"At the request of the master, the senior brother came here, but it was specially to help Zhou Deshang, and he also brought you a few helpers."

Real Huang Long stroked his beard and smiled, pointing to a few people behind him while speaking.

Sure enough, there were several young people standing behind him, one of them was really mighty.

"Haha, Your Majesty, the senior brothers from Wei Chen's family are here to help, and the mere business army can be destroyed with a snap of a finger." Seeing this, Jiang Ziya rubbed his palms and laughed.

The cultural relics of the Manchu Dynasty in the Western Zhou Dynasty suddenly shook the morale, and everyone was infected.

After all, Master Jiang Ziya is the disciple of the sage Yuanshi Tianzun, and everyone's mana is vast.

With their help, let alone the merchant army, even the ancient lich can be crushed by force.

Of course, this is just the wishful thinking of everyone present.

"Haha, with the help of the Taoist priests, this king can't lose his prestige under the sage's door. This time, he ordered all his troops and set off to meet Li Jing at Chentangguan, and set off the morale of Wenzhong's army." King Wen of Zhou was emotional. Gao Sheng quickly ordered to go down.

Immediately, one million troops from Xiqi immediately dispatched, in a mighty manner, heading towards the Chentang Pass.

For mortals to march, it takes at least two days to travel a thousand miles, but now there are real people of Huanglong who cast spells, and they all walk like flying.

In less than half a day, at the end of the sky, a dangerous pass came into view.

And the five million army led by Wen Zhong had just arrived at Chentang Pass, but saw the city gates closed, and suddenly felt strange.

"Master Wen, can someone come to report the letter?" Shen Gongbao asked solemnly.

"Yes, but gatekeeper Li Jing did not reply."

Wen Zhong looked at the thousand-zhang city wall, the horizontal eyes on his forehead immediately opened, and a ray of divine light shone on the city gate.

Immediately, in his perception, the city wall was full of people, but no one showed their faces, which was strange, making people feel the seriousness of the matter even more.

You must know that this place guards the Quartet roads, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Wen Zhong and Shen Gongbao looked at each other, and then sent someone out, wanting to go to the door.


At this moment, I saw the Chentangguan city wall was empty, splendid flames lit up, vigorously, and charged towards the army.

When the flames dissipated, he saw a major general in red, stepping on a hot wheel, holding a fire-pointed gun in one hand, and pointing at the army of Wen Zhong in the other, and shouted arrogantly.

"King Zhou has no way, Chen Tangguan has surrendered to King Jichang of the Western Zhou Dynasty, you should leave quickly, don't cause trouble for nothing."

With the shouting of Nezha's child, the army of five million was stunned.

Wen Zhong and Shen Gongbao laughed, and the nervousness in their hearts disappeared strangely.

If others came out to shout, they might take it seriously, but it was Nezha, so neither Wen Zhong nor Shen Gongbao believed it.

"This child has always been against Li Jing, and what he did this time was probably his prank." Wen Zhong smiled.

After all, this place is the first hurdle of becoming a soup. Entering Neng can covet Chaoge, retreating Neng and guarding a corner, and all generations have been guarded by the famously loyal Li family. Now this Li Xiaoer, Li Jing is actually the opposite.

Wen Zhong and Shen Gongbao, who had known Nezha's temperament, naturally thought that Nezha was joking for the first time.

"Little boy, do you know where this place is? Could it be that your father lacked discipline and let you sneak out?" Wen Zhongduan sat on Mo Qilin, he urged his mount to step forward, pointed at Nezha in the air, and scolded with a smile: " Hurry back and report, don't stop the army from moving forward."

Speaking of this, Wen Zhong's heart sank.

Chentangguan flags were fluttering, and it was overcrowded, but no one came out on the city wall. Obviously, it was not as simple as a child's prank.

Afterwards, Wen Zhong used his internal strength, his tongue burst into thunder, and he shouted: "Wen Zhong is here, Chen Tangguan Li Jing quickly opened the door to welcome him, don't neglect Master Wang."

After shouting a few times in a row, the terrifying sound wave, the thousand-zhang city wall, trembled slightly, and the dust fell down.

However, the people in the city wall still did not respond, and were silent to the point of strangeness.

"Three-eyed old man, don't be tongue-tied, my father is rectifying the army in the city, and he will make you and other King Zhou's lackeys look good soon." After a few laps, the attitude was arrogant to the extreme.

After scolding Wen Zhong, Nezha was not enough to relieve his hatred, so he continued to point at the army and said, "Listen to the merchant army below, King Zhou has no morals and believes in treason, which has caused chaos in the government and the people, and the people are not living well. On the other hand, King Jichang of the Western Zhou Dynasty, since Fengming The auspicious generals in the mountains and the sky will make great efforts to manage them, and they will provide many favors. They are a generation of Mingjun. If you are unwilling to help the Zhou Dynasty, you can lay down your weapons and surrender, lest the Western Zhou army pass by, like a native chicken and a dog that is vulnerable to a single blow, and suffers an innocent disaster. "


The voice fell, and the five million army suddenly stunned, and a terrifying slaughter aura erupted.

Not to mention that Wen Zhong's face was red, even Shen Gongbao, who had always been aloof, was very angry at this moment. Looking at the yellow-mouthed child flying around in the sky, he wanted to strangle him on the spot.

What a wild attitude this is!

He simply regarded the army of millions as nothing, and regarded Wen Zhong and Shen Gongbao as local chickens, not to mention Nezha, even if Li Jing was here, he would not dare to be so arrogant.

"Huangkou child, don't confuse the public with slanderous words, King Zhou is the honor of the ninety-five, right or wrong, how can you blame a child? For the sake of my friendship with Li Jing, you should only be young and ignorant, otherwise you will be ignorant. If you are punished for your treasonous crime, it will not look good."

Wen Zhongduan sat on the back of the ink unicorn, with his forehead open and his eyes wide open.

Chapter [-] The doctrinal battle! (third more)

In front of Chentang Pass, Wen Zhong came to the gate alone, and in his anger, the divine light was soaring and soul-stirring.

Even Nezha in the sky felt a tightness in his heart when he saw this, and there was a trace of fear in his soul.

How terrible is this!

Wen Zhong was a high-level apprentice who intercepted the teaching. After going down the mountain, he has been assisting Tang Jiangshan. He practiced the Tao, not only did not retreat, but became more advanced.

Moreover, he and King Zhou had been to the Chaoge Martial Arts Hall, and they were enlightened by Li Zhenwu's words, and even more clearly understood the true meaning of the Dao.

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