As the voice fell, everyone in the camp of the Chinese army suddenly became quiet.

Chapter [-] The Battle of the North Sea!

Someone come to see me?

In Beihai Camp, Su Hu and the others were discussing strategies when they suddenly heard the news of the soldiers reporting the letter, and everyone was stunned for a moment.

Bai Ze shook his feather fan, closed his eyes and calculated, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"My king is really powerful, even this guy can be enlightened, but he is a super thug!"

Hearing this, except for Kong Xuan, everyone else was full of surprises.

If you want to say what the army lacks the most, it is naturally a thug.

After all, although Kong Xuan and the others are not afraid, there are thousands of Buddhas and Arhats in Linshui City. These combat powers are far from what ordinary soldiers can compare.

"That's right, the ancestor of this son, who used to have some connections with the second king of my family, has now come to his senses and is a good helper." Kong Xuan laughed.

In ancient times, after Yaochi was abandoned and left in the world, the first human race they met was the Yang family.

Unexpectedly, thousands of years have passed, but the descendants of the Yang family have entered the gate of Yuanshi Tianzun to do that crusade against humanity.

Li Zhenwu naturally wouldn't stand by and watch such a big rebellion, so he personally took action to enlighten the other party.

After all, Yang Jian is incomparably brave and powerful, and in later generations, he will be the first god of war in heaven.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as he is properly guided, Yang Jian's achievements in the future may be even higher than his entry into the Conferred God List.

Because of the countless people who entered the list, only he was rau who was sanctified and could be called immortal.

The rest, even the second-generation disciples under the sage's sect, are far inferior.

"Hurry up, please, no, I'll go out to meet you in person."

Hearing Kong Xuan and Bai Ze's words, Su Hu couldn't help feeling overjoyed, and quickly led the crowd to the gate of the barracks to welcome them in person.

That Yang Jian, slender and straight, with a handsome face and gentle temperament, holding a three-pointed two-edged sword, just standing there, is full of the illusion of invincibility.

"Yang Jian has seen Master Su, Master Bai, Senior Brother Kong Xuan!" Yang Jian bowed his hands and saluted, neither humble nor silent.

The Holy Father has the grace of preaching, and in the face of Kong Xuan, he also considers himself a junior and a junior.

As for Yuanshi Tianzun's sect, he was really apostate. Since he didn't agree with his heart, he naturally left.

"Haha, you don't need to be too polite. Jizhou Suhu and Taishan are in the same vein, and they are like family. Don't want to see outsiders." Su Hu hurriedly stepped forward and returned the salute to Yang Jian.

"I heard the teacher said that there are many powerful people in the ancestor's lineage. Now, from the perspective of my age, Uncle Yang is about the same age as me, but his strength is unfathomable!"

That Su Quanzhong was full of emotion, and the admiration in his heart could not be concealed.

"You are welcome, Yang Jian is only a savage person. Fortunately, the teacher's pity and kindness will prevent him from going astray." Yang Jian cupped his hands and dared not take it.

"Okay, let's go back quickly and discuss how to attack the opposite Xiongguan!" Bai Ze suggested.

Immediately, everyone became familiar with each other, and then turned around and returned to the military camp.

The arrival of Yang Jian, although everyone was happy, did not get carried away. Tomorrow's battle, we still need to be cautious.

After all, the other party is under the sage's sect, and the three thousand Buddhist Dafa is also miraculous and unpredictable.

In the early morning of the next day, the merchant army camped.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, lined up in leather armor, formed a team of [-], with solemn expressions and strong killing intent.

In the army, the original slave establishment has been completely messed up, and it has been integrated into the [-] elite soldiers of Jizhou.

Su Hu, Kong Xuan and the others, standing on the high point of commanding platform, looked at the stern army, and their hearts were full of pride.

"All officers and men, it has been thousands of years since the establishment of Chengtang Jiangshan, and the fortune is profound, comparable to that of the ancient Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors..."

The loud and clear declaration, accompanied by Bai Ze's internal power, was grand and bright, and spread throughout the entire military camp.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, with sharp eyes, listened silently.

The words Bai Ze said made the spell run, aroused their emotions, and made the army imposing like a rainbow.

"Errons of Jizhou, whether you are soldiers of the Su family or slaves of the court. But here, you are heroes, defending the family and the country, only in the present. If the army is flat in front of the gate, the slaves are registered. I Su Protector, as the Marshal of Zhengbei, guarantees that you will be able to enjoy freedom from now on, no longer slaves, but the subjects of my court!"

Immediately afterwards, Hu Hu was impassioned, waved the whip in his hand, and announced loudly.

As the voice fell, hundreds of thousands of soldiers shouted in unison, the momentum was strong, comparable to millions of troops.

"Swear allegiance to the court!"

Countless people left hot tears, screamed in the sky, and the sound waves broke through the sky and passed far away.

Linshui City, the gatekeeper at this moment is a capable general of Yuan Futong, named Chen Baji. Today, he patrols the city defense as usual, and suddenly he hears the momentum of the imperial army outside the gate, and his face shows a trace of disdain.

You must know that Wen Zhong's millions of troops could not capture this place.

Now there is only a Jizhou Suhu, with only a few hundred thousand troops, even more fearless, even a little contemptuous.

"Hmph, if it weren't for the fact that Yuan Dahou could not attack, just relying on Su to protect hundreds of thousands of people, I, Chen Baji, could destroy them with one hand." Chen Baji waved the mace in his hand and said majestic.

"Of course, there are generals guarding here, not to mention the district Jizhou Suhu, even if the imperial army arrives, there is still nothing to do."

A close confidant next to Chen Ba's body said flatteringly.

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