At this moment, from the village, there are still ninjas rushing over with news.

After all, Hokage and his party rushed here in a hurry, but they couldn't hide it from many people in the village, so all the forces rushed to send people to observe the situation.

Someone from the Hyuga clan arrived, someone from the Uchiha clan arrived, and...

Although there were many people, Li Zhenwu did not hide his disgust and disdain for Shimura Danzo.

"Are you still stubborn now? You cast 'Izanagi' once, and you can come back to life. I don't believe you can cast it a second time!"

As soon as this statement came out, someone's expression changed.

Almost all the ninjas from the Uchiha clan who came here know what the name 'Izanagi' means. This is the ultimate forbidden technique in their clan!

"Little devil, what are you talking about!" Shimura Danzo was a little flustered, but his clothes scolded Li Zhenwu rationally, and at the same time he said to Sarutobi Hizan: "Sarutobi, your disciple, don't you care."

However, Li Zhenwu smiled: "It seems that you will be tough when you are about to die, then I will send you on your way!"

Li Zhenwu stopped talking nonsense, and when he stepped on the foot, the whole person has already rushed over!

"Take him down quickly!" Shimura Danzo slammed into the seal, shouted violently, and ordered his subordinates to be among the ninjas at the moment.

"Bang!" Shimura Danzo's figure dissipated in place, and he had already performed a surrogate technique and entered the ninja pile.

Li Zhenwu fluttered, but also found Shimura Danzo who was cunningly hiding in the crowd at the first time.

"Get out of the way!"

With a low shout, Li Zhenwu's voice exploded like thunder.

Suddenly, the ninjas in front of him all backed away, revealing Shimura Danzo who was originally hidden inside.

But at this time, Shimura Danzo's men also shot.

"Fire escape!"

"Wind escape!"

There were two ninjas blocking Li Zhenwu at the same time, but their strength was not superb.

Li Zhenwu still snorted, and the ninjutsu he used against them was a two-handed punch.

The extremely fast speed and the unparalleled strength made Li Zhenwu's fist condense a layer of compressed fist wind, which was like a real fist. With his fist, the fist wind directly caused the wind of the two ninjas to escape. The fire was scattered!

At the same time, Li Zhenwu flew out with two feet, and Konoha Whirlwind had already used it skillfully...

Boom!The two ninjas had already been kicked out.

Li Zhenwu was about to deceive himself, but in the crowd, an old ninja urn said: "Among Konoha, you are so arrogant!"

"Elder XX!" Some ninjas saw him and respected him, because he was one of several elders with high status in Konoha.

Sarutobi Hizan also said, "Zhenwu, stop!"

Li Zhenwu hesitated about Sarutoi's words, but decided to cooperate. After all, Sarutoi was not only his teacher, but also Konoha's Hokage.

Shimura Danzo had a cold sweat on his head. Facing Li Zhenwu, he was under a lot of pressure, especially when he had just died once.

Li Zhenwu stopped, but everyone was looking at him, because many ninjas had just arrived here and didn't know what happened, making Li Zhenwu so domineering.

Seeing Li Zhenwu's cooperation to stop, Sarutobi Risho acted a little more, and then faced Shimura Danzo, and said slowly: "Tanzo, I think you need to explain."

"What to explain? 3.3 You, a disciple, will rely on your own strength to kill me. What else is there to explain?" Danzo Shimura snorted coldly.

"Why don't you need to explain, why don't you explain, who is the instigator of the attack on my parents." Li Zhenwu stared at Shimura Danzo and said, "And why you attacked my parents' secret! "

(Some people say that the plot is slow, I am going to speed up and let the protagonist go out of the village, but not betray the village! Just find a reason to arrange for him to travel outside, otherwise, if he stays in the village, it means an extra layer of shackles for the protagonist! After leaving the village, the sky is high and the birds fly!)

(Also recommend a friend's book, "The Rise of Great Powers Lao Tzu is a Warlord".)

Chapter [-] News that shocked the ninja world! (third more)

"Did you know? The famous Konoha monster has left Konoha!"

"What? When's the news?"

"Just before Yunyin Ninja Village and Konoha signed a peace treaty!"

A piece of news suddenly spread throughout the Ninja world.

If it is said that the information that attracted the most attention of ninjas before, could it be that Yunyin Ninja Village and Konoha Ninja Village are about to go to war again!

And in between, there is another character's reputation, which resounds throughout the Ninja world!

The other ninja villages among the five major ninja villages, even if the news was isolated, also got the news.

This character, the title of Konoha monster... or only the name of Jiaozuo, there is no title called.

Almost most of the ninjas in the ninja world are already familiar with the various information and characteristics of 'Li Zhenwu, the Konoha monster'.

Therefore, when the news of the original Konoha monster Li Zhenwu leaving Konoha came out, it was also the entire ninja world, the ninjas who were well-informed were extremely concerned!

The land of thunder in the towering mountain peninsula, in the village of Yunyin Ninja.

The tall Kira 21 is training in the village at the moment. Last time, he fought against Li Zhenwu's transformed gorilla model. In the end, the eight-tailed cow ghost had to lose his two tails to escape in order to protect himself.

The price of that successful escape was a long period of weakness.

Suddenly, Yun Ren hurriedly ran in: "Lord Kirabi... good news, great news!"

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