Zhu melted a million feet, with dark skin all over his body and covered with countless lines. At this moment, countless lines flashed with fiery rays of light, and a snow-white flame rose in an instant.


In an instant, Zhu Rong and Da Ri Tathagata fought together.

The sky was full of real fire, burning the sky, the scene was terrifying, and the void was beaten and collapsed.

Zhu Rong was born to control the source of fire, and the Great Sun Tathagata was the future body cut out by the Golden Crow. He also controlled the true fire of the sun, which was almost the most violent collision.

The third white chapter twenty-seven is like a cloud!

It's so scary!

The sky is radiant and dazzling, and it is impossible to distinguish between the two figures, and the strength is a mess.


The next moment, Kong Xuan shouted and rushed out first.

The five-color divine light pierced through the sky, absorbing all things in the world, and countless Buddhist disciples and soldiers were instantly contained in the five-color space.

"Today, when I wait for Zhenwu, I will slaughter all the gods and Buddhas in the sky!"

Hou Yi shouted in the sky, bent his bow and arrows, and shot out starlight arrows, which could blast countless Buddhas to ashes.

Among them, the interception of teaching Wanxian, under the leadership of Yunxiao, rushed straight to the Duobao Tathagata.

"The cause and effect of the teacher's door will be fulfilled today."

The Myriad Immortal Formation opened, as if entering a realm of no one, no one could stop it, and almost died when it touched it.

Not to mention, Xuan Ming blocked Zen Master Wu Chao and Dao Jun Lu Ya, and the three of them were fighting.

"Little Jinwu also dared to be murderous. Back then, I would kill your father as well."

Xuan Ming is very strong, holding two bone swords, extremely sharp, the sword glow is monstrous, and it is a terrifying mess.

"Presumptuous! Rest wild!"

Daojun Lu Ya and Zen Master Wu Chao were originally one body.

At the beginning of the battle of conferring gods, the body of the Golden Crow was beheaded, and Lu Ya once again used great perseverance to cut out the body of Zen Master Wu Chao, which is second only to the strength of the leader in Lingshan.

However, Xuan Ming was equally powerful.

In the Lich War in the ancient years, she alone dared to fight against Dong Huangtai who held the treasure of Chaos. With her strength, she was invincible under the saint.

In this battle, the sun and the moon have no light, and the sky is almost shattered.

Western Lingshan did not expect that there are so many strong people in this world that are not comparable to Lingshan.


Mount Tai is still prosperous, with auspicious clouds blooming, quiet and peaceful.

dong dong dong...

Suddenly, with a radius of millions of miles, dark clouds swept across, and the army of heaven came powerfully.

In the human race city below, countless cultivators rose to the sky, all showing shock.

Among the countless heavenly soldiers in between, the Haotian Jade Emperor held the Haotian Mirror, and his martial arts were extraordinary. He was under the coercion of the Heavenly Emperor, and all the spirits shivered in shock.

"Haotian, what are you doing here?"

At this moment, a faint voice came from the top of Mount Tai.

With the sound of the voice, the Jade Emperor Haotian was stunned for a moment, then his face changed drastically, and his eyes were full of incredible light.

On the top of the Jade Emperor, there are eight figures standing against the wind.

The three people in front were the three emperors of the human race, and behind them were the five emperors of the human race.


The accident happened suddenly, and the army of Heavenly Court was in an instant commotion.

This is the ancestor of the human race, and most of the army in the heavenly court is from mortals.

At this moment, facing the original ancestor, his face is full of unease, and he is even more timid, and his hands and feet are shaking with fear.

"Huangdi, Yandi, Fuxi..."

The Haotian Jade Emperor looked at the three emperors of the human race, and when he spoke, he almost clenched his teeth.

Heavenly Court came out in full force, and had already discussed it with Western Lingshan. Unexpectedly, they still encountered obstacles.

Fuxi looked at the Jade Emperor Haotian and smiled lightly: "Jade Emperor, you are not involved in the affairs of the world. The Lingshan you rely on may not be here."

While speaking, he sat cross-legged, with the guqin on his knees, and his temperament was as warm as jade.

"But since you're here, you don't have to go so fast!"

Huang Di opened his mouth coldly, and the Xuanyuan sword around his waist was unsheathed, showing a dazzling sword glow.

"Heavenly Court likes to meddle too much, the world of the world is not something you can interfere with the Jade Emperor." Emperor Yan said with a smile, wearing a Taoist robe without wind and automatically.

Obviously, they are all ready to take action and cannot let Heavenly Court leave safely.

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