At this moment, he shot in anger, and the peak saint's Taoism was vividly displayed.

Wherever the colorful divine light passed, the space of the Immortal Execution Sword Array trembled violently, as if it would be unbearable at any time.

"Two senior brothers, please take action quickly and kill this beast as soon as possible, so that I can go back to rescue my Lingshan disciple."

The hands clasped together, and a dazzling light erupted.

The golden light dissipated, and there was a monk with a golden body of six feet in the same place. The skin was flowing with metallic luster and was full of powerful power.


After receiving the anger King Kong, there was no more compassion, and the shot was extremely ruthless, and at the same time rushed to Li Zhenwu.

The two saints of Lingshan Mountain in the West were completely provoked.

Lingshan Buddhism is their foundation. If they are destroyed, their luck will be difficult to recover for countless kalpas.

"Hmph, just like that, I'll break this formation first, and then kill Li Zhenwu."

Yuanshi Tianzun sneered, holding the Pangu Pan, and instantly killed the Tongtian sect master.

In the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the other three sword gates were attacked by three gray-robed Taoists, and the entire big formation trembled.

"Wait a minute!"

The Master Tongtian holds the Qingping Sword and guards the Zhuxian Sword Gate. Relying on the blessing of the formation, he is also on a par with Yuanshi Tianzun.

But he was bitter in his heart, knowing that the other party's Taoism was twice as high as him, and if he continued for a long time, he would eventually be consumed to death.

In the field, only Taishang Laojun has not yet shot.

His eyes were like electricity, and the Taiji map in his hand trembled sharply, and the endless golden bridge shot out and flew to all parts of the great formation.


The golden bridge is dazzling, like a long rainbow coming from the sky, and instantly freezes the three sword gates.

One of the golden bridges, containing the momentum of lore, charged towards Li Zhenwu.

The three saints joined forces to kill, Li Zhenwu frowned, and seemed to be a little dissatisfied: "If you have this strength, it will really disappoint me."

The voice fell, in the horrified eyes of everyone.

I saw Li Zhenwu's body was full of arrogance, and the golden color turned into blood red, which was extremely coquettish.

The next moment, his body swelled, golden hair grew frantically from his skin, and a ferocious aura burst out.


The golden ape of Baizhang is extremely strong, and its body is filled with blood-red arrogance, which is unbelievably powerful.


The golden ape blasted out with a punch, and the colorful divine light that was coming to the front was directly smashed.

The saint strikes with all his strength, in front of him like a chicken and a dog, destroying the dead!

"The saint is inaction, you shouldn't provoke me!"

Li Zhenwu grinned, his fangs were thick, he turned around and rushed towards Jie Yin, the mountain's big fist, wrapped in vast power, smashed on Zhang Liu's golden body.


A loud noise erupted, and the entire Immortal Execution Sword Formation shook.

Terrible power!

Countless tiny cracks spread, and the void was like a mirror, unable to withstand the power of Li Zhenwu's punch.

"This is..." Taishang Laojun's expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed: "Have you surpassed the way of heaven?"

I have to say that at this moment, Li Zhenwu, with golden hair and blood-colored flames, is really majestic and full of invincible momentum.

"Beyond Heaven?"

Hearing Taishang Laojun's words, Li Zhenwu suddenly turned around and stared at him with a sneer: "Not yet, but I will kill you to prove the Way!"

When the voice fell, the space was turbulent, and countless ripples appeared.

Li Zhenwu's [-]-zhang tall ape body disappeared from the spot, turned into a beam of extreme light, and rushed towards Laojun Taishang.

This scene is horrifying!

The coercion of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation did not seem to affect him in the slightest.

Even, this place is in the depths of the chaotic void, the stability of the space, the saint wants to break through, he has to do his best.

But Li Zhenwu, just the speed of moving forward caused spatial fluctuations, like a mirror shattering.

It's so scary!

"You are a monster!"

As a saint, Taishang 947 Laojun spoke like this.

While speaking, the Taiji map in his hand had already been sacrificed, suspended in front of him, and countless golden bridges flew out from it, trying to stop Li Zhenwu, who was running very fast.


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