"Hmph, the three of them were hired by my dad at a high cost. Even the special forces are not necessarily better than them." Wei Zicong raised his chin, his face full of pride.

The three black-clothed men, with expressionless faces, remained silent from beginning to end.

But while walking, he walked like a tiger, exuding a powerful momentum, and at a glance, he knew that he had experienced the experience of blood and fire.

After a while, a group of people came to the door of Qianlong Pavilion.

They didn't dare to break into the door, for fear that the Su family behind them would blame them, so they rang the doorbell directly.

The courtyard is not big, a miniature version of the garden and a pavilion.

The pavilion is a two-story building with two bedrooms and one living room. The decoration is antique, exquisite and luxurious.

Li Zhenwu put his luggage away, and before he could look around, he heard the doorbell ringing, and he couldn't help but be puzzled.

"It's this kid again, do you really think I have a good temper?"

Looking at the CCTV, he couldn't help but look cold, and a killing intent rose to the Liang Yu father and son in his heart.

Very good, since you don't have long eyes, I will let you go back and forth.

Thinking of this, Li Zhenwu walked out of the pavilion and opened the courtyard gate with a blank face.

Seeing him come out, resentment flashed in Liang Yu and the charming woman's eyes, and they looked at him coldly, with expressions like watching a play.

Wei Zicong looked at Li Zhenwu indifferently, and compared with what Liang Yu said, he immediately felt clear.

Wearing cheap sportswear, facing their group, there was no expression at all.

"Are you that Li Zhenwu?" he said, with a arrogant demeanor, the aura of a superior.

"Who are you?" Li Zhenwu said impatiently, apparently reaching the limit of his patience.

"I'm Wei Zicong, Jiangnan..."

"do not know!"

With a bang, Li Zhenwu replied and directly gave the other party a closed door.

What kind of messy people, even if the people from the Su family come, if their attitude is not good, he will not give a good face.

Outside the door, Wei Zicong's face was ashen as he gritted his teeth.

I thought that I was self-reported, and I would show fear or nervousness about it.

But he was disappointed. He never expected that the door would be closed before he finished speaking.

"It's so arrogant to run errands, do you think I dare not do it here?"

Wei Zicong was full of anger, turned his head to look at the three men in black, and nodded vigorously.

After being instructed, the three men in black were silent, took a few steps abruptly, used both hands and feet, and leaped to the fence.

"Don't damage what's inside, just drag that kid out for me."

At the end, Wei Zicong did not forget to give an order.


The three men in black jumped off the wall, making the door quiet.

Soon, there were fighting sounds and screams of pain.

Across the door, they could clearly hear the sound of the broken bones, which made Liang Yu, who was waiting outside the door, feel chills down his spine.

"Don't kill anyone, just abolish his hands and feet." Wei Zicong shouted, for fear that the three men in black would not be able to bear it, and it would be troublesome to make a murder case.

The voice fell, and the courtyard gate opened immediately.



Before Wei Zicong could finish speaking, three black shadows flew out of the gate and slammed into him.

The force was so great that it knocked him several meters away, and fell to the ground with blood on his head, in a state of embarrassment.

This sudden change made everyone stunned for a while.

Liang Yu suddenly looked out the door, only to see Li Zhenwu staring at him coldly.

"You called these people? Very well, I took note."

After speaking, Li Zhenwu closed the door immediately, turned around and entered the attic.

He didn't kill him, and he didn't want to cause too much trouble until his strength was less than Earth Immortal.

After all, parents are still ordinary people and can't bear that kind of tossing.

Chapter [-] Shocked Jiangnan!

Outside the Qianlong Pavilion, a painful shenyin sounded from time to time, awakening Liang Yu.

When he turned his head and looked at him, his heart skipped a beat. This evil star, even the Fourth Young Master of Jiangnan dared to fight. It was truly terrifying to the extreme.

"Wei...Wei Shao, you, you~ are you okay?"

On the ground, Wei Zicong's head was bleeding, his clothes were covered with dust, and he looked very miserable.

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