However, the real person Yu Ding still shook his head with a very firm attitude.

When Daoist Zhunti saw this, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes, just as he was about to attack, he suddenly felt the killing intent coming, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.


I saw the Qinglong closed, and the immortals of the interceptor rose up into the sky, and countless fairy lights bloomed.

I don't know when, Bi Xiao, who had been teaching three nights for three nights, also came here.

At this time, Sanxiao organized to intercept disciples and formed a large formation.

When the Myriad Immortals Formation gradually takes shape and exudes monstrous power, the world will lose its color, comparable to the power of a saint.

"Fellow Daoist Kong Xuan, if something goes wrong with me, I hope that we can keep the other disciples in a good position!" Yun Xiao, Bi Xiao, and Qiong Xiao stood tall. While leading the formation, they did not forget to ask Kong Xuan and the others.

There, the fairy light blooms, the haze fills the sky, and it is extremely gorgeous, and it also contains world-shattering power.

Seeing this, Kong Xuan silently handed over his hands and did not speak, but his attitude was enough to make people feel at ease.

Intercepting the Great Array of Myriad Immortals is to unite the power of Myriad Immortals and combine them to have the power to fight against saints.

"Intercept the child, the power of a saint is as simple as you think, I can't say it today, I will replace the teacher, and I will punish you."

When Daoist Zhunti saw this, he waved the dust, and then walked away.

Suddenly, when he was about to enter the great formation, his figure stopped abruptly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Qinglong and closed a Taoist.

It was Daoist Duobao, standing there alone at the moment, expressionless, bright eyes, and Zhunti looked at each other.

The moment the two made eye contact, Zhunti's face changed slightly, and his eyes were full of surprises.


He turned around and flew over, his eyes were only like a Taoist treasure, and the inaction of a sage could not hide the excitement on his face.

"Buddha Anita, you have a predestined relationship with my teaching, you can enter bliss and achieve the status of the Buddha." The Daoist Zhunti bowed and said with a smile on his face.

As soon as this remark came out, all the immortals were cut off and their expressions changed drastically.

"Zun mention shameless, Hugh is crazy!"

Yun Xiao's pretty face was cold, and the anger in his eyes almost burst out.

It's really too deceiving. Facing the Myriad Immortals, it is definitely a kind of humiliation to want to pass away the Taoist Duobao.

However, the next moment, all shut up.

Under the shocked gazes of millions, Daoist Duobao took a step forward, respectfully and politely, and sang: "I would like to take refuge in my Buddha, from now on, the Dharma will prosper forever, preach bliss, and be at ease as that Buddha."

The voice fell, and the golden light bloomed here.

The hair on the top of Daobao Daoist's head fell down, smooth and bright, surrounded by a halo behind him, shining like a real Buddha.

After getting a Buddha statue, the Daoist Zhunti was in a good mood, he turned around and sang, "Jianjiao Wanxian should have three thousand red guests from the West, enter my bliss, do not stick to cause and effect, wash away the fire of karma, and eliminate the calamity. It's not as good as Fengshen Bang, I don't know people, but would you like to?"

The sage's words made the originally thoughtful disciples start to move.

Especially now that the consecration of the gods is imminent, no one is willing to be on the list, which is very attractive to those ordinary disciples.


For a moment, in the Myriad Immortal Formation, a disciple of the Intercepted Teaching flew out, wrapped in immortal light, and flew over quickly, and immediately knelt down and worshipped.

"I will wait."

When one person appears, there will be a second person.

Immediately, dense immortal light flew out from the Myriad Immortal Array.

They are scrambling to enter the bliss of the West, for fear that it will be too late and they will be rejected.

Ke Zhunti had a smile on his face, and until no one came to seek refuge, did he wave his hand and put all the people he crossed into the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of his hand.

"Okay, Intercepting Sect is rude to saints and violates the rules of heaven, so it should be punished."

As soon as the voice fell, he took a step forward, and his figure disappeared instantly, completely entering the Myriad Immortal Formation.

This scene is terrifying, and the disciples who intercept the teaching are all horrified.

Three thousand people from the red dust took refuge in my Buddha, and the Myriad Immortals Array can still exert its original power?

Chapter [-] Slaughter Ten Thousand Immortals!

In front of Qinglong Pass, a series of incidents occurred, which shocked everyone, but also made people unable to turn around.

In the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Jiang Ziya carried Guang Chengzi back, so that he could settle down.

As for the real person Yuding, he insisted that he would not, and stayed alone outside the ten thousand immortals, not knowing what he was waiting for.

In half a day, so much happened.

From the collapsed situation, Xi Wenwu, King Wu of Zhou and others lost all hope, but the situation suddenly turned sharply.

The saint is here!

Intercepting the sect has a great advantage, and was overturned by the saint, and even the disciples were sent to thousands of people.

At this moment, the Western Zhou army saw hope again.

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