Hearing this, the eyes of the four big men sitting next to them suddenly lit up, and they exuded a strange look.

Chapter [-] Jiangnan Su Family

Daoist is a very unfamiliar word to ordinary people.

But from the looks of these people in front of them, it is obvious that they understand something.

Li Zhenwu tilted his head, thought for a while, and said, "No, I'm just a student."

Hearing this, the eyes of the big men next to him flashed a hint of disappointment, and it seemed that Old Man Su had some misunderstandings.

Even the old man in Tang suit was no exception, his eyes were a little gloomy, and he seemed to feel that he was too careless.

When Chu Tianjun stood up and wanted to see off, Li Zhenwu suddenly smiled and said, "However, I can treat your condition."

When this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

"Really?" The eyes of the old man in Tang suit lit up, igniting endless hope.

"However, the method is a bit rude. You'd better be mentally prepared. Then don't blame me." Li Zhenwu said with his hands spread.

Seeing this, Chu Tianjun and the others stood up and sat down again.

"It doesn't matter, as long as the little brother can cure the old man, he can come up with any conditions."

"Whether money or fame and fortune is not a problem."

Before the old man in Tang suit opened his mouth, several men next to him spoke up.

Obviously, in their eyes, this old man in Tang suit named Su Lao has a lofty status.

"You might as well try, little friend, no matter what, I won't blame you."

Mr. Su didn't dare to talk to death. After all, he only felt that this young man was a little different, and he didn't put too much hope.

At his height, his vision is quite high, and he naturally knows that in this world, there are some things that cannot be explained by science.

The feeling Li Zhenwu gave them was too indifferent.

Just sitting there, it seems to be condescending to all living beings, there is a kind of detachment and refinement.

"That's what you said." Li Zhenwu's expression was slightly condensed, and he shot instantly and flicked his fingers.

The invisible energy was like a sledgehammer hitting Old Su's mouth. With a bang, he slammed into his back and made a dull sound.


The next moment, Su Lao only felt the blood in his body tumbling, and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The bright blood, with traces of black flow, is the color formed by the blocked blood energy for too long.

It was so sudden and shocking.

When Chu Tianjun and the others reacted, they just saw Old Su vomiting blood, and their expressions changed drastically.


In the noisy car, there was a loud drink.

Chu Tianjun and the other three men, with a move, raised their fists and attacked Li Zhenwu.

The four shot, the action was fierce, the whistling sounded, and the power was terrifying.

This scene shocked the surrounding passengers.

However, Li Zhenwu's face was indifferent, his figure remained motionless, he raised one hand, and when he reached the extreme, he caught the attacks of several people.


The power of true martial arts was released, and Chu Tianjun and the others were shaken back and slammed into the chair.

What happened here, attracted all the passengers.

The expressions of Chu Tianjun and the others changed drastically, and the powerful force made their bones seem to be shattered.

"If you dare to take action against Elder Su, no matter who you are, you will die."

However, their stamina was amazing, they even endured the pain of their bones, stood up abruptly, and wanted to continue to shoot.

Seeing this, Li Zhenwu's eyes brightened, but he did not expect the endurance of several people to be so tenacious.

"Give me a stop."

He didn't make a move, because the old man on the opposite side had already stood up, his tone was stern and full of anger.

At this moment, Old Su's face was ruddy, his breathing was steady, and he looked injured.

When Chu Tianjun and the others saw this, they couldn't help but stop, their faces full of doubts.

But Mr. Su was too lazy to pay attention to them. He turned to look at Li Zhenwu, bowed slightly, and said in a respectful tone, "Little friend's skills are sky-high, and Su admires him."

You know, just now he clearly felt it.

There is a domineering air current in his body, which strongly suppresses his messy True Qi.

Now, Elder Su not only has smooth blood, but also feels that the original weak infuriating energy is showing signs of growth.

This is amazing!

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