
Taishang Laojun, the original Tianzun and the two Western saints came from the lower realm, and their expressions were resentful and their eyes were quite unwilling.

When they came to the outside of Zixiao Palace, everyone stopped, but hesitated.

Looking at each other, the saints were at a loss and seemed very hesitant.

"I'm so afraid. We are saints under the Tao of Heaven. I think the teacher will not be biased, but the prehistoric aliens have broken the rules and must not be let go."

In the end, Yuanshi Tianzun spoke in a deep voice.

When he mentioned that wild and alien species, he almost gnashed his teeth, and the hatred in his heart was maddening.

Hearing this, everyone's face was full of bitterness.

Taishang Laojun's face was solemn, and he said: "Teacher is the way of heaven. Even if we are holy, in the eyes of the teacher, we are no different from all spirits in the world."

Under Heaven, they are all ants.

Saints are just relatively strong ants, and even Taishang Laojun has no idea in his heart.

"Anita Buddha, since this is the case, I will retire first."

When the two of them came here, Yieyin and Zhunti couldn't help shrinking their necks, wanting to retreat.

All the saints are shocking the world, even if they face Li Zhenwu, at most they are only afraid.

But in the face of Hongjun Daozu, he is in awe!

As soon as this statement came out, the original Tianzun glared at the past, and he was about to attack, but was interrupted by a sigh.

"If you have something to do, just come in."

Inside the Zixiao Palace, there was an ethereal voice, neither sad nor happy, and everywhere.

Chapter [-] What do you want?

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

The original Tianzun and Taishang Laojun looked at each other as if they had decided something, and the two walked in in a hurry.

In the field, the Second Saint of the West saw this and couldn't help but hesitate for a moment.

You must know that among the saints, the calamity of heaven and earth, the Western Lingshan, can be said to occupy the biggest advantage.

Zhun mentioned that they could not come, but he was afraid of being targeted by Yuanyuan and Laojun, so he was reluctantly embarrassed and followed~.

But now that Daozu Hongjun spoke out, they didn't want to leave.

After all, if there is any benefit, isn't it too late to regret it?

As soon as he thought of this, Zhun Ti and Jie Yin sang, followed by anxiety, and followed Yuan Yuan in.

Inside the Taoist temple, it is empty and lonely, and on the Taoist platform that has remained unchanged for countless years, a simple Taoist sits on a futon.

All the saints are old acquaintances, but facing Hongjun, they all feel restrained.


After entering, everyone bowed their heads and saluted respectfully, and then each sat on the futon on the ground.

However, no one spoke, and they all fell silent.

"What are you waiting for?"

After a moment of silence, Daozu Hongjun spoke lightly, his face was blurred, and he couldn't see it clearly, making people dare not look at him.

This is the Taoist ancestor, who incarnates the way of heaven and is also for all spirits in the world.

There is no deity, no carrier, some, just a kind of mysterious Taoism, which can evolve countless creatures in the world.

At this moment, let the saints below give birth to the idea that Daozu is invincible.

Yes, within the three realms, the heavens and the ten thousand realms, the Taoist ancestors are indeed invincible, but they are also the most vulnerable.

Powerful enough to destroy the world with a single thought, but also fragile enough to be unable to be free, under the confinement of the Great Dao, it will repeat forever, and there is no hope of moving forward.


Primordial Tianzun's mind turned around, but for a while, he couldn't speak.

Not only him, but also Taishang Laojun and the others.

Before they came in, they had too much to say and too many demands.

But now that I see Daozu Hongjun, I find that I don't know where to start.

"What do you want?"

Looking at the four saints below like a dementia, Hong Jun shook his head slightly, and spoke lightly again.

The voice is still indifferent, without the slightest emotion, but it contains an irresistible majesty.

Taishang Laojun moved slightly, gathered up his courage, raised his head and said firmly: "I want to let the teacher know that the saints like me are the supreme of the three realms except for the teacher, but now, it has changed."

As soon as these words came out, Yuanshi Tianzun and the Western Second Sage finally dared to speak.

"Teacher Mingjian, Li Zhenwu, an alien from the wild, is not a saint, but he is stronger than me."

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