Killing three fierce generals from Xiqi in a row, what kind of terrifying magic weapon is this?

When the suffocating qi surged out, even Jinxian and below could not resist, it was too heaven-defying.

"Haha, this is just the case for the child. Grandpa killed enough today, but it feels boring." Yu Hua grinned, put away the blood-turning sword, turned around and flew towards the city wall.

The Xiqi army, millions of people, was dead silent.

The eldest son of the divine general Huang Feihu died, and the lineage of the Li family, who had stood at Chentangguan for hundreds of years and fulfilled his loyalty to this day, is now dead.

The father and son were all sent to the list.

What kind of bad luck is this?

"The Li family's lineage has been condemned by heaven, and its children are domineering and arrogant. If today's reincarnation is good, I intercepted the original Shiji Niangniang and should be able to rest in peace."

Grand Master Wen Zhong stepped on the auspicious clouds and hovered above the city, his real arms shouted loudly, making all the immortals fall silent.

Fengshenbang, who deserves to die, who doesn't deserve to die, is now dead!

Chapter [-] The guide behind Yu Hua!

After Yu Hua left the battlefield, Xiqi and the imperial court were still fighting with the three generations of disciples of those great sects.

Regardless of whether they were intercepting the teaching or explaining the teaching, those golden immortals all had pale faces, and their emotions were quite depressed.

The reason for the interception was because Yu Hua took the lead, and the people behind him all fought desperately, resulting in a battle between the two religions.

Obviously, Daoist Duobao's proposal was ignored by everyone.

On Chanjiao's side, the best among the three generations of disciples suffered seven to eighty-eight casualties, and Chanjiao was twelve golden immortals, and his mood sank to the bottom of the valley.

In the end, the two sides fought for a long time, but they had no choice but to retreat.

Chentangguan Barracks, inside a tent.

Yu Hua cleaned the blood on his body and put on a loose Taoist robe. Then he carried the blood-turning sword and quietly flew out of the city.

The magnificent Xiongguan flew behind him and gradually disappeared in front of him.

At this time, Yu Hua had already flown thousands of miles, so he landed in a valley.

The valley is quiet, green and lush, and the creek is meandering. In the depths of the valley, there is a faint mist that fills the air, with a sense of mystery.

Yu Hua looked at the depths of the valley, his eyes full of respect, and then walked in.

With the deepening, the fog gradually thickens, and the dense rolling, revealing the fragrant fragrance, makes people feel relaxed and happy.

"Senior, Yu Hua was fortunate enough to not be humiliated. Using the treasured sword given by the senior, he sent the last two children of the Li family to the list together."

Yu Hua put down the blood-turning sword and knelt down on one knee, respectfully and politely.

The voice fell, and the thick white fog, like a sea of ​​clouds, gradually emerged three dark shadows, each of which was a hundred meters tall, like a giant standing in the sky, full of overwhelming momentum.

This scene made Yu Hua feel uneasy in his heart, and quickly lowered his head, not daring to look around.

"Yu Hua, in order to intercept the three generations of disciples, I should have been on the list today, but I want you to kill the traitor of the Li family, but let them be on the list instead of you."

One of the shadows spoke slowly, with a steady voice, as if telling a secret.

Hearing this, Yu Hua's heart tightened and his face changed.

He thought that when he passed by this place occasionally, he was caught in a desolate world by those three experts from outside the world.

Until the time of leaving, those experts once told them to return the treasures here after beheading the traitor of the Li family.

It is unbelievable that there are such causes and effects.

Suddenly, Yu Hua's back was covered in cold sweat. If Li's two children didn't fight, it didn't mean that he had to respond.

"Three seniors, Yu Hua has completed the entrustment of the seniors. I wonder if the seniors can tell me where Xianshan is, so that the boy can visit a few in the future." Yu Hua said respectfully.

"You don't have to guess at random. I'm waiting for it to come, naturally it makes sense. As for my identity, you will know in the future."

"Yes, the blood-turning sword is the first magic weapon to open the sky. Your cultivation base is not enough, and it is easy to lose your mind. Now that you are returning it, it is not stingy, but it is for you to cultivate the road.

Seemingly seeing Yu Hua's thoughts, the three shadows couldn't help laughing and cursing.


The blood-turning sword suddenly broke away from Yu Hua's hand and flew straight towards the depths of the valley.

During this process, the first magic weapon of Kaitian seemed to encounter great fear.

This scene, in Yu Hua's eyes, was terrifying, and all the hairs on his body exploded.

That was the first magic weapon in the Three Realms after the opening of the sky, and he would be afraid, and it would subvert his world view.

"You can go back. In two days, if you encounter a big enemy, you can give up Chentangguan. When that time comes, the interception will tell you something."

When the voice fell, Xia Li was completely quiet in the valley.

In a short time, the thick fog covering the deep valley gradually dissipated, and the sky and earth returned to clarity.

Yu Hua was sluggish for a long time before his emotions calmed down. Thinking of the exhortation from the expert before he left, he couldn't help but stunned.

"The enemy? Is the saint going to take action?"

I thought about countless possibilities in my heart, and finally gave up the conjecture.

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