fierce general of the imperial court, even turned against it.

All the rebellious people, their families, secretly transported Chaoge a long time ago, and they have no choice but to hunt them down.

"It's just unreasonable. Ji Chang is not a son of man, and he disturbs Tang Jiangshan. Even if he destroys his whole family, it will be difficult to solve the hatred in his heart."

Wen Zhong was furious when he heard the news in the imperial army camp.

He has always loved the people of Limin, and was even more distressed about the war, so he has always taught King Zhou to work hard to rule.

But now, the people of the world are not being crushed by the surrounding barbarians, but they are being stabbed in the back by the court officials, which is extremely abhorrent.

"Master Wen, there are several strangers outside asking to see him, saying that they are here to help the imperial army to suppress the rebellion."

Suddenly, a soldier walked into the tent to report.

"I'll go out immediately to meet you"

Wen Zhong did some calculations, but knew that it was Shen Gongbao who arrived with his helper.

The two are both under the sect of the interception, and the relationship is very good, and there is no situation of jealousy.

At Zhongjun Yuanmen, I saw a group of aliens sitting on alien beasts, and the dust rolling in the sky was very dazzling.

On the other hand, Shen Gongbao was riding a big leopard that had always been colorful, majestic, and had a strange demeanor.

"Teacher Wen Zhong, I heard that the war in the imperial court is very tight. I specially brought the four guards of Jiamengguan, Moliqing, Molihong, Molihai, and Molishou, to help the Taishi to defeat Zhou."

Shen Gongbao jumped off the big leopard, brought the magic family forward, and cupped his hands.

"The four generals of the Demon Family have met the Grand Master." The four immediately knelt down on one knee, looking quite excited.

You must know that Wen Zhong has always been in charge of the military, and to the soldiers and generals, it is like a god.

"Okay, the arrival of Uncle Shen this time will definitely destroy the Western Zhou Dynasty in one fell swoop. It is so magnificent that my court is majestic." Wen Zhong stroked his hand and smiled, but he was really happy.

Although he has an army of hundreds of thousands, but there are very few people in the army, and he always feels a little bit worse when he goes to Xiqi.

Moreover, even Huang Feihu turned against it, and Beibohou was also annexed.

"Haha, no need to be more polite, I can't break the rules when I enter the DPRK." Shen Gongbao laughed.

After talking for a while, the two returned to the camp of the Chinese army.

"Last night, the Ziwei Emperor star flashed, but it was at the junction of the Beihai and the Western Zhou Dynasty. I am afraid that the king's luck has descended." Master Wen Zhong pointed to the sand table pass on the table, and said in a deep voice: "The Beihai is naturally headed by Yuan Futong, as for the In the Western Zhou Dynasty, it was Ji Chang and the others."

"But fortunately, as long as we act properly and make a quick decision, with the current national strength of the Western Zhou Dynasty, it cannot be delayed."

While speaking, Wen Zhong pointed to one of the passes with absolute confidence on his face.

"This place is Chentang Pass, where Tang Jiangshan started his life. It can be called the first pass in the world. This place is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Whoever occupies this place can advance and retreat freely."

"Fortunately, this place has been guarded by the Li family for generations, and there will be no mistakes. Tomorrow we will rush to Chentang Pass. After the defense is set up, we can go out of the city to pursue and capture the Ji family's rebellion and arrest the court."

Wen Zhong is worthy of being the military god of the imperial court. When he talks about the war, his tongue is like a lotus flower, and he bypasses everything Shen Gongbao said.

"It doesn't matter, everything is to obey the master, and I am only responsible for assisting from the side."

Shen Gongbao handed over his hands and said that the special person has expertise, and he is not good at pointing fingers.

In this Western Expedition, almost five million troops have been assembled, which can be regarded as the most powerful imperial army. Compared with the Western Zhou Dynasty, it is also a bit stronger.

It can be said that if there is no accident, the end of the Western Expedition will be doomed to the decline of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Chapter [-] Little Nezha!

After negotiating strategic issues with Shen Gongbao, the army pulled out overnight. Wen Zhong led an army of millions and set off for Chentangguan.

As he said last night, as long as you reach Chentang Pass, you can use this as the rear.

When the army pursues the rebellion of Xiqi, they can have no worries, which is an important part of the strategy.

However, they never imagined that the lineage of the Chen Tangguan Li family, who had finally reached the imperial court for generations, had long since surrendered to the Zhou Wen throne.

After the Western Zhou Dynasty absorbed Chentang Pass, the main force of the army was arranged here, and it was to be a pass in all directions of Tangjiangshan, and all of them were guarded, which was equivalent to setting up a city wall in front of the court's house.

Chentangguan and Xiqi are only a thousand miles apart, and Chentangguan is a wall. If the court loses this pass, it will lose its first defense.

Xiqi, the palace of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

King Wen of Zhou and Prince Mocha, Prime Minister Jiang Ziya and others were discussing the general trend of the world, and they got Chen Tangguan. They all have an optimistic attitude towards the future.

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