But many monks, more or less, have gained important epiphanies from the way of true martial arts, and thus walked out of their own way.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the hearts of the human cultivators in the world, although Li Zhenwu is not holy, he has already been canonized.

"How to do it?" Li Zhenwu sighed: "It's useless to say it now, when the time comes, you will know it later, just let your heart be."

Hearing this, the three of Huang Di had a wry smile on their faces.

Although he knew that what Li Zhenwu said was true, the future of the sage could not be determined when he thought about it.

"Wait, go back, take good care of your fellow students in the future, don't use power to bully people."

Li Zhenwu waved his hand, obviously not wanting to say more, and sent a few people away.

The three of them had no choice but to bow down and walk away.

Wudang Mountain has regained its tranquility, and there are no more living creatures in this mountain.

Those who should go are gone, those who have not gone, whether they are present or not are obviously not important.

Li Zhenwu's face was full of fear, his eyes penetrated the void and looked out into the sky.

For some reason, he misses a little bit when he was a human being in the past. Now, although he is in the sky, he has lost the happiness of human beings.

The avenue is invisible, and it only speaks of Yongchang.

It's easier said than done if you want to take charge of the Great Dao. This time, Li Zhenwu doesn't have much confidence.

"Forget it, if you can't break through, you can only make the world without saints!"

In the end, he sighed, closed his eyes again and wandered, to realize the illusory Hunyuan Avenue.

Half a month later, the world's human races were unified, and the Wu Dynasty was newly established in 580. The grand ceremony was very large.

In the heavens and the world, there are a little Taoist, and all the great supernatural powers of all ethnic groups are invited to participate in the grand ceremony.

The only thing is that there are only the All Saints Great Sect and Heavenly Court, but they are not among the invitations.


There are countless fairy lights flying in the sky, auspicious clouds are colorful, auspicious and auspicious, a harmony and prosperity.

Intercepting the teaching of all immortals is the only great teacher invited to participate in the grand ceremony under the gate of the saints.


The bell and drum rang, the sound was like the rising of the early sun, and it contained unimaginable vigor.

The Wu Dynasty was newly established, the grand ceremony was huge, and the airport was filled with thousands of people.

As the grand ceremony began, countless people bowed in the direction of Wudang Mountain, and their expressions were extremely respectful.

Even King Su Hu was no exception. The entire court was full of civil and military affairs, except for those monks who bowed, the whole was magnificent and solemn.


The void trembled, golden light, and the young man in green came from the void.

He looked down at all the spirits below, his eyes were indifferent, and his whole body was dazzling, floating like the sun, full of holiness and majesty.

Holy Father Appears!

At this moment, countless people were excited and full of sincerity.

The special human race, regardless of whether they were in high positions or the people at the bottom, all had tears in their eyes, and they were so excited that it was hard to extricate themselves.

Chapter [-] The sky has changed!

Ten years after the conferred god, the Wu Dynasty was established, the world was peaceful, and the arrogance of the human race coexisted, which can be called a golden age.

At this time, almost all the strong people of all ethnic groups who participated in the grand ceremony arrived.

There are the Qiangjiao Wanxian headed by Yunxiao, the ancient witch clan headed by Hou Yi, and the demon clan headed by Kong Xuan, which is unprecedentedly prosperous.

Not to mention, the three emperors of the human race who were done in the first place and tied with Su Hu.

Even if King Zhou abdicates, he still feels excited when he sees this grand scene. This is the cornerstone he has laid, and it is today's prosperous world.

"Holy Father!"

"Meet the True Martial Immortal Master!"

The next moment, like a mountain shouted, resounding through the sky, shaking the whole world.

The original Chaoge King City has already expanded hundreds of times, enough to accommodate tens of millions of people, and it is extremely empty.

"You don't need to be polite!"

Li Zhenwu smiled faintly, slowly stepped down, and sat on the white jade throne on the high platform.

It's so gorgeous, his hair flutters, and the roots are dazzling, as if the golden light is flowing, raising his hands and feet, making the surrounding Taoism faintly tremble.

This is the confidence of the human race. Although it is not holy, it has been canonized by all spirits in the world.

Countless people stood up with solemn expressions and bright eyes, all of them looking at the high platform and gathered on the youth in green shirts.

Li Zhenwu put his hands on the white jade armrest, glanced around, and said lightly: "The human race should be self-improvement. Now that the new dynasty is established, it is the destiny of God to maintain the human world and the independence of the three worlds."

"All races are in the human world, and if they don't do evil, they can live forever!"

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