You must know that the dynasties in the world are just an excuse for the war of conferring gods.

After all, the most important thing is that the disciples of various religions fight, and whoever wins and who loses will determine the fate of the dynasty.

Master Tongtian was a little distressed, thought for a moment, and said, "It doesn't matter who you assist, since Chanjiao is assisting King Wen, you just have to sing the opposite. As for the rise and fall of the dynasty, you don't need to care, you just need to send more Chanjiao to the list. truth."

Everyone was shocked, and they seemed to understand the truth, and all of them were thoughtful.

"As for your chance, someone will come to invite you down the mountain. Whether you can get it or not depends on your ability."

After Tongtian Sect Master finished speaking, he waved his hand to dismiss the disciples.

When everyone was about to leave the temple gate, he said leisurely: "If Wudang Mountain is born, even if you join hands with them, don't hurt the harmony between the two families. As for the rest, it will be your own share for the teacher in the future."

When the voice fell, everyone was shocked.

But after thinking about it, I found something wrong. The disciples under Wudang Mountain are all ancestors of the human race, so how could they be born?

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace.

The original Tianzun sat on the cloud chuang, his eyes were clear, and he looked at the dozens of disciples below, and he was quite satisfied.

Chan Jiao wanted to pay attention to the disciples' birth and qualifications. Unlike the other sect, although they were known as Myriad Immortals, there were only a few who could fight.

However, it was a pity after the real person Huang Long was counted as life and death.

"Then Shen Gongbao is stupid. He thought that this seat would care, but he didn't know that it was the right thing for him to ask him to teach the disciples to go down the mountain."

The original Tianzun thought in his heart, but it was the same as Chanjiao, and he was also instructing his disciples.

Interpretation and Interception have been fighting for countless years, and he and Tongtian Sect Master have always been at odds with each other in order to fight for the authenticity of Pangu.

This battle of conferring gods just gave the saints an excuse, so there was the so-called immortal robbery.

As for the life and death of the disciples, most of them were cannon fodder, and the rest were favored by them, and arrangements were made early.

As a result, the disciples of the two sects were fully prepared, just waiting for the opportunity to invite them down the mountain.

Chengtang Jiangshan, Chaoge side.

King Zhou was inexplicably happy when he received the good news from the North Sea. For Su Hu, he immediately rewarded him with an additional official position, and made Su Hu the Duke of Zhongbo.

Moreover, the two major princes in the northwest have been anti-business, so they don't think it is too much.

However, when Wen Zhong's army marched into Chentang Pass, they encountered obstacles, and for half a year, there was no change.

"No, the northwest is a serious trouble for Cheng Tang's confidants. If there is a loss, you will definitely lose your luck."

Immediately, King Zhou couldn't sit still, and immediately flew up under his feet, heading towards the martial arts hall.

Coincidentally, the owner of the pavilion was still not there, and it was Daji who received King Zhou.

"Excuse me, Xian Gu, how should we decide the matter of Xiqi?"

How did Daji know about the general trend of the world? With a guilty conscience, she started talking nonsense.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, after Cheng Tang Qiyun passed away, there will be strangers coming to help you soon, just go back to the palace and wait for the news."

These words really fooled King Zhou.

But what is incredible is that a few days later, a group of aliens really went to the palace, expressing that they would go to Xiqi to help Taishi Wen.

Chapter [-] The Twelve Immortals of Meishan!

This news shocked Daji directly. I didn't expect that she would say it casually, but it would come true, she was shocked and scared.

However, she wanted to ask clearly, but Li Zhenwu fell silent again, ignoring the past.

And King Zhou was naturally happy when a stranger came, and with a big wave of his hand, he approved it, and rewarded high officials with a lot of money.

Chentangguan, the camp of the imperial army.

At this moment, everyone's faces were full of joy, and the excitement in their eyes could not be concealed.

"The Thirteen Immortals of Meishan? Wen Zhong has admired his name for a long time, and heard that Taoist Yuan Hong has infinite divine power. He can lift a mountain with one arm, and he is even more capable of that mysterious and unpredictable technique of change. It's really amazing!"

In the tent of the Central Army, Wen Zhong sat in the commanding seat, looked at the first person below, and said with emotion.

He never expected that after Shen Gongbao left, he really found a helper, which was really a surprise.

You must know that the way Yuan Hong cultivates is unpredictable, it is a loose cultivator, and I don't know where to learn it from an expert. Ordinary golden immortals are hard to resist.

This time, Shen Gongbao actually invited thirteen people. This credit is really unimaginable.

"Wen Taishi laughs. Although Yuan Hong is from the mountains, he has also heard the name of Taishi for a long time. Under the sage, he ranks first in the court's civil and military affairs. He is really enviable." Yuan Hong said, his expression was full of confidence.

Although he is not under the sage's sect, the way he cultivates is unique. When he fights, he will not be afraid of the sage's sect.

"You don't have to tout each other, so let's discuss it first, how to break the Chentang Pass, so that the army can enter Xiqi." Shen Gongbao laughed. He hasn't forgotten the task, so he even changed the subject.

When it came to the main topic, everyone suddenly looked solemn, and their eyes filled with fighting intent.

"Everything obeys the instructions of the Grand Master." The Thirteen Immortals of Meishan all stood up and said.

They all have no sect, and the thirteen people are divided into seven saints and six monsters. Among them, Yuan Hong is the head of the seven saints.

"Okay, Wen Zhong, you're welcome." Wen Zhong looked solemn, turned to look at Yuan Hong, and continued, "I heard that Taoist Yuan Hong's transformation technique is very good, I wonder if it can be used to show this Taishi? "

Yuan Hong was a little entangled, but still said: "It's okay, the technique I cultivate is to strengthen my body, so it is also excellent when it comes to changes."

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