There are experts who teach and teach to help, and these mortals just need to follow suit.

Chapter [-] Imprisoned Yang Jian!

Wen Zhong led an army of millions to attack the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Even the real Huanglong, who explained the teaching, came with several disciples of three generations, which was really unexpected.

If it is an ordinary army of one million, Wen Zhong is not afraid.

But under the sage, it is difficult to figure out.

After all, Master Huanglong is a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, and his cultivation has reached the late stage of Jinxian, and his strength is quite good.

"It's unreasonable. The Li family, who has been loyal to the imperial court for generations, is so shameless. I really misunderstood it at the beginning."

In the camp of the Chinese army, Mo Liqing said angrily.

If it hadn't been for the loss of Chentang Pass, the army would have already entered the city for defense, and would soon be able to march into Xiqi and crush Ji Chang and others.

But now, with the arrival of You Chan Jiao, Wen Zhong was embarrassed.

"The army of the Western Zhou Dynasty is no more than a chicken and a dog, and it is only difficult to deal with the real person who teaches Huanglong."

Shen Gongbao pondered a little, and said slowly: "There are ten ringings of the bell in his hand. When this treasure rings, it shakes people's souls, and the ten ringings shakes all three souls and seven souls. Ordinary mortals can't resist it at all."

Hearing this, everyone in the camp fell silent.

Wen Zhong Taishi's brows were wrinkled into Sichuan characters. The dispute between Shang and Zhou was a battle of luck between the interpretation of the teaching and the interception of the teaching.

However, Luopo Bell is a congenital spiritual treasure. Although they are not afraid of people who explain the teachings, this spiritual treasure cannot be prevented.

The fourth pair of Demon Family looked at each other, and Mo Lishou got up and said, "The strange beast in my arms is an ancient ferret. If it is released, it will be able to go up to the sky and enter the earth in an instant. It has two wings under its ribs, and it only takes an instant to devour the gods. At that time, the four of us brothers will lead the disciples away, and the Grand Master will take the opportunity to send his troops in."

"Yes, although my black pipa is not a spiritual treasure, it can disturb the mind." Mo Lihai said confidently.

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help laughing, but this plan was miraculous, and the Western Zhou army could not be cracked for a while.

However, they did not find that in the corner of the tent, a fly fluttered out.

In the middle of the night, the large army camp was quiet, except for the usual guards, the rest of the soldiers fell asleep early.


With the cover of night, the flies that Yang Jian transformed into are even more like a duck to water in the army, so he can look around in a leisurely manner.

"King Zhou's army, but that's it, I'll go back now, and I'll make you look good tomorrow."

Yang Jian sneered, and suddenly transformed into a sparrow, soaring into the sky, galloping towards Chentangguan.

Against the backdrop of the dark night, the barracks on the ground, like rolling waves, spread for miles and miles, and looked quite spectacular.

"Three-eyed child, do you still want to leave when you come?"

Suddenly, a playful voice came from the void.

The sparrow that Yang Jian transformed into suddenly stiffened with a few beats of its wings.

"Where is the evildoer?"

With a bang, Yang Jian's reaction was not slow, and in an instant, he transformed into his own body, with a dazzling fairy light bursting out of his forehead.

However, what frightened him was.

Reflecting up and down in the four directions, there is no movement in the void, not even a trace of anger.

"You are bold, and you dare to be arrogant in the face of this seat!"

As the voice fell, the surrounding space was frozen in an instant, and even time could not pass in it.


At this moment, Void stretched out an arm, and the slender and white fingers spread out, in Yang Jian's eyes, as if the sky was covering down, he instantly pinched him in his hand.

This is?

Yang Jian couldn't move, his heart was terrified, what a terrifying strength.

Under the sect of Chan Jiao, although he is not comparable to the second generation of disciples, he is also the best among the third generation of disciples.

But now...

He couldn't even resist and ask for help, so he was caught by the opponent's palm.

The breath contained in it is like the rules of heaven and earth, domineering and strong, full of the momentum of self-respect.


The space fluctuated, the arm that appeared out of thin air disappeared, and the world returned to calm again, as if nothing had happened.

Chaoge, the backyard of Budokan.


Suddenly, the space cracked open like a mirror, revealing a dark mouth.

Immediately afterwards, in Yang Jian's terrified look, he was thrown out, and fell to the ground with a bang.

"Before the conferring of gods ends, you can grow vegetables here."

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