A burst of hurried footsteps came, and the flag soldier looked flustered and crawled in.


Lingqi soldier stammered, unable to say a word, obviously frightened.

"Haha, I already know that it must be Uncle Grandmaster who is here. Please go out with me to meet you."

Wen Zhong waved his hand vigorously, and his previous worries were instantly swept away.

Immediately, hundreds of people from the imperial court marched out of the former Li family mansion.

When they left the mansion and looked up, Rao was already mentally prepared, and he was still shocked.

I saw that above the sky, all kinds of auspicious clouds were suspended and densely packed.

Headed by Daoist Duobao, followed by more than ten Jinxian powerhouses, many of whom had late-stage cultivation of Daluo Jinxian, and the powerful ones were a mess.

Although Wanxian's breath is restrained, just standing there makes the mortals in the city have the urge to worship.


Just when everyone was shocked, a voiceless voice came from the cloud.

Wen Zhong was stunned, his seemingly cloudy eyes suddenly left two lines of clear tears, and he knelt down with a bang, crying heart-breakingly.


His forehead touched the ground, and his voice was hoarse, as if he had used all his strength to speak.

This scene is very moving.

Chapter [-] Our Lady of the Golden Spirit!

After cultivating Taoism for decades, the mana should have been strong, but he was no match for the afflictions of the mortal.

Generally speaking, all practitioners of Taoism can keep their appearance forever, and they will never grow old.

But Wen Zhong is an exception. At this moment, his facial features are aging, and he looks like he is in his sixties or seventies. He can't resist the wrinkles on his face when he intercepts Dafa teaching.

Above the clouds, the Virgin of the Golden Spirit looks like a girl, with a thin gauze skirt, hair like a waterfall, and skin as white as jade. Compared with Wen Zhong, this disciple, it is simply two extremes.

"It's hard to hear about Senior Nephew Zhong."

Daoist Duobao sighed and brought Wanxian down to the auspicious clouds, his face full of emotion.

"Wen Zhong, my disciple, please hurry up. I'm here for the teacher, and I will definitely seek justice for you." The Virgin of the Golden Spirit clenched her silver teeth and waved a mana to hold Wen Zhong up in the air.

Anyone who sees their own disciples like this will be furious.

"Don't worry, Junior Sister, Chan Jiao is mostly an arrogant person, and Senior Nephew Wen Zhong has reached his limit if he can resist the madman here." Daoist Duobao said softly.

At this moment, the leader of Tongtian sat down and headed by the four direct disciples, and came with the interception of all immortals, which was shocking.

"Yes, it is said that Guangchengzi is addicted to killing and ruthless, explaining the teaching of the twelve golden immortals, and he has gained a false reputation. They are all hypocrites. Since I am here, I will ask them to pay the price." The Virgin of Wudang said coldly.

"In this case, it is the truth to immediately send those children to the list, so as to seek justice for Wen Zhong." Our Lady of Turtle Spirit's pretty face was cold, and she also felt indignant.

"I want to intercept and teach the dead disciple."

Intercepting the teaching people, they all opened their mouths, and it was simply a turbulent crowd.

You must know that decades have passed since the consecration of the gods, and because of the internal problems of intercepting the sect, it has been suppressed and beaten by the sect.

"Everyone's words are reasonable, and I will go out to teach the children for a while." Daoist Duobao smiled lightly.

At the moment, the gate of Chentangguan opened, and the crowd rushed out in a mighty manner.

Some of the third-generation disciples who were originally in the military camp also followed their respective divisions and came out.

"Where is the child Chan? Your grandfather is here, come out quickly and die."

In the crowd, a major general looked arrogant, pointed at the Xiqi Camp, and said loudly.

As soon as the words fell, the Xiqi army was blown up, and all the soldiers left the camp one after another, carrying spiritual treasures, and wanted to see that it was the blind guy.

But after a closer look, those Xiqi generals suddenly turned pale and quickly backed away.

I saw Chentang Pass, densely packed, with countless masters of interception standing, each of them exuding a gleaming light and a long breath, and at a glance, I knew that they were masters of the Tao.

In the tent of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Guangchengzi and other eleven golden immortals were discussing how to kill the reinforcements who intercepted the teaching.

Suddenly, a messenger rolled and crawled and ran in with a panicked look.

"Your Majesty is not good, all immortal masters are not good, many immortals have come to Chentangguan, and they threatened to smash my Western Zhou military camp..."

The voice fell, and the warm atmosphere in the tent cooled down instantly.

Guangchengzi stood up and sneered: "Hmph, what a fool to stop teaching children, I'll go out and see who they sent to be on the list."

"Yes, there is a senior brother here, there is nothing to be afraid of intercepting and teaching children!"

Jin Xian, the disciples of Chan, spoke in unison, all with disdain on their faces, followed Guang Chengzi and walked out.

When Zhou Wuwang Jifa saw this, he and Jiang Ziya looked at each other, seeing that all the golden immortals were not afraid, so they didn't pay much attention to it.

Immediately, he ordered the troops and horses to go out to fight with a mighty army.

"Haha, I stopped teaching children, Hugh was screaming wildly, are you in a hurry to get on the list, so you can see if I can't teach Dafa?"

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