
In the center of the island, in the remaining nine immortal mountains, each burst out a dazzling light, and when the splendid light dissipated, nine Taoists with different expressions appeared in the sky.

It was the other nine Heavenly Monarchs.

"I've seen fellow Daoist Shen!"

"Fellow Daoists don't need to see outsiders, we are originally a family, and this time to help Zhou, we still need to use Dafa to help us."

Shen Gongbao handed over his hands, his expression was a little anxious, and he couldn't hide it at all.

"This matter couldn't be simpler, the master taught me and other Taoist methods in person. If the Ten Heavenly Sovereign Arrays are set up, all difficulties can be solved with ease. Once this formation comes out, the people who explain the teachings must all be on the list of gods. Suffer." Zhang Tianjun slapped the red gourd on his waist and said confidently.

"It's good to say, since you have already made plans, then follow me down the mountain immediately. The situation is urgent at this moment, and if it is too late, I am afraid that the soup will not be guaranteed." Shen Gongbao said with his hands.

"Let's go together." Ten Tianjun smiled confidently.

At the moment, Shen Gongbao brought the rescued soldiers he invited and kept moving towards Chentang Pass, burning away.

The only thing that is gratifying is that Li Zhenwu took him to teleport, which saved half the time.

When they returned to Chentang Pass, it was late at night, and the Xiqi army was still on the way, and the battle had not yet started.

Chapter [-] Strong duel!

Chentangguan, the Li family residence.

At this moment, everyone's emotions were high, and the generals were all smiling, and there was also the head of the Thirteen Immortals of Meishan, so Yuan Hong felt relieved.

"With your help this time, even if there are more people who teach and teach, they will only be on the list." Wen Zhong sat in the commanding seat and looked at the people below. The haze of the arrival of the Xiqi army was instantly swept away.

The Thirteen Immortals of Meishan, the Ten Supreme Heavenly Monarchs, they are not strong individually, but together, even if the Golden Immortal arrives, they can handle it.

And the teaching, the highest status and strength, are the twelve golden immortals.

However, the level of Jinxian's strength is much stronger than that of Western religions.

"Don't worry, Taishi, when we set up a great formation, we will definitely let the Xiqi army not go any further." Qin Tianjun was very confident.

"That's right, explaining to teach children, no matter how much you come, it's just for the purpose of making the list." Zhao Tianjun smiled lightly.

The Ten Absolute Heavenly Army is a human race. Their cultivation base is not strong, but they are better than the formations they master.

If it is set up properly, the ordinary Daluo Jinxian will drink hatred in it.

"Okay, it takes time for Tianjun to set up the formation. As for reminiscing about the past, I hope everyone will talk about it when the victory is over." Wen Zhongfuxu said with a smile, full of confidence in tomorrow's battle.

You must know that the morale of the imperial army at this moment has reached an unprecedented level.

If the war is won tomorrow, Xiqi will no longer be a threat, and Jichang of the Western Zhou Dynasty can be destroyed with one hand.

"Then I'll say goodbye first. When the formation is completed, I'll have a happy discussion with you."

Qin Tianjun took the rest of the nine Tianjun to leave, and everyone did not dare to disturb.

Soon, they came to the back of Chentangguan, where the school field was very large, which was just suitable for the arrangement of the Ten Absolute Heavenly Monarch Formation.

At this time, Li Jing's mansion.

The crowd had dispersed, and only Yuan Hong, Shen Gongbao and Wen Zhong remained.

"General Yuan, I will not hide it, but the supernatural powers you display are a bit like the way of a benefactor. I don't know who passed on your supernatural powers. Can you tell me?" Shen Gongbao asked.

When Chentangguan attacked the city, both of them could see clearly the means that Yuan Hong was using.

At this point, the worry was gone, so I naturally asked, wanting to know the connection, for fear of a misunderstanding.

However, Yuan Hong shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "It's not that I didn't say anything, but I really don't know that the big brother who was a foreigner just disappeared after he taught me a skill."

Having said this, he paused for a while and continued: "However, Big Brother Yiren is instructing me to practice diligently. It won't take long before someone will come and invite me to wait for me to leave the mountain."

Hearing this, Shen Gongbao and Wen Zhong looked at each other, and both could see the shock in the other's heart.

In fact, even if Yuan Hong didn't know it, the two of them were under the sage's sect and had a lot of knowledge, especially Shen Gongbao, who had already guessed it in his heart.

Yuan Hong, as a shaman, was originally a restless soul, so he couldn't use the Divine Passage Technique, but he was able to perform it in a brief introduction.

In fact, it is not the real divine channel method, but a unique method, in this world, only that person can create.

Of course, this is just their speculation, after all, there is no evidence.


In the early morning of the next day, on the wall of Chentangguan, flags fluttered in the wind, and the soldiers were extremely strict.

Before the pass, the drums of war were sounded, and the millions of troops in Xiqi were ready to fight.

"Wen Zhong, with just one of your mere three generations of disciples, you still want to destroy the Western Zhou Dynasty. Today is your death."

However, in the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty, a thin Taoist piloted auspicious clouds, flew into the air, pointed at Wen Zhong and laughed.

Behind the Taoist, Jin Zha and Mu Zha looked cold and stern, wishing they could immediately take action and kill everyone in the city.

"King Zhou is ignorant..." Under the city wall, Ji Chang still repeated his old tune, and he talked at length, nothing more than the nonsense of King Zhou and Daxing of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

This time, Wen Zhong and others did not refute, but stood patiently and quietly on the city wall, their eyes indifferent to the extreme.

When Ji Chang finished speaking, no one in the imperial army made a sound...

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