"So timid, watch me break through your battle."

Inside the galaxy, Maitreya Buddha saw this, his eyes were like a vajra, and the yellow cloud around the golden body expanded in an instant, trying to break through the thousands of miles of galaxy.

Without him, the ordinary Bodhisattva Buddha would be the opponent of Bai Ze and Kong Xuan.


The Huang Yun was infinitely large, and it squeezed out all the star buckets that fell, and its power was terrifying.

I have to say that Maitreya Buddha is too powerful. Although Yang Jian has Luofeng Fork, the difference in strength between the two is enough to make up for the gap between Lingbao.

The mysterious yellow cloud, golden radiance, possesses unpredictable power.

Maitreya Buddha Daluo Jinxian's peak cultivation base, the strength is strong, there is no doubt about the mother, at this moment, under the desperate efforts, thousands of miles of galaxy are swaying.

The river, which is intertwined with stars, swelled up with huge waves and swayed, as if it would collapse at any time.

"This is the spiritual treasure of the Empress of Heaven. It's a pity that I, Yang Jian, have a weak cultivation base, otherwise I will definitely let the Buddha drink hatred in it."

Seeing the collapse of the galaxy drawn by Luo Fengji, Yang Jian was indifferent, and immediately waved his hand and removed the empty starry sky.

At the same time, the light under his feet flew away, killing the remaining hundreds of Bodhisattvas and Buddhas.


The three-pointed, two-edged sword slashed and slashed, and the dazzling light of the sword illuminated the sky, killing several Bodhisattvas in an instant.

"So timid!" Maitreya Buddha was shocked and angry, his orchid fingers were raised, and there was a Buddha country in his palm.


The Buddha's kingdom was lifted into the sky, spinning on the city, and the invisible Buddha's light descended to take back those Bodhisattvas and Buddhas.

Daluo Jinxian cultivation base is too terrifying!

In the era when saints did not go out and quasi-sages lived in seclusion, they were the strongest in the whole world.

The mysterious energy of the Buddhist country is unmatched by no one. Seeing that those Bodhisattvas are about to be taken back, even Bai Ze can only watch.

"Come when you want, leave when you want, do you really think I, Kong Xuan, don't exist?"

In the sky, Kong Xuan pressed Kasyapa Buddha to fight. Seeing this scene, he immediately forced Kasyapa Buddha back, turned around and flew towards Maitreya Buddha.


Five divine lights, extremely bright, hang behind Kong Xuan's back, making him look majestic.

"What is this?" Maitreya Buddha didn't dare to be careless when he saw this, he stretched out his hand to catch all the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas in his hands.

Those Bodhisattvas and Buddhas who were spared have no sorrow or joy at this moment.

Yes, it was a shock that could not be concealed.


No one would have thought that the Taishan lineage was so strong that it really pushed over without showing any mercy.

"That is the five-color divine light, which is incomparable."

At this moment, Kasyapa Buddha was shocked, the lotus flower sitting cross-legged flashed, and he couldn't care about Linshui City at the moment, he just wanted to get out of here quickly.

You must know that he followed the saint at the beginning and had seen it at the Peach Banquet in Heaven.

Seeing Kong Xuan going mad at this moment, he was going to sacrifice five colors of divine light, and he immediately lost his mind to fight.

"Too late!"

Kong Xuan grinned, and five divine lights shot up into the sky behind him, like a long rainbow, spanning the entire city.

The five-color space is a realm of its own.

As long as Linshui City is shrouded, the Buddha cannot escape, let alone the Buddha country in the sky.

"Take and lead the gods, lead the Buddha."

Maitreya Buddha saw that the five-color space was about to cover himself, and it contained unpredictable fluctuations.


Immediately, the world shook.

From the Western Lingshan Mountain, a beam of Buddha light shot out at such a fast speed that everyone present could not react.

"This is the pavilion of God, stop him quickly!" Bai Ze knew the world's affairs and immediately reminded him when he saw this scene.

However, it was still a step behind.

The Buddha light ignored the distance in space and instantly came to the front of the two Buddha gods. As soon as the golden light circled, he wrapped the two of them and quickly flew towards the Western Lingshan.

You must know that this is the holy treasure, the treasure of the spiritual mountain, and it is extremely magical.

"Want to go? Stay with me."

Kong Xuanyang roared loudly, with black hair flying all over his head, and the five-colored light under his feet flew away, and he chased after him in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, he was like possessed by a god and demon, and endless colors came out through his body.


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