"Liang Jianhui?"

After observing for a long time, Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back and spoke lightly.

In the quiet room, this voice suddenly sounded, which seemed particularly harsh.


When the voice fell, Liang Jianhui hadn't opened his eyes, but his body had already responded.

He slapped the ground with one hand, and the entire human figure retreated violently, almost to the extreme, the air roared, and a whirlwind blew.

However, Li Zhenwu remained motionless and looked at each other with interest.


After retreating to the wall, Liang Jianhui suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were cold, like the scythe of the god of death, which was shocking.

"Who the hell are you?" He said slowly, very calm, not panicking.

Obviously, as a cultivator, he is particularly confident in his own strength.

Li Zhenwu stared at each other and looked at him carefully. Liang Jianhui was tall, with a resolute face, eyes like knives, and his body exuded a cold aura...

It was the person in front of him who caused him to experience changes in his previous life.

It even caused an accident to his parents, leaving him alone in the end.

It was also because of this person that he was given a new life, traveling through the heavens and the world, so strong that he could almost defy the sky.

In the same way, because of this person, when he finally broke through the shackles of the Great Dao, he used a soldier to dismantle his body, and the true spirit was reborn as a result.

It can be said that all the cause and effect are caused by the man in front of him.

Li Zhenwu looked at the other party and said lightly: "The jade that Li Guohao and his wife brought, did you give them away?"

You know, that jade jewelry contains evil spirits of resentment and evil.

As a result, the fate of his parents was damaged, and bad luck continued, and he died unexpectedly within a year.

Hearing Li Zhenwu's words, Liang Jianhui's face changed slightly, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Who are you? Have we met?" He asked without answering, and the dark mist that permeated slowly converged, ready to strike at any time.

"I'm their son!" Li Zhenwu's eyes were indifferent, and his eyes became more and more cold. An invisible arrogance rose from his body, forming a terrifying aura.

"Are you Li Zhenwu? Impossible, the sons of those two sluts, how could 4.7 be a cultivator?"

Liang Jianhui's face changed drastically, and at this moment, he was finally frightened.

Although he was in denial, looking at Li Zhenwu's appearance, he couldn't help shaking his heart, as if he saw the most incredible thing.

"Nothing is impossible." Li Zhenwu frowned tightly and sneered: "I'll give you a chance now, either answer my question or die."

What answered him was a thick pitch-black mist, like darkness, shrouded in the past.

"Even a cultivator will die in front of me."

Liang Jianhui roared, and the endless dark mist spewed out, turning into a dark cloud in the sky, invisible and strange.

However, Li Zhenwu just raised his hand and slapped it.

Chapter [-] Demon monk!


Powerful power, boundless, palm prints pierced through the pitch-black mist and bombarded Liang Jianhui's body.

Suddenly, Liang Jianhui couldn't even resist, the whole person flew out and slammed into the wall, almost piercing the wall.

The gravel collapsed, and the powerful shock caused the window to shatter and fall.


A mouthful of black blood spurted out, Liang Jianhui's face was pale, and his face was full of disbelief.

At this time, he felt that Li Zhenwu was so powerful. In his eyes, he could be called an invincible combat power.

With just one palm, he was severely injured.

How terrible is this realm?

"Have you already reached the acquired realm?" Liang Jianhui was so shocked that he felt unwilling and desperate.

He was only in the qi refining period, and if he reached the day after tomorrow, the difference between the two would be a big realm, which would make people desperate.

"The day after tomorrow? I'm not!" Li Zhenwu shook his head, he was indeed not in the acquired realm, he had already broken through to the peak of the innate, and he was only one step away from the immortals.

Hearing this, Liang Jianhui smiled bitterly, his eyes full of despair.

"Can 14 let me live?" He pleaded not wanting to die.

However, Li Zhenwu shook his head and said coldly: "In front of me, you only have two choices, to die happily or to die."

The room fell silent and the atmosphere was depressed.

Liang Jianhui knew that the opponent had this strength and could easily control his life and death, which made people desperate.

"Okay, I hope you can give me a treat!"

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