Li Zhenwu tried to feel the power of true martial arts, and found that his body was empty, there was nothing, just a mortal body.

Even, trying some basic means, can't show it.

In other words, he is no different from ordinary people now. The only thing he has is the vast and mysterious memory of the peak period of his previous life.

"Forget it, if the cultivation base is gone, you can still cultivate back, but some people are gone, but it is a lifetime thing."

However, Li Zhenwu was not disappointed in the slightest, but accepted it calmly.

In fact, if he didn't have the regrets of his parents in his previous life, he would have broken the shackles long ago when the Chaos Starry Sky fought against the saints.

However, no matter how firm the Dao Heart is, it is still incomplete.

This also led to the fact that the Hunyuan Avenue, although it was in front of us, could not be touched.

"Dad, Mom, your little Wu is back, in this life, I won't let you leave me again."

Li Zhenwu whispered to himself, containing supreme firmness.

If there is no shuttle between worlds, he is not so confident.

However, he is the Great Emperor Zhenwu, and even the saints, the Great Emperor Zhenwu should be respected and far away, and the mere mortal world cannot stop him.

"There is still a week before school starts. During this time, I want to practice again and cultivate the power of true martial arts as soon as possible."

The place where Li Zhenwu lives now is Hanhe City, a community for more than ten years.

Now the family's assets, only this family is left.

Thinking of this, Li Zhenwu sat down with his knees crossed. He was about to try to practice when the phone next to him rang again.

"Wang Sitian?"

Looking at the name displayed on the phone, Li Zhenwu was stunned for a moment, then he pulled his fingers horizontally and hung up.

Some people, if they missed it, even if they come back, they still can't make up for their defects.

The other party called because they wanted to study in the United States. They used to be well-matched, but at different times now, no matter how they are maintained, this relationship will eventually meet across the sea.

Li Zhenwu was stunned when he heard the sound of the door opening, which woke him up.


With a smile on his face and unprecedented joy, he hurriedly pushed the door and went out.

Endless years have passed, but I didn't expect that life could come back again, and I could still feel the longing family affection in my heart.

"Xiao Wu, we're back, do you have rice to eat today?"

Outside the living room, a woman in her forties, dressed in plain clothes, did not forget to shout when the door was closed.

This is Li Zhenwu's mother Liu Shizhen. The years have left a faint wrinkle on her face.


Li Zhenwu stood aside, looking at the woman in front of him, his eyes moist.

Emotions that had been suppressed for hundreds of millions of years burst out, with red eyes, and almost couldn't help crying.

"What happened to Xiao Wu?"

Seeing this, Liu Shizhen couldn't help panicking, and thought that Li Zhenwu's emotions had not recovered because of the college entrance examination.

"I'm fine, I'm just happy." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly without explaining.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly condensed, and a trace of violence and shock flashed in his eyes.

On Liu Shizhen's wrist, he wears a jade bracelet, which is very expensive at a glance.

However, in Li Zhenwu's eyes, this crystal clear jade bracelet contained a strange pitch-black mist that was constantly swallowing up the vitality in Liu Shizhen's body.

This is?

Li Zhenwu's face changed slightly, and he felt a very familiar feeling.

Chapter [-] Resentful spirits and evil spirits!

It is an evil spirit of resentment, without wisdom, but it can make people unknowingly lose their vitality and bring bad luck.

Even, it has the effect of affecting the life of mortals.

The reason why Li Zhenwu was shocked was that such things could still be seen in a modern city.

Moreover, it also appeared on his relatives.

"Mom, your bracelet looks like jade, where did you buy it?" Li Zhenwu remained calm, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Looking at the speed at which the resentful evil spirit devoured, it was obvious that it had been carried on him for a long time.

If Li Zhenwu is not mistaken, the unknown changes from half a year ago to the present may have a great relationship with this jade bracelet.

To avoid panic among his parents, he could only pretend to inquire casually.

Liu Shizhen was stunned for a moment, raised the jade bracelet in his hand, forced himself to smile and said, "This was given by your Uncle Liang a few years ago, as well as the beads on your father's hand, although we have been in touch with Uncle Liang since we were in trouble. Running out."

"This thing is expensive. We are not in the past. Now we take it out and we can support the facade."

At this moment, Li Guohao, who was sitting on the sofa, put down the newspaper and said helplessly.

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