Li Zhenwu said with incomparable disgust, while his figure moved, he wanted to step forward again.

"What do you know! In order to protect the village, in order to carry the darkness of the village, what are these!"

"It's so verbose."

Li Zhenwu's figure flickered, and he used the triple afterimage fist. One was Li Zhenwu who was as real as the illusion, and they rushed towards Shimura Danzo together.

This is also why Li Zhenwu can disturb his sight in order to prevent Tuanzang from having other cards.

The distance between the two's home was not far, but in less than half a blink of an eye, Li Zhenwu had already arrived in front of Shimura Danzo again.

"You can recover after receiving one punch from me, and recovering after receiving two punches. I don't believe that you can recover after receiving three punches and four punches!"

A cold light flashed in Li Zhenwu's eyes, he didn't keep his hand, and he punched out!

Li Zhenwu's speed is very fast, and there is no reservation at this moment!

A few days ago, after he took off the load, he was able to press down and beat a ninja who was extremely good at ninjutsu like Kirabi, not to mention that after a battle with Kirabi, there was a significant improvement. speed up!

Therefore, Shimura Danzo didn't react at all, and Li Zhenwu's punch had already hit his heart!

"Pfft!" sounded.

Shimura Danzo's heart had already been blasted, and the blast-like punch had smashed through it, and his heart had been shattered.

And in the sense of qi, Shimura Danzo's aura has already dissipated.

At the corner of the square, the Dream Eater Tapir had also disappeared here because he lost the Summoner's Chakra.

Li Zhenwu flicked his hand, and easily threw off the Xuemo on his fist. There was no surprise that he solved Shimura Danzo with such simplicity without any setbacks.

Because to be honest, the bodies of the ninjas in the entire Naruto world now are a little weak for Li Zhenwu.

After confirming that Shimura Danzo's breath did not recover this time, Li Zhenwu turned his head to look at this place, then turned his head and left without reluctance.

It's just that he didn't notice that Shimura Danzo, who had no heart, was slowly spinning on his arm after Li Zhenwu left...

Because he was beaten all the way before, when Li Zhenwu returned, no one came to stop him.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu, who had been unimpeded all the way, returned to the ground.

Coming out of the underground base of the 'root' department, the openness outside made Li Zhenwu freshmen excited.

In addition, Li Zhenwu, who had just avenged his parents, was in a good mood, so he greeted the somewhat surprised Uchiha Shisui: "Hi, Shisui-sama."

Uchiha Shisui was surprised: "It came out so soon?"

"Yeah, just a little thing."

Li Zhenwu said.

It is true that when Li Zhenwu entered the base, he came out now. Although he fought all the way, it didn't take long, because all the ninjas along the way were solved with just one punch from him.

Finally, solving Uchiha Danzo in the underground plaza is just a few simple tricks.

After all, it took no more than seven or eight minutes since he entered.

So Uchiha Shisui was surprised.

Just about to answer Uchiha Shishui, but Li Zhenwu suddenly stopped and his eyes turned.

He sensed the breath of Naruto and many ninjas and was rushing here.

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Chapter [-] Izanagi! (first update)

The breath of Naruto and the breath of some ninjas were just coming this way, so Li Zhenwu stopped chatting with Uchiha Shisui and turned his head to look in the direction they came from.

Uchiha Zhishui saw Li Zhenwu's performance, and turned his head to look strangely. After a while, he found the traces of Hokage and others.

"He actually discovered the traces of Hokage-sama and others before me!" Uchiha Shisui was surprised, because he still has the experience of writing round eyes and old way, but even in this case, there is no Li Zhenwu who found the other people first. come close.

After a while, Naruto, Kakashi Hatake, and other ninjas came in here.

The three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan saw Li Zhenwu one step further, and when he looked left and right, there was no trace of the village of Youzhi Village, and Shaofei was relieved.

Just now, he heard that Hatake Kakashi came over to report that Cheng Li Zhenwu was going to Shimura Danzo to settle accounts.

But now seeing that there is only Li Zhenwu alone, and there is no conflict at all, I feel a little relieved.

"Hey Mr. Sarutobi." Li Zhenwu smiled and was in a good mood, and greeted Hiruzen Sarutobi, "Why are so many of you here?"

Li Zhenwu pretended to be puzzled and asked.

Hatake Kakashi was also surprised. He just rushed to report Hokage. It was not because he was worried about the conflict between Li Zhenwu and Shimura Danzo, but now it seems that ~ is just a false alarm.

"I heard that you found some clues that your parents were attacked, so I came here to take a look." The third Hokage Sarutobi said, and the scene was awkward.

After all, the group of them were worried about the conflict between Li Zhenwu and Shimura Danzo, so they deliberately came to control the situation, but when they arrived at the scene, only Li Zhenwu smiled.

"Well, I found a clue, so I came to investigate." Li Zhenwu said without shyness, and said without concealment: "Also, I have also determined who the real murderer is behind the scenes."

"Who is it?" Sarutobi Hizan asked.

"Shimura Danzo!"

Li Zhenwu replied, but the scene was quiet.

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