But even in a state of emptiness, Li Zhenwu could sense that next to Shimura Danzo's breath, there were several other powerful ninja breaths, exceeding the strength of Chunin.

Li Zhenwu advanced, went deep into the underground base, and came to a gate.

He paused for a moment, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Is this the last line of defense?"

At this moment, he and Shimura Danzo are very close, and the gap between them is only separated by this gate.

Li Zhenwu didn't act rashly. Although he was powerful, he still had to pay attention to the ambush inside.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu stood in front of the door, instead of breaking in directly, he raised his hands.

"Turtle School Qigong Wave!"

A large turtle-style qigong wave traveled in Li Zhenwu's hands. Although this turtle-style qigong wave was large, its color balance was also sparse. This was deliberately controlled by Li Zhenwu.

Although it can condense into a small group and has a strong penetration and destructive power, but at this moment under Li Zhenwu's deliberate control, the size of the turtle qigong has been enlarged, and the destructive power and penetration power have also weakened a lot...

However, the current change has also changed from the original point to the current situation.

If such a turtle qigong wave is against the enemy, it may be weak, but it is suitable for bombarding a gate.

The white-blue turtle-style qigong wave came out of his hands, dragged the tail of a meteor, and bombarded the gate fiercely.

The door is metal, which is very balanced.Li Zhenwu's turtle qigong wave didn't run through this gate, but it made the gate slam into it!

Turtle School Qigong wave's face had a big impact, which directly broke the link of the gate!

"Bang!!!" The door fell to the ground, and the movement was dull and not small at all.

When the smoke and dust dissipated after the gate fell to the ground, Li Zhenwu could see everything inside, and also saw Shimura Danzo.

At this time, the venue of a huge prototype is like a football square, and the whole body is not too dark, but a little dim, making it difficult to believe that it is located many meters deep underground.

In this underground plaza, Shimura Danzo is on the other side of the plaza, facing Li Zhenwu from a distance, and ten times, there are a few ninjas standing on the edge, and it becomes a big circle faintly, leaving the middle out. , is also surrounded.

"I didn't expect that you would really dare to come here with 2.7." Shimura Dan hid on the other side, sneering at this time, Yin Wu no longer concealed it.

"You really like staying underground, so I'll send you to hell later." Li Zhenwu confronted him tit for tat.

"Hahaha." Shimura Danzo suddenly laughed wildly, very wanton: "Then come on, see if you, a Konoha monster, a disciple of Sarutobi, can beat me, who is in the same division as Sarutobi. Elder Konoha."

Li Zhenwu narrowed his eyes slightly, "You are tempting me to go there."

With that said, Li Zhenwu looked at the ninjas around him, and suddenly sneered: "Let me guess, the positions of these ninjas, where you are, and the intention to use words to let me go, should be Prepare something for me."

Chapter [-] Against the Battle Group! (third more)

After Li Zhenwu said this, seeing Shimura Danzo's speechless expression, he knew that he was right without reading his mind.

So Li Zhenwu didn't move for a while, but carefully looked at the positions of several ninjas and Shimura Danzo's movements.

With Li Zhenwu's strength, and other people don't know about his transformation, there is still a limit, so if Shimura Danzo is really ready for the present, and is confident that he can take Li Zhenwu, then it is a trap at this moment. , it must be no small matter...

Therefore, Li Zhenwu was very confident in himself at the moment, but he did not underestimate the enemy.

As he looked, Li Zhenwu discovered that on the ground, there were lines that were not very obvious, but seemed to be intertwined with blood.

"Is this the so-called trap?" Li Zhenwu doubted, and then asked directly: "Old Man Danzang, is this unknown on the ground the trap you prepared for me?"

Without waiting for Shimura Danzo's answer, Li Zhenwu directly launched his 'primary mind-reading 21 technique', and then got the answer.

Then Li Zhenwu smiled: "You don't think that if a trap is placed on the ground, I will walk past it stupidly, or do you think I dare not go there?"

"Hmph, if you dare to come here, just let your horses come over." Shimura Danzo was disdainful, and he was still irritating Li Zhenwu with his words, trying to trick Li Zhenwu with aggressive tactics.

"Then I'll kill you." Li Zhenwu sneered, and then.

He lifted his feet off the ground lightly and flew up...flying up...

Shimura Danzo was stunned and looked at him in shock. Since his feet were lifted off the ground, there was no Zhenwu who fell, so let alone the horror in his heart.

"You, you can actually fly!"

Shimura Danzo is unbelievable, flying!Relying on their own strength to fly freely, since ancient times, what ninja has such ability?

"Is there a difference? I'm going to send you to hell as you wish."

After Li Zhenwu finished speaking, he had already moved, and he was still divided into two movements. When the whole person was about to fly over, his body shook slightly, and he cast an afterimage fist, which separated an afterimage and fell to the ground.

This afterimage had just landed, and suddenly, the ground shone brightly.

At the same time, the afterimage also dissipated like smoke. Li Zhenwu, who was flying in the air with the air dance, lowered his head and glanced slightly. The figure in the air suddenly accelerated, and in a blink of an eye, he had already rushed to Shimura Danzo's side.

"Look at the fist!"

While the man was still in the air, Li Zhenwu had already clenched his fists, and with the force of the impact in the air, he slammed it out with a ruthless punch.


At the moment when Li Zhenwu flew up, Shimura Dan had already made preparations after being horrified.

Therefore, even though Li Zhenwu's flight speed was imminent, he was able to escape.

"Bang!" The original Shimura Danzo's voice was small, and Li Zhenwu's punch, with the impact of flying, reached the empty space.

The key is that behind the Shimura Danzo Station, there is a wall directly.

Li Zhenwu's body hadn't stopped yet, so his fist hit the wall directly behind him.

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