"What a big battle!"

Seeing this scene, Su Quanzhong was stunned, his expression showed panic, and he immediately turned his war horse and rushed to meet the imperial army.

In Linshui City, everyone could see that Su Quanzhong ran to Su Hu and whispered something.

Then, Su Hu immediately led the warhorse, ignoring everyone's obstructions, and rushed over.

"Su Hu is here, dare to ask the Buddha if he might let the Su family enter the bliss of the West?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the field was shocked.

They never expected that Su Hu rushed over, and the opening was so amazing that it was impossible for people to react.

"Buddha Anita, what Master Su said, but poor monks can't tell the truth." Maitreya Buddha was not stupid, just lifted a corner of the yellow cloud to reveal the hundred-zhang golden body.

At this time, he sat in the opened yellow mouth gap, no matter any tricks, he could not enter the big formation.

"So that the Buddha knows that although Su Hu is not talented, he also firmly believes in the principle of karma, retribution and rebirth in a cycle, and Buddhism has always advocated teaching and transforming sentient beings. Su Hu has always admired it for a long time, but he knows that fate is not enough, but he can't get the point."

Su Hu jumped off the war horse with a sincere expression, and continued: "As the Marshal of Zhengbei now, it is a blessing for three lifetimes to be able to see the Buddha."

"What you said doesn't make sense. Since you look up to my Buddha, why did you lead the soldiers to attack the place of belief of the Buddha?" Buddha Kasyapa seemed to be disdainful and asked slowly.

"Buddha didn't know, Su Hu came not because of what he wanted, but because he listened to Kong Xuan's charm. After arriving, he learned that it was the important place of Buddhism, and he felt ashamed, so he turned to the Buddha to ask questions. , caught in the baptism of karmic fire."

Su Hu was half-truth and half-truth, clasped his hands together, and said with a sad face.

Hearing this, Buddha Kasyapa just wanted to refute, but Buddha Maitreya waved his hand to stop it, and the smile on his face became more compassionate.

Chapter [-] Break the formation! (Second more)

After all, Beihai is a land of bitter cold, with a vast land and sparsely populated areas. The more than ten feudal feudal lands combined have only more than one million soldiers and horses.

Compared with other areas in Tangjiangshan, there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses at every turn.

Even in a small place as small as Jizhou, there are [-] elite soldiers and a population of more than one million.

The reason why Western Lingshan chose Beihai was because of the bitter cold here, which was optional for both the imperial court and Xiqi.

Moreover, the most important point, Xiqi and King Zhou, there are too many strong people around them, and it is difficult for Lingshan to intervene.

In order to seize the luck, Lingshan also made a lot of money for Beihai and sent two Buddhas to come.

It has to be said that even the Great Sect cannot calm down the temptation of the Conferred God Tribulation.

After all, the West teaches all sentient beings to attain bliss, without being entangled by cause and effect, and naturally there is no need for karma.

Now facing Su Hu's surrender, Kasyapa Buddha, in line with the leader's instructions, was unmoved by all kinds of temptations.

But Maitreya Buddha is different. His heart at the moment is like Chen Baji who was guarding the city, and he wants to attract some opportunities.

"Su Hu, even if you believe in my Buddha wholeheartedly, then come in and enter into my bliss. Your family will be the same as you." Maitreya Buddha smiled charitably and squinted at Su Hu.

This is a temptation!

If Su Hu dare not come in, then there is no need to talk about it.

"Respect the will of the Buddha!"

However, Hu Hu put his hands together, answered with a sound, and stepped forward.

At this moment, he was like a disciple of the Buddhist faith, his face full of sincerity, neither sorrow nor joy, compassion and love in his eyes.

Just a few hundred meters away in the blink of an eye.

When Su Hu stood in front of Maitreya Buddha, the distance between them was less than ten feet, and the golden body of the hundred-zhang Buddhist gate became more and more dazzling, like a splendid sun shining brightly.

In Linshui City, thousands of Bodhisattvas and Arhats, the sound of chanting sutras became louder and louder, drowning all the sounds of the world.

"Report to the Buddha, Su Hu is here." Su Hu lowered his head and sang a Buddha's name.

"Very good, this seat will transport you to the blissful world at this moment."

At this moment, Maitreya Buddha no longer had any doubts, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter, and he twisted his fingers, lifting the hazy yellow cloud into a corner again.

In the distance, hundreds of thousands of troops saw this, among them Kong Xuan and Bai Ze, their faces were full of horror, and their eyes were incredible.

Such a scene happened to be captured by Maitreya Buddha, and there was no doubt about it, and now, Su Hu has stepped into the Yellow Cloud Formation, and is about to enter Linshui City.


Suddenly, a loud noise erupted from Su Hu's body.

In the horror and despair of countless eyes, the original Su Hu, raised his head and grinned, his figure blurred, and he instantly changed into three-eyed Yang Jian.

He was wearing a battle armor, holding a three-pointed, two-edged saber in his left hand, and a slender hair fork in his right hand.

What's happening here?

On the city wall, everyone was horrified, and most of them couldn't react.

"Yang Jian, you are so courageous to pretend to be Su Protector, but are you here to die?" Kasyapa Buddha sat on a lotus and flew down from the city wall.

However, he did not dare to get too close, but opened a safe distance.

"Dare to ask the Buddha, can this formation be broken?" Yang Jian raised the corner of his mouth and sneered.

While speaking, a three-pointed, two-edged sword descended from top to bottom, with a cold and dazzling light, cutting through the space and slashing directly on Maitreya Buddha Baizhangjin.

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