"It doesn't matter, Yunxiao is a high-ranking disciple of the Intercept Cult. You can rest assured that she is acting, and she is not someone who kills extravagantly." Kong Xuan smiled, the meaning of the words, you can rest assured.

Only Bai Ze, his eyebrows suddenly knitted together, as if he had inspiration, and he didn't know what future he saw.

At this time, in front of Qinglong Pass.

Chan taught the congregation Jinxian, didn't know what they were talking about, but in the end, they saw Grand Master Xuandu and Jiang Ziya staying where they were.

The rest of the people followed behind Guangchengzi and went straight into the yellow sand that filled the sky.

"Don't worry, these three-headed mounts can't walk."

Looking at the figure hidden in the yellow sand, Archmage Xuandu stroked his long beard, quite confident.

"There is a Taiji map borrowed by the senior brother, and this formation can be broken." Jiang Ziya swung the whip, as if he had expected the big result.


From the outside, it seems that there are yellow sand flying all over the sky, but when you step in, you find that the yellow sand condenses into a river, winding and twisting, not scattered.

"This formation is so strange. From the outside world, it seems vague, but at this moment, it can exude peerless killing intent. It doesn't seem to be a small formation."

As soon as he stepped into the big formation, Taiyi Zhenren exclaimed.

At this time, everyone was already in the yellow world. Around them, countless yellow sands condensed into rivers, interlocking, winding and twisting.

In the teachings of Chan, the real Taiyi is a small achievement in the formation.

At this moment, I can't help but feel frightened, mouth, dry, tongue, dry.

"Senior brother, what is this formation? The nine yellow sand rivers rely on each other, showing the murderous appearance of the nine palaces, but it is not the lore of the nine palaces."

While speaking, the yellow sand river in the formation gradually formed nine large longs, walking around them.

Each big dragon is intertwined with its head and tail, and when it walks, it not only shrinks, but it seems to entangle and entangle everyone.

"What a strange formation, give it to me!"

When Guangchengzi saw this, he was in a hurry, and he directly sacrificed the Taiji map, and the dazzling golden bridge shot out and flew to the nine yellow sand dragons, trying to stop it.


A dull loud noise erupted, and the yellow sand dissipated as soon as it touched it, turning into yellow sand that filled the sky and filled everywhere.

The rich bloody smell came out from everywhere, like a sea of ​​blood, giving people an illusion, as if walking into the eighteenth hell.

"It is indeed the treasure of saints, and it is a small formation, but it can't help us." Taiyi Zhenren said, but his expression became more and more solemn.

I saw the golden bridge dissipated, and the yellow sand gathered together again.

This time, the nine giant yellow sand dragons formed are no longer interlocking, but a round of magic weapons with their tails facing the sky and the eye of the storm in the center.

That is the golden bucket of Hunyuan, blooming with splendid rays of light, scorching bright.

Seeing this scene, Guang Chengzi's face changed drastically, and he exclaimed: "No, this is the Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation, Yunxiao Xiaoer, to put up such a vicious formation is against the harmony of heaven."

The rest of the people were stunned when they heard it.

Jiuqu Yellow River Array?

This name is very unfamiliar, and I have never heard of it for countless years.

"Elder Brother, is this formation very powerful?"

Guangchengzi didn't get along, and his face became gloomy: "I'm afraid we are in trouble!"


Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

"Senior brother, there are treasures of saints, can't they be broken?"

You must know that the reason why they entered the battle was to rely on Guangchengzi's holy treasure.

Now it seems that it is not good.

"This formation is not an attack formation, but a trapping formation. It is very abominable. It was taught by the Taoist ancestor Hongjun to the sage Tongtian. Relying on the momentum of the Nine Palaces, he evolved the Nine Heavens lore."

Speaking of this, Guangchengzi took a deep breath and continued: "The Nine Heavens lore left a ray of life originally, but Yunxiao used Hunyuan Jindou as the phoenix eye of the great formation, but it blocked all the escape routes and blocked them all. already."

Nine is the number of extremes, nine deaths and one life, trapping people to death, but nature is natural, and there will definitely be a glimmer of hope left.

But now, this formation has obviously been improved by the leader of Tongtian, and it has directly evolved into a ten-death lore.

Guangchengzi's heart was cold, and the Pangu Pan in his hand squeezed even tighter.


The next moment, Fantianyin was sacrificed in the air and hung above everyone's heads.

"The killing of the top ten is not the first attack. Could it be that she wants to trap me and wait for me?" Puxian was puzzled.

Ordinary mortals may be trapped to death, but Jinxian has a long lifespan, so he can't be trapped to death, right?

"I don't know, this formation is the most sinister, and it belongs to the Golden Dou of Primordial Yuan. If I fall into it, I will not be able to control my life and death." Guangchengzi smiled sadly, and he was no longer indifferent.

In the field, calm down, everyone's heart is heavy.

"Fellow Daoists, Yun Xiao is polite!"

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