This time, the court's offensive was so fast that Li Jing, the guardian of Chentang Guan, did not react.

The city wall collapsed, and the soldiers defending the city were able to withstand it with all their might. From the looks of it, it didn't take long before the entire army was defeated.

In particular, Yuan Hong, who was an ancient witch, also practiced the strange way of God's passage, which was really powerful.

"Li Jing, the Li family in Chentangguan has been loyal from generation to generation, but when it comes to your generation, it has ruined its loyalty and deserved to be killed."

In front of the army, Wen Zhong sat on the ink unicorn, and immediately waved the double dragon whip in his hand, urging the sitting beast to step forward, and cut Li Jing halfway.

"Yes, to bury the loyalty of the Li family for generations, this son should be killed!"

Shen Gongbao also stepped forward, standing side by side with Wen Zhong, carrying a steel sword, and said murderously.

This scene, everyone knows, is to kill the Li family father and son.

"Bold, I'm waiting for the disciples of the sages of Chanjiao..." When the disciples of Chanjiao saw this, they were shocked and angry, and also flew over.

"Bah, what about the saints? If you have a bad temperament, you still can't change the arrogant and domineering nature."

Before the other party could finish speaking, Shen Gongbao interrupted with a wave of his hand, holding a sword, and went straight to kill Li Jing.

Wen Zhong didn't talk nonsense when he saw this, a double dragon whip was extremely awe-inspiring.

"Ah..." Li Jing was furious, the pagoda in his hand emitting a hazy golden light, resisting their attacks.

As for the disciples, Yuan Hong naturally greeted them.

"Haha, I've heard for a long time that Chan's sect has amazing powers. Today, Yuan Hong, the Thirteen Immortals of Meishan, is trying to learn." Yuan Hong is very strong.

For a time, the sky above Chentangguan, the fairy light burst out, the flames filled the sky, the dark clouds weighed the top, and the spirit was gorgeous to the extreme.

Immortals and gods, the ordinary army of mortals, immediately retreated, and the siege was temporarily put down.

The eyes of millions of people are all staring at the sky, and the three battle groups are indistinguishable.

"I'm careful!"

Faced with the siege of Shen Gongbao and Wen Zhong, Li Jing was so anxious that he could only resist desperately with the Linglong Pagoda, not forgetting to remind Nezha in the distance.

The Linglong Pagoda was bestowed by Daoist Burning Deng, and in order to fight against business and help Zhou, it was worth the cost.

Although Li Jing didn't have any magic power, he couldn't stop the power of the pagoda. The golden light flashed and all attacks were blocked.


In the distance, Nezha danced the fire-pointed spear in his hand. Hearing Li Jing's call, the tip of his nose was sore, and he almost cried.

You know, he was born rebellious, and he was even more dissatisfied with Li Jing's corrupt Confucianism.

At this moment, seeing that his father was still thinking about himself at a critical moment, he was instantly grateful and he started even stronger.

"Don't worry, father, a few thieves can't help but have children."

Nezha roared in the sky and blocked the attack of the crowd with the scorpion, and then retreated.

The next moment, under the horrified eyes of everyone, he was using the three-headed six-armed thaumaturgy, facing three directions, each holding a magic weapon.

"Don't you think that the little thieves think that Grandpa Nezha is easy to bully, and will send you to the list together today."

Facing the siege of the Twelve Immortals of Meishan and the two brothers of the Mo family, Nezha was also angry, and immediately tried his best to press them to fight.

In an instant, the tide of battle turned around.

Nezha was extremely powerful. Facing the siege of the crowd, he seemed to be at ease, and from time to time he would spit flames to fight back.

As expected of the birthright, he was born to be a powerful cultivator.

Moreover, he was covered with treasures, and it was really not easy to kill him. More than ten people were besieged, and he gradually became disadvantaged.

"Chan teach children, let Grandpa Yuan Hong teach you how to behave."

On the other side, Yuan Hong was extremely powerful. Holding a long iron stick, he pressed a few disciples to fight. He was extremely fierce.

Rao had seen his strength, and everyone present couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Quickly form a formation for me, clean up this fellow Nezha, don't waste any more time." Yuan Hong shouted loudly, and swept away several disciples of Chanjiao with a stick.

In the distance, the twelve immortals of Meishan were shocked when they heard it, and the offensive in their hands gradually changed.

Twelve of them, with mysterious steps, walking in unpredictable positions, concentrated all the attacks, condensed them to one point, and their strength was terrifying.

As soon as this burst came out, the situation on the field suddenly changed.

"Haha, Nezha child, you have three heads and six arms. Do you think that we, the thirteen immortals of Meishan, have no means of pressing the bottom of the box?" prevailed...

However, Nezha's three heads and six arms are indeed strong, and his body is full of treasures. It is difficult to tell the winner for a while.

"Nezha, my son, you have to hold on! I think the Prime Minister has received news and will come to support from time to time." Li Jing anxiously bled with cold sweat.

There are three sons under his family. Jin Zha and Mu Zha both studied Taoism at Wenshu Guangfa Tianzun in Yunxiao Cave of Wulong Mountain. Nezha was the only one who stayed by his side.

Although this son is rebellious, Li Jing is his favorite. After all, he was born in a primordial fetus, and he will definitely have a bright future in the future.

But now, the father and son fell under the siege of the imperial army, and under the grief and anger, they moved the true feelings.

"Dad, don't worry, these little thieves are my son's opponents there, and let me send a few of them to the list." Seeing that Li Jing was unable to protect himself, Nezha cared so much about himself, his heart moved, and he immediately tried to save his defeat.


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