Qingniu responded slowly, and his limbs moved at a very slow speed, but every time he took a step, the void was directly trampled and collapsed.

The rumbling sound is endless, and the space is rippling, as fragile as a mirror.

This scene is terrifying!

"Da Luo Jinxian's peak Taoism?"

Seeing this, the three virgins took a deep breath.

They never imagined that the Laojun sage would have such a Taoist behavior when he was riding on a mount, which really shocked the teachings.

In fact, Taishang Laojun never likes to accept apprentices.

The only direct disciple was the Grand Master Xuandu, and the rest were all loose cultivators in Shouyang Mountain.

As for Qingniu and Xuandu, they have always been by the side of Taishang Laojun, and the benefits they get are naturally better than those of other sect disciples.

Not to mention Taishang Laojun's accomplishments in alchemy 647.

A supreme elixir, mortals who swallow it, can instantly reach the Golden Immortal cultivation base.

This green ox has this way, but in the minds of discerning people, it is not surprising at all.


The void and fog exploded, and Qingniu transformed into a man of thirty feet, but he was a bull-headed man, strong and powerful.

When Qinglong was closed, Yuan Hong suddenly looked strange when he saw this.

"This is a bull demon? I don't know who is stronger and who is weaker compared to Big Brother?" He whispered to himself, his eyes strange.

Beside, Bai Ze and Kong Xuan heard this and couldn't help but look at each other with an inexplicable smile on the corners of their mouths.


"You wait for the little thief, and you are arrogant. Today, my old cow, will send you to the list, so that the world will know that the Three Purification Dafa is not comparable to you."

Qing Niu roared in the sky, exuding a violent aura.

Obviously, this bull demon is not a good kind, and it was only after being subdued by the saint that he restrained his violent aura.

It erupted at this moment, violent and fierce, definitely a ruthless character.


The next moment, Qingniu stepped on the void and directly burst a large space, and the whole person rushed over like a bolt of lightning.

So powerful!

Qingniu is three feet tall, and facing the Three Holy Mothers, his strength is crushed.


The Four Elephants Pagoda fell down, Qingniu ignored it, and the two horns on the top of his head collided, and the Four Elephants Pagoda was knocked into the air.

The Dragon Tiger Jade Ruyi struck him as if rubble touched, but there was no reaction at all.

I have to say that the horns and physique are so powerful that they are invincible, making people desperate.

"Hmph, the saint has no way, deceive me to intercept the sect!"

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit gave a tragic smile, no matter how many means fell, she couldn't turn the slightest wave.

"Even if I die, I won't let the Interceptor be humiliated." The Mother of Wudang and the Lady of Turtle Spirit looked at each other, obviously wanting to blow themselves up.

It's an overwhelming fight.

That Qingniu didn't know what kind of profound art he cultivated, and his physique was so powerful that all immortals of the sect were despaired.

"Yang Jian, is it possible that your eighty-nine profound arts can be hard to shake?"

When Qinglong was closed, Kong Xuan suddenly asked aloud.

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, then nodded confidently for a moment, "I didn't dare to say it before, but now, it's stronger than that!"

Just kidding, the way of true martial arts is to strengthen oneself.

He was naturally talented, and he quickly found his own way from it, and even improved the original eighty-nine fantasy.

It's a lot of time here, but Qinglongguan's interception and teaching Wanxian can't stand it anymore.


Wen Zhong Lao burst into tears, holding the double dragon whip, and wanted to go out to help.

Fortunately, Shen Gongbao had quick eyes and quick hands, so he grabbed him, whispered in his ear, and whispered for a while before calming Wen Zhong's impulse.

But no one stopped the other disciples.

"Educational children, you are too deceiving."

"Today, I have fought for my life, and I have to make you pay the price."

"Kill, the saint has no way..."

In an instant, hundreds of immortals flew out of Qinglong Pass.

The dense immortal light, overwhelming the sky, flew towards the three virgins and others.

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