It fell to the ground at a height of thousands of meters, and a dull loud noise erupted, and smoke and dust rose into the sky.

"The last general, Yu Hua, is willing to replace the Grand Master, kill the traitors of the court, and create a world of peace for me."

In the billowing dust, a low voice sounded slowly.

Then, in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, Yu Hua stepped out, walking like a tiger.

He was wearing a fire dragon armor, eight feet tall, mighty and majestic, with a large knife on his back, wrapped in plain cloth and tightly wrapped.

"Haha, with what General Yu Hua said, this commander will let the general act!"

Seeing this, Wen Zhong on the city wall couldn't help but smile.

It was a disciple of Yu Yuan in the Intercepting Teaching Ten Thousand Immortals, with average aptitude, but it is said that he has special means, so he is relieved.

"Haha, is there no one to intercept the teaching? Even the third generation of disciples are sent to die. If you want to be on the list, you don't need to be so anxious!"

Mo Xie's sword swung out, and the sword light was vertical and horizontal, and the peerless murderous aura permeated the past, causing the surrounding temperature to drop to freezing point in an instant.

The air solidified, and countless frosts whistled, stirred by Mo Xie's sword, forming a sword light hundreds of feet long, tearing the sky, and slashing it.


Where the frost sword light passed, countless ripples appeared in the space, and the power was terrifying to the extreme.

"This Huang Tianhua is the most powerful among the three generations of Chan Jiao's disciples. Even the four generals of the original Demon Family are not his opponents." Wen Zhong couldn't help muttering to himself when he saw this.

After all, in the Xiqi army, there are several young generals who are very powerful.

However, after Nezha was on the list and Yang Jian disappeared, Huang Tianhua became the most powerful person in the younger generation of the Western Zhou Dynasty...

In the face of Huang Tianhua's lore sword, Yu Hua remained motionless, and said with a stern smile: "My court's defeated general, who let you escape at first, will send you to the list at this moment."

As the voice fell, he pulled out the treasured knife behind his back with his backhand, and gently untied the entangled cloth strips.


The treasured saber could see the light, the blade body was scarlet as blood, and the world-shattering evil spirit erupted.

For a time, in a radius of [-] miles, it seemed to be caught in a sea of ​​corpses and blood, and the whole world became blood red.

This breath is terrifying!

The golden immortals of the two religions were stunned and completely petrified in place.

The rest of the people below the cultivation base trembled all over, and the blood in the body was frozen, and fear was born spontaneously.

"Child Huangkou, the time has come, above the conferred gods, don't forget the cause and effect of today." Yu Hua grinned, holding the blood-red sword in both hands, slashing down fiercely.


The knife light is restrained and turned into a blood-colored wave. Wherever it passes, everything withers.

Some nearby plants turned into a pool of liquid, and even the knife wind contained a strong bloody smell.

Huang Tianhua was the first to bear the brunt, and the Mo Xie sword that was cut out suddenly broke, and his body was touched, silently, it was divided into two, fell to the ground and turned into a pool of blood.

Even the Jade 4.3 unicorn, the mount, could not escape death.

"I am heavenly, no..."

Seeing this, Huang Feihu let out a shrill scream, and instantly passed out.

The Xiqi army was already in chaos, and everyone could clearly feel that the blood-red sword gave them the illusion of death.

"Blood-turning sword?"

Guangchengzi's face was ashen, his eyes were like electricity, and he was extremely angry.

That is the first treasure of the devil's way in the day after tomorrow. It was the magic weapon that Rahu was executed, the devil's way was born, and finally evolved, and it was terrifying and strange.

Never thought that such a terrifying magic weapon would fall into the hands of three generations of disciples.


Thinking of this, Guang Chengzi's heart moved slightly, and he gritted his teeth in hatred.

Chapter [-] The Li family is dead!

You must know that the Snow Transformation Divine Sword is the number one magic weapon in the Three Realms, with its mighty power, it is difficult to control three generations of disciples.

Obviously, some masters deliberately dropped this magic weapon on Yu Hua to kill the people who taught the teachings.

"It's very dangerous, if it weren't for Huang Huatian as a wake-up call, if Jin Xian made a move, if he was careless, he would have followed the path of this thing." Guang Chengzi couldn't help but gasped.

It's a pity that the blood-turning sword did not kill any golden immortals, which is a fortune in misfortune.

After all, Jin Xian may have learned this way under his care, but he had been prepared for it, and he was able to cope with the difference in the way of doing things.

"Disciple Heavenly Change!"

Among the golden immortals of the Chan sect, the True Monarch of Morality roared in the sky and danced wildly with his hair full of strands. He wanted to take action immediately and kill Yu Hua here.

"Haha, it's just a little trick of teaching. If you don't agree, you can go out. Although your grandfather only intercepted and taught three generations of disciples, he can barely handle it."

Yu Hua stood in the field, mocking a few words to teach the crowd, then turned around and put away the Moxie sword and two hammers on the ground.

Seeing this scene, the corners of everyone's eyes twitched in the Xiqi army.

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