"If your tongue blooms with lotus flowers, I will send you to the list today, don't delay the time."

The next moment, the divine light on his forehead bloomed, he held a three-pointed two-edged sword, and with a flick of his body, he rushed out.


For a time, the wind and thunder rolled, and the shadows of the swords in the sky were densely packed, surrounded by terrifying wind and thunder, shrouded in the direction of the White Elephant Arhat.

Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques are the secrets of interpreting teachings, and it is not easy to succeed in cultivation.

Influenced by the concept of the way of true martial arts, Yang Jian at this moment, the body refinement should be the strongest in the Three Realms.

With this knife down, he has the unpredictable power of calling for wind and rain, as if Pangu opened the sky, and the light of the knife is dazzling and dazzling.

"You're so daring, it's you who cheated by turning forward!"

Seeing that Yang Jian was so brave, the white elephant Luohan was so frightened that he moved his mount and quickly retreated.

The white elephant was a full ten feet high, as if walking on a hill, with every step it fell, the ground vibrated violently, denting footprints one by one.


The moment the white elephant withdrew, the original ground of Arhat burst open, revealing a hundred-zhang-wide knife mark that was bottomless.

So terrifying, this son's power is no less than mine!

Seeing this scene, White Elephant Arhat was slightly startled, but he didn't dare to be careless.

"Little Yang Jian, do you dare to fight me upright? If it wasn't for the Buddha's fear of cheating, he would have sent you to the list."

Steady the mount, the white elephant Arhat flicked his long earlobes, his face full of contempt and shouting.

"You and the West are really noisy people, they are upright and bright, what can you do to me? Can't you really think that you are the savior of the world by reciting that crooked scriptures all day long?"

Yang Jian laughed angrily, this bald donkey with a fat head and big ears can really quibble, and it really makes people angry.

The voice fell, and he flew up, followed by the roaring dog, and the momentum was extremely flaming.


When White Elephant Arhat saw this, he didn't dare to be careless, and immediately activated the secret technique, with a relic suspended above his head.

This is not an ordinary relic, but it is tempered by the secret method of Bodhi. The mortal body is used as the magic weapon of the source, and the defense and attack are very good.

After all, Luohan has a Buddhist golden body, and many Buddhist masters have taken off their stinky sacks.

"Go, let this Huangkou child see my Buddhist Dafa." The white elephant Luohan patted the treasured elephant under his seat, and immediately soared into the clouds, flew into the sky, and fought with Yang Jian.


The loud noise erupted, and the light was bright, as dazzling as the sun.

The White Elephant Arhat is really powerful, and the Vajra Chan Staff resisted Yang Jian's three-pointed, two-edged sword. As for the roaring dog's attack, it was blocked by the relic's Bodhi azure light.

For a time, the two could not help each other.

"Buddha has extraordinary achievements, how can you tolerate your arrogance, if you know how powerful it is, quickly surrender with your weapons, and you will have to do that futile fight again."

I have to say that this White Elephant Arhat is indeed arrogant, and he did not forget to speak sarcastically during the fight.

Not to mention Yang Jian, even everyone in the army camp heard about Kong Xuan, their eyes twitched, and they wanted to rush out and strangle him.

"Wu that bald donkey, don't make any more noise, watch me break your relic." Yang Jian was furious, and the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand became even more violent.

Every time the knife fell, the void trembled, and the Buddha's light in the sky was split apart, terrifying to the extreme.

The White Elephant Arhat was busy parrying with his Zen staff, and the sound of Jin Ge could not stop, and he fell down with a knife, making the treasure elephant under his seat unbearable, and soon screamed in grief.

"Good boy, with such strength, you can't get around you. Today, I will send you to the list and make a great contribution to the Buddha."

As the voice fell, the white elephant Luohan took a sharp breath, and his body suddenly turned into a ball of [-] feet, suspended in the void.

The golden skin is as tough as metal, and it can withstand Yang Jian's attack abruptly.


Next to it, the roaring dog's hair exploded, the silk-like hair, with black light flowing, burst out with a strong murderous intention.

Just when it wanted to wait for the opportunity to sneak attack, the white elephant, the mount of the Arhat, was quite spiritual, and immediately stepped forward and rammed towards the roaring dog.


For a time, the two beasts were fighting for hegemony, and the feature space was rioting.

The white elephant was covered with snow, like a jade carving, with a faint aura flowing through the whole body, and a pair of golden eyes, shining brightly, very magical.

This is the auspicious beast of Buddhism. It can understand human speech and has Buddha nature at birth, which is very rare.

Chapter [-] Kasyapa Buddha shot!

"How about the boy? The Buddha has Dafa, and even the mount under him is a rare treasure. How can your watchdog be comparable."

The white elephant Luohan is like a ball, and the relic above his head emits a hazy blue light, covering his body.

At this moment, he can be described as invulnerable to swords and guns, invulnerable to fire and water, and can still speak sarcastically, and is really arrogant to the extreme.


The roaring dog in the distance heard that he was likened to a watchdog, roared violently, opened his bloody mouth, and spewed out infinite fairy light.

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