"Karma fire, invisible, can baptize cause and effect, I don't know the Buddha-nature in my heart, can I get rid of it together?"

Thinking of doing it, he immediately guided his karmic fire towards the dazzling Buddha light.

When the two came into contact, a grand will suddenly erupted.


Kong Xuan only felt that the senses of the body disappeared in an instant, and the soul was washed away by waves, reaching unprecedented purity.

There is no pain, there is, just a relief of peace of mind.

In the end, the karmic fire dissipates, the Buddha's light is annihilated, and what remains is only the pure and ultimate soul.

At this moment, he is Kong Xuan, without the slightest Buddha nature, but the sublimation of self.

At the same time, the Bodhi Great Array outside was shaking, and there was no sign of stopping.

At this time, Buddha Kasyapa realized that something was wrong, and when his mind moved, he stretched out his hand and wanted to pick up the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree hanging high in the sky.

"Kashyapa, your time of death is here today."

However, Kasyapa Buddha hadn't acted yet, only to see the blue light around him, receding like a tide, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The mountains and rivers remain the same, and the yellow sand fills the sky.

In the distance, Kong Xuan fluttered in a Taoist robe, his expression was cold and severe, his eyes flashed like lightning, exuding a terrifying aura.

"Quasi-Saint Realm?"

Kasyapa Buddha exclaimed in surprise, and the hand holding the Seven Treasures Miaoshu trembled slightly.

Never thought it would be less than half an hour.

Kong Xuan, who fell into the reincarnation of the three thousand worlds, has broken out of the formation, and has also broken through the original realm, achieving the position of quasi-sage.

How terrifying this is!

"Retreat with everyone immediately, otherwise don't blame me, Kong Xuan, for being ruthless."

The mottled Taoist robe moved without wind, Kong Xuan carried his hands on his back, his eyes were indifferent, and his attitude was extremely arrogant.

The Peacock family was born noble, and came out with Buddha-nature.

But at this moment, he is Kong Xuan, without the Buddha nature, the murderous aura almost shocked the Kasyapa Buddha.

"My Buddha is merciful. Beihai is the place of faith taught by the ancestors. Whether they can retreat, we can only ask the ancestors."

Buddha Kasyapa pondered for a while and said slowly.

Facing the sage, he didn't have the slightest fighting intent, but he didn't dare to retreat, so he could only throw the big Buddha, the sage, to deter him.

"Wait for three breaths, if you don't retreat, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless."

The five-color divine light behind Kong Xuan was dazzling, the light was dense, and it was like a transpiration of mist, which contained a powerful coercion.

The five-color innate divine light can be united to become the five-color innate killing formation space.

At this moment, even if Kasyapa Buddha has the magic weapon of a saint, he does not dare to fight head-on. What a terrifying strength.

Buddha Kasyapa gritted his teeth and sang the Buddha's horn, his face was so extreme.


But Kong Xuan stopped talking nonsense, and the voice sounded like the sickle of the god of death, hanging on the heads of Kasyapa Buddha and the masters of the many spiritual mountains in Juye City.

"Fellow Daoist Kong Xuan, can you give me a day to ask the ancestors to teach me at Lingshan..."

Kasyapa Buddha still wanted to delay time, Kong Xuan closed his eyes, the divine light blooming on his body became more and more splendid, and the reflected world was colorful.


Very strong, without showing any sympathy.

But the bitterness in his heart, only Kong Xuan himself knew, such ferocity was just a helpless act.

"Anita Buddha, since the donor is so persistent, then I will leave!"

Kasyapa Buddha was helpless and could only fly back to Juye City. With a big wave of his hand, all the novice and Bodhisattvas were taken in under the shroud of the Buddhist kingdom.

Looking at Beihai, who had been established for many years, he hated in his heart, but when he felt Kong Xuan's strong attitude, he could only sigh.


At this moment, the originally quiet Seven Treasures Tree suddenly bloomed with splendid light, as dazzling as the sun, and flew out of the hands of Buddha Kasyapa in an instant.

"This is..." Kasyapa Buddha was shocked and couldn't react at all.

I saw the splendid Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, like a stream of light, flew to Kong Xuan in a moment and slammed into it.

"The thief is nasty... poof!"

The moment before being hit, Kong Xuan hurriedly protected his body with five colors of divine light, but he was still knocked flying, smashing down several big mountains, and the rumbling sound shot into the sky.

This change was so sudden!

Not to mention Kong Xuan, even Kasyapa Buddha, who has been holding the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, never thought about it.

The northern expedition barracks in the distance, from the cheers at the beginning to the dead silence now, can almost hear needles falling.

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