Hearing this, Jiang Minghua's face became more and more unsightly, and he said, "It's okay, just a cup. Give me a face."

Brother Kun, who was wearing sunglasses, looked over, looked at the three girls, and finally settled on the ponytail girl's face, with a greedy smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Little sister, in Hanhe City, you can give Brother Kun a toast to me, but not everyone can."

While speaking, he stood up and walked over with a very light tone.

Seeing this, the younger brothers around him hurriedly shouted loudly, and a few more scoundrels also walked over to the other two girls and sat down.

The three girls are all art school models, tall, curvy, with a touch of lip gloss, exuding a youthful and vigorous atmosphere.

Brother Kun and the others, when the other party came in, their eyes were straight.

At this moment, while drinking, the turmoil in his heart could no longer be concealed, and he even signaled Jiang Minghua to take action.

However, they didn't expect it.

These girls didn't want to drink at all, and even when Brother Kun and the others walked over, they took a few steps back, smiling stiffly, as if they didn't want to stand too close to them.

"Xiaoqin, Brother Kun asked you to drink because he looked down on you. It's just a glass of wine. Would you like to give senior brother a face?"

Seeing this, Jiang Minghua hurriedly urged.

If Brother Kun didn't like it, their family was Jangho Group, with assets in the tens of millions.

But Qianglong doesn't suppress the local snakes, and it is Han and this small town, the biggest local snakes, black and white, no one knows.

"No, we really don't know how to drink, or we'll go first without disturbing you."

The ponytail girl Xiaoqin waved her hand and looked at Jiang Minghua's eyes, feeling a strange sense of alienation.

They never imagined that the handsome senior brother on campus would be so depraved behind his back.

While talking, the three girls picked up the bags on the table, stood up and wanted to leave.

This move made the entire box fall into a dead silence in an instant.

Brother Kun was expressionless, took out a cigarette and lit it, puffing clouds and mist, behind the sunglasses, there was a cold light flickering.

"Xiao Ming, this is the girl you brought, are you kidding me?" He said lightly.

The voice fell, and the seven or eight little brothers with colorful hair stood up with a bang and blocked the door of the box.

"What do you want to do? Believe it or not, I'll call the police."

Seeing this scene, the three girls were stunned, only the ponytail girl Xiaoqin suppressed her fear and asked loudly.

Call the police?

Hearing this, everyone laughed.

Jiang Minghua smiled wryly. In Hanhe City, Brother Kun's background is very complicated. It can be said that he is the emperor of Hanhe City.

No matter what group of businessmen want to operate here, they must pay management fees, even if the assets are hundreds of millions.

"Call the police? I said little sister, do you know who I am, Xie Kun?" Xie Kun flicked the soot and looked at them with a sneer.

"Paralyze, Brother Kun asked you to drink a glass of wine to give you face. If there are other people, Brother Kun will not look down on it!"

A younger brother sneered, his eyes were reckless, and he glanced at the three girls.

"Xiaoqin, just a glass of wine, brother, I'll make the decision, how about I let you go back after a drink?"

Seeing that the situation was out of control, Jiang Minghua hurriedly stood up, panicked in his heart.

"Fuck Nima, what are you? Are you helping us call the shots?"

Suddenly, a blond boy rushed out and kicked him.

boom!Jiang Minghua was caught off guard, was kicked and flew out, and fell to the ground, his body twisted in pain.

His eyes were angry, staring at the golden retriever, the dignified prince of the Jianghe Group, to be so humiliated.

However, Xie Kun's words made him full of anger, and it was instantly extinguished.

"Xiao Ming, your dad didn't dare to be arrogant in front of me. This time, for the sake of acquaintance, it's a small lesson!"

With just one sentence, the prince of the Jangho Group didn't even dare to say a word.

One can imagine how terrifying the strength behind Xie Kun is in Hanhe City.

The three girls with ponytails had pale faces, and anyone could see that Jiang Minghua didn't even speak for the sake of speaking in the eyes of the other party.

For a moment, the ponytail girl held the phone's hand and trembled slightly.

They are only college students, and they obviously don't know much about the dark side of society, so they were shocked at the moment.

Chapter [-] will kill you!

Li Zhenwu and Chen Hailong have been watching from the side, a little unable to react.

"This is..." Chen Hailong was stunned.

He never expected that Jiang Minghua, who was chatting and laughing with the other party just now, was knocked down by the other party in the blink of an eye.

What's this called?

In fact, not even Li Zhenwu knew about it.

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