You must know that the prehistoric alien has no magic weapon in his hand, and he can be so powerful even by relying on himself.

"Have you chosen?" Hong Jun said lightly, his tone indifferent.

But for some reason, the saints seemed to be able to hear a hint of disappointment from it.

However, in the face of huge interests, it has been completely ignored.


All the saints bowed in unison, their faces were red, and their hearts were so excited that they could not help themselves.

"Since you have made a good choice, then you are not allowed to go back on it!"

"I won't go back, I won't go back!"

Taishang Laojun and the others hurriedly shook their heads, joking, who would go back on it if they got a good deed for nothing?

Seeing the saints was no longer interesting, Hong Jun closed his eyes slightly, as if he was wandering in the sky.

After a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes, his fingers moved forward a little into the void, and the blue light shot out, submerging into the void.

"Yin and Yang are in turmoil, Heaven's Way Falun!"

With the voice falling.

In the center of the Taoist temple, a huge gossip yin and yang fish roulette emerged from the void while slowly turning.

The periphery is innate gossip, which surpasses the cognition of saints, and the center is a complete yin and yang fish, which is constantly spinning, as if the fish are swimming.

After the appearance of the Falun of the Heavenly Dao, the whole world, whether it was the common man or the supreme saint, felt an invisible palpitation.

"What baby is this?"

All the saints present, looking at the Falun of the Heavenly Dao, their eyes straightened.

This spiritual treasure, beyond their knowledge, is simply unheard of, unseen.

They silently calculated cause and effect, and were shocked to discover that this heavenly artifact was not in the Five Elements, but beyond the Three Realms, but belonged to the supreme evolution of the heavenly way.

Hongjun has no action and no struggle, so he has no strength, no weakness, no form, and no strengths.

The Tao of Heaven does not compete with all things for profit, nor does it compete with all things for luck. He is neither biased, nor merciful, nor ruthless.

Whether it's a mortal or a saint!

Everything that I think, think, hate, and see can't describe Hongjun.

"Give merit!"

Just as the saints were addicted to it, they suddenly heard Hongjun snort softly and stretched out his hand to point forward.

The Falun of the Heavenly Dao spun sharply, and an invisible coercion descended in an instant. In the center of the Yin-Yang fish, four hazy purple qi shot out from it.

call out!

The purple air was dense, like the lines of the avenues, and within a moment, it sank into the foreheads of the four saints below.


Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun and Western Second Saints fell into dementia in an instant.

They looked sluggish, like idiots, talking to themselves, constantly talking like dreams, sometimes mad, sometimes sad, sometimes painful.

"Oh, it's messed up, it's messed up..."

In the Zixiao Palace, a bland sigh sounded, and finally disappeared with the figure of Hongjun, and then was annihilated by the void.

In the lobby, there were only the Four Saints sitting cross-legged on the futon, and they hadn't finished digesting the purple energy.

As time passed, the entire Zixiao Palace burst into frantic laughter.

"Haha...Li Zhenwu, Tongtian Xiaoer, haha..."

This is the voice of Taishang Laojun, full of madness, and infinitely powerful and confident.

It feels better than ever, as if all doubts were broken away in an instant, and even the world that I saw became clear...

"Could it be that there is already a teacher who has done the Taoism?" Taishang Laojun was excited, and immediately looked at the Taoist platform, but found that there was nothing there.

No matter how invincible he is, he can't see through.

"Forget it, that's enough, I can feel it now that the Immortal Execution Sword Formation can be broken by flipping my hand."

Of course, this is actually an illusion.

But it is undeniable that the current Taishang Laojun can single-handedly suppress the Tongtian sect master who does not have the Sword Array.

"Ha ha……"

Immediately afterwards, one after another frantic voice continued.

But it was the other three saints, who were all in the digestive tract, and came to their senses.

"I still need to thank the teacher!"

When Taishang Laojun saw this, he immediately reminded everyone, lest the three of them get carried away.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, then turned around and respectfully saluted the Taoist platform of nothingness.

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