While speaking, he solemnly and solemnly spread the bright yellow cloth on the table.

The movement is very light, as if a little force will destroy this thing.

Even Chu Tianjun, who was next to him, stared at him with wide eyes, his face full of awe, and his attitude was extremely sincere.

"This is the family heirloom that my Su family has passed down from ancient times to the present. As for how many generations it has been passed down, I don't know."

As Su Quan spread it out, he said, "But I know from my grandfather that it existed before the Ming Dynasty."

The voice fell, and the bright yellow cloth was spread out.

It is filled with dense fonts, and the pen is vigorous, like a dragon and snake wandering away, an awe-inspiring feeling seems to come out through the cloth.

However, when Li Zhenwu saw the above content, he couldn't help being stunned.

"Little brother, but you don't understand?"

After a while, Su Quan saw that Li Zhenwu didn't respond, so he could not help reminding him softly.

But Li Zhenwu was still sluggish, looking at the bright yellow cloth, there was a feeling as if he had passed away.

"Su Family, Su Family?"

He muttered to himself, as if in a dream, with a long-lost smile on his face, very happy.

This scene made the two present at the scene bewildered.

They only heard that Li Zhenwu kept talking about the Su family, and he also said about Shang and Zhou, many unfamiliar things.

"So it turns out, it seems that they can't figure out where I am, the secret is not obvious, the ups and downs of cause and effect, the world is unpredictable!"

Li Zhenwu shook his head and sighed, talking to himself.

Beside him, Su Quan and Chu Tianjun suddenly had a feeling.

In Li Zhenwu, I saw a feeling of vicissitudes, that is the state of mind that is full of people and sees through thousands of red dust.

"Little brother?"

In the end, Su Quan couldn't bear it any longer and reminded him with laughter.

Li Zhenwu came to his senses, looked up, shook his head and laughed, then nodded again.

When the two of them were about to go crazy, he smiled faintly: "Your Su family's heirloom, in this world, except me, no one can help you solve the problem."

After thinking about it for a while, he said again: "However, the opportunity has not yet come, and it can't be completely solved. I will repair the front for you, so that you can practice."

"I'm relieved to have the words of little brother. As for the chance, everything depends on it!" Su Quan was open to it, but he didn't feel anything.

After all, it has been circulated for an unknown number of years, and now it is his generation's turn. If he can solve it a little, he is already very lucky.

"Very good, then I'll write it now, but it's the wish of your Su family for so many years."

Li Zhenwu shook his head, feeling a sense of regret.

However, now that the opportunity has not come, he can't say too much. After all, he knows too much, which may not be a good thing for the current Su family.

Soon someone sent pen, ink and paper to spread on the table.

Li Zhenwu wrote a quick book, like a dragon and a snake tossing, the pen is strong and flexible, and he wrote hundreds of words.

"Okay, this is the length of the Qi refining period, enough for your Su family to practice for a while."

After dropping the last stroke, Li Zhenwu exhaled.

The words on the paper, in Su Quan's eyes, were like the evolution of the Great Dao, which contained the wisdom of heaven and earth, mysterious and unpredictable.

After just a few glances, he felt that the infuriating energy in his body had changed from a small stream to a rushing river, roaring in his body endlessly.

This feeling is so wonderful!

"It is said that in ancient times, advanced cultivators could be inedible. I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it."

Su Quan felt the infuriating energy in his body, and his face was full of intoxication.

The blood that gradually dried up with age also seemed to regenerate, becoming as vigorous as youth.

This kind of improvement in cultivation lasted for half an hour before it slowed down.

At this moment, Su Quan completely broke through the critical point and officially entered the early stage of Qi Refining period, where strands of True Qi were derived from his body.

In the pores of the skin, there are traces of turbid air gushing out, and the impurities in the body are expelled.

Chapter [-] This is supernatural power!

The pavilion is built in the middle of the small lake, and the lotus leaves on the lake are fragrant, and they are full of people's sight.


Suddenly, a strong wind spread from the pavilion and swept in all directions, the lake was rippling, and the lotus leaves were ups and downs.

Su Quan was inexplicably pleasantly surprised. He felt comfortable all over, and his blood was flowing, as if he contained unparalleled power.

Seeing this, Chu Tianjun next to him was also very happy for his teacher.

"You have cultivated Dao for half your life, and you have accumulated enough. Now that you have corrected the route of cultivation, it is not surprising that you can have this effect." - Li Zhenwu said lightly.

"Little brother deserves to be a strange man. Su Quan can step into the path of Taoism. Such kindness cannot be repaid!" Su Quan stood up and bowed solemnly.

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