This is the idea of ​​Yang Jian and Bai Ze, as well as Kong Xuan's idea, so he asked in a cold voice without fear.

"No, the Martial Daoist acted like this, it reminded me of an old friend, so I made a move at will to test the truth." Zhunti said calmly: "It's you who have a predestined relationship with my Buddha, why do you want to annihilate the heart in your heart? Buddha-nature, and take the extreme path?"

Speaking of Kong Xuan's Buddha-nature, Zhunti seemed rather regretful, shaking his head slightly, it seemed a pity.

"What is the Buddha-nature, I am Kong Xuan. Since the Buddha-nature has been annihilated, there is no need to mention it again." Kong Xuan said coldly, but he was secretly alert, and his spirit was very nervous.

"Fate is fate. Regardless of Buddha-nature or not, you, Kong Xuan, have a relationship with me in the West. Lingshan still has the honor of King Ming, but it is suitable for you. If you don't obediently convert to my Buddha at this time, don't ask That's a pointless obsession."

The Daoist Zhunti didn't care about Kong Xuan's attitude, and said directly: "If you follow my teaching, then the position of the Lord of Theravada Buddhism will be predestined for you."

I have to say that the position of the leader of Theravada Buddhism is indeed very attractive.

If it were other Jinxian, or Daluo Jinxian, it would definitely be impossible to resist.

But for the quasi-sage, it is still not enough.

"Zhunti, don't lie to me, Kong Xuan, as a person from Mount Tai, would rather die than apostate." Kong Xuan was furious when he heard the words, pointed at Zhunti and cursed: "The general trend of the world is originally a smooth transition, but you Wait for the sage to do nothing and fight for luck in that door, which will lead to the death of the calamity."

"Although I, Kong Xuan, are not a human race, I will not be shameless. I use all spirits as chess pieces, as a tool to snatch luck!"

At this moment, the Buddha-nature was annihilated, and in the face of the saint, Kong Xuan had ignored it, just wanted to vent the resentment that had accumulated in his heart for countless years.

His resentment is the resentment that he has been treated by God since he was born.

If it wasn't for Li Zhenwu's adoption, he would have to suffer for thousands of years, just for the honor of King Peacock Ming in the future, after all, he has a relationship with the West.

All cause and effect cannot be changed.

This is the sage's inaction. In their hearts, regardless of the cause and effect, even if the direct disciple of the sect is on the list, they will not take a second look.

"You want to cross me? Hugh is delusional." Kong Xuan clenched his fists tightly, his attitude was truly amazing.

"Do you really think I dare to kill you? Under the conferred gods, if you can't attain bliss, you can only turn into ashes." The Daoist Zhunti narrowed his eyes and issued an ultimatum.

"wishful thinking."

However, there are only four words to answer the quasi-daoist.

The voice fell, and the atmosphere in the field was extremely depressed.

Seeing Kong Xuan's rudeness again and again, Zhun Ti wanted to be willing to accept him as a disciple, but now he was ripped off, and after all, he was very angry.

"Since that's the case, let's see the ants see clearly, the saint is majestic, and those who touch it die!"

The last four words, Zhun Ti's tone, gradually cooled down.

"This is not a place to fight, you can come with me and have a fight in that desolate place."

Kong Xuan spoke proudly, and with a flash of light under his feet, he flew towards the East China Sea.

Chapter [-] Innate Five-color Clone!

In the land of the North Sea, it seemed that a major earthquake had occurred. Whether it was the Northern Expedition Army or Yuan Futong's rebels, they were all shocked beyond measure.

Kong Xuan challenged the saint?

The voice that resounded through the sky just now was Kong Xuan's declaration of war on the saint.

This scene is so awesome!

Except Li Zhenwu, who was an outlier in the wild, it can be said to be the first encounter in the world, and it is quite explosive.

"Master Su, don't attack at this time, - when will you wait?"

Bai Ze suddenly reacted, and immediately opened his mouth and reminded loudly.

Hearing this, everyone woke up with a start, their blood was boiling, and the morale soared to an unprecedented height.

In order to avoid the army, Kong Xuan took the initiative to ask Ying to divert your sage means, just to let the army quell the rebels in one fell swoop.

"All the generals obey the order and kill the enemy with me."

Su Hu didn't have time to put on his clothes, so he directly pulled out the sword from his waist, pointed it towards Juyecheng, then got on his horse and rushed out first.

At this time, the Buddhist masters of Lingshan have already left.

There were only a few princes in Yuan Futong, and the fear in their hearts could not be suppressed, and they kept surging upwards.


At this moment, the earth shook, and at the end of the sky, there was a dull sound of drumming.

I saw the yellow sand swept across the sky, and the imperial army of hundreds of thousands came in a turbulent manner.

Yang Jian stepped on the golden light, and flew in front of the roaring dog, his forehead eyes opened, and a radiant light erupted.

"Soldiers, victory or defeat is here, don't let the rebels have another chance."

Su Quanzhong took the lead, holding two swords with determination on his face.

The good man couldn't help but tear up his eyes at this moment. Regarding Kong Xuan's actions, as a disciple, only by quelling the rebellion can he be relieved of the regret in his heart.

This scene is too terrifying, and Yang Jian's bravery is still vivid in his mind.

Without the Buddha, they would face the imperial army like turkeys and dogs, and they would be vulnerable to a single blow.

Soon, the army rushed in, the tall city wall was split open by Yang Jian, and hundreds of thousands of troops rushed in from the gap.

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