Fan Tianyin turned into a sacred mountain, and a rumbling sound fell.

There are countless ripples in the surrounding space, as if it can't bear this powerful power.

Facing the holy man's magic weapon, Zhao Gongming carried his hands on his back, his face was indifferent, and he smiled: "It is said that Guangchengzi has a delicate mind, but now it seems that it is just a lie."

As the voice fell, twenty-four bright rays of light suddenly appeared in a radius of a hundred miles.


Twenty-four rays of light turned into Dinghai Divine Pearl, and the rays of light intertwined, and they turned into a world in an instant.


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

too suddenly!

The formation had already been arranged before the fight began, and when Guang Chengzi made his move, the formation was activated instantly.

In an instant, Guangchengzi's entire body fell into the space of twenty Dinghai Divine Pearls.


The Dinghai Divine Pearl is a world of its own, and there is a great pressure, making Guangchengzi a treasure, but there is nowhere to use it, and it is hard to feel aggrieved.

"Let's be presumptuous, quickly release me and other senior brothers!"

When the golden immortals below saw this, they couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

The three masters of the teachings, with a flash of light under their feet, are about to fly out to rescue.

However, the three of them flew into the air, white light appeared, and the space of Dinghai Divine Bead instantly shrouded it.


The three of Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun screamed and fell into the space in an instant, and they couldn't show their cultivation.

This scene is touching.

Twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls, when people are unprepared, take them seriously.

The expressions of the remaining six golden immortals of Master Taiyi have changed drastically.

In fact, if Guangchengzi had not been careless and used the treasure of the saint as soon as he made a move, Zhao Gongming would not be able to accept the other party.

However, Guangchengzi was too proud and confident. Relying on the Taiji map and Pangu Pan, he fell into the space formed by the Dinghai Divine Pearl.

When you get inside, you can't control life and death, your cultivation base is suppressed, and it is difficult to use the treasure of saints.

"Intercept the teaching child, how dare you do this?" The expressions of the rest of the Jinxian changed drastically.

It was only a breath away, because Guangchengzi underestimated the enemy, and actually taught the four Jinxians to fall into the Dinghai Divine Pearl, which was truly terrifying to the extreme.

It has to be said that Zhao Gongming's Taoism is indeed far better than the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao.

"As expected of the senior brother, this time, I will take it all in one go, and take down all the children."

Wu Yunxian and the others intercepted Jinxian, his face was overjoyed, and he flew out immediately.

This place is messed up, immortal light is surging, and there is boundless fury.


The real Taiyi sacrificed the Nine Dragons Divine Fire hood, and the dragon outlined by nine real fires roared and charged out, entangling Wu Yunxian and others.

"It's too much to deceive people!" Chi Jing and Zi roared, and they were already desperate.


The loud noise is continuous, the light is blazing, and the power is very terrifying.

Not to mention everyone in the imperial army, even in Xiqi, everyone's expressions turned pale, what kind of power this is, the world will pale.

"Hehe, explaining teaching is boring. Junior brothers and sisters, don't waste your time. We will kill them all together. Only the number of people who complete the list is the one." Zhao Gongming said with a smile.

Around him, surrounded by twenty-four Sea Ding Divine Pearls, an illusory world was intertwined.

In the illusory world, Guangchengzi and the others continued to attack, but they were helpless.

Seeing that the Jinxians of the Chan Sect were about to be defeated, the faces of the imperial army were full of joy, and the faces of Xiqi were ashen.


Suddenly, at the end of the sky, a bright light galloped.

Before the light came, the fiery waves of air swept the sky and covered the sky, as if the sun star had fallen, full of violent momentum.

"Intercept to teach you fellow Daoists, what you do, don't go too far!"

The voice fell!

A Taoist man in plain robes came with a song, invisible coercion, accompanied by a fiery wave of air, suppressing and intercepting all immortals.

Invisibly, a golden crow with a head of ten thousand feet, fluttering its wings in the air, followed the Taoist, coming powerfully.

Chapter [-] The Great Sun Tathagata, the Golden Crow manifests the world!

The Taoist priest in plain robes, with a gourd hanging around his waist, the Buddha's light behind him shines brightly, and the golden crow hanging above his head is very strange.

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