"Then we wait until Mr. Li's inheritance, can we have this strength?" Su Quan couldn't hide his excitement.

"You are still a long way off, but it's not impossible. Before that, let's settle my parents."

Li Zhenwu turned around, glanced at the two of them lightly, and his tone was very indifferent.

"Mr. Li, don't worry, I will contact the people in Yanjing immediately. I believe that there will be news coming back soon." Su Quan said with hands.

"That's the best, in that case, if there is nothing else, I'll go first."

After speaking, Li Zhenwu was satisfied and turned around and left.

Chu Tianjun accompanied him and escorted him out in person, while Su Quan immediately went to contact the people in Yanjing.

Chapter [-] Su Xiaoli!

In the pavilion, Su Quan sat on a rattan chair, his face full of thoughts.

He also had no confidence in the situation on Yanjing's side. He was most afraid that he would not be able to fulfill Li Zhenwu's request, and he was also a little uneasy.

You know, just making up for the family's inner strength and heart method, this kind of kindness is enough to make his liver and brain go to the ground.

Not to mention the cultivating methods that are thrown out and given to Chu Tianjun.

"Xiaojun, what do you think of Mr. Li?"

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Su Quan didn't look back, but asked suspiciously.

Before they knew Li Zhenwu, cultivators existed only in legends in their hearts.

But today, they really saw that the means used by a powerful cultivator were so terrifying.

However, after a moment of silence, a soft voice suddenly sounded.

"Grandpa, who is Mr. Li?"

Hearing this, Su Quan was stunned for a moment, then turned to look, a kind smile on his old face.

He faces almost everyone with a solemn face and rarely shows his emotions. At this moment, he is unreserved when facing the incoming person, and the doting in his eyes is completely undisguised.

It was a beautiful woman with short black hair in a shawl, picturesque eyebrows, and she looked heroic in a police uniform.

"Isn't Xiaoli going to deal with official business? Why do you have time to come back to see me, this poor old man." Su Quan said with a smile, this is his granddaughter, the one he loves the most among the many juniors.

"Grandpa is a bad old man. He is only eighty now, and his body is still very tough!" Su Xiaoli blinked his big eyes and said coquettishly with dissatisfaction.

"You girl, it looks like you are in trouble again?" Su Quan was speechless, obviously familiar with Su Xiaoli.

Seeing her like this, I knew it was definitely not a good thing.

Sure enough, the smile on Su Xiaoli's pretty face gradually subsided, and his eyes were a little dignified, and he said, "Grandpa should already know what happened to Liang's Daxia?"

Hearing this, Su Quan nodded without denying it.

In Jiangnan City, no matter how big or small it is, it is impossible to get out of the Su family's eyes.

Not to mention the sensational event of the Liang Group. It can be said that Su Quan knew this matter faster and more comprehensively than Su Xiaoli.

According to the information received, it was that Liang's father and son died too tragically, and the scene was in a mess.

"Grandpa, this case is very strange. Judging from the damage on the scene, it is impossible to cause this phenomenon with the existing technological weapons." Su Xiaoli said, and then took out two documents and opened them to Su Quankai .

"I feel that this kind of strange destructive power has a lot to do with the cultivator that my grandfather suffered in the past."

While speaking, she pointed to one of the documents and said, "This is the case of Han and Shi. I feel that the two have a lot to do with each other."

I have to say that Su Xiaoli is very smart and has a very keen intuition, and he quickly found the clues.

"A monk?"

Su Quan said to himself, picked up two documents, compared them one by one, and looked at them carefully.

However, as he looked on, his face gradually became solemn.

At the end, there was a faint fright in his eyes, and he slowly dropped the document, breathing heavily, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Grandpa, I have heard from you since I was a child that there are cultivators in this world. I didn't believe it before, but now, I believe it a little bit." Su Xiaoli's heart is heavy, because it means that some people will be detached In the mundane, not trapped by the rules of this world.

For the police uniform she was wearing, that was absolutely not allowed.

Su Quan fell silent. After a long time, he slowly let out a suffocating breath. He shook his head and said, "This case doesn't need to be investigated any more, try to suppress it as much as possible!"

When he said this, he seemed to be under a considerable impact on the world view, as if he had to use all his strength.

However, how could Su Xiaoli give up? She asked with a puzzled face: "Even if they are cultivators, under modern weapons, I don't believe that they can be invulnerable, but their methods are more unique."

Could it be that he was afraid that something would happen to him? After all, in my grandfather's words, cultivators were all superhumans who came up high...

Moreover, in Liang's Daxia, there was no trace of it, and I didn't know how the murderer got up, which makes people feel strange.

"Whether it's about Hanhe City or the Liang Group, don't look into it any more!" Su Quan's voice raised, with an inexplicable majesty that made people not question.

This made Su Xiaoli feel strange, and at the same time, he felt aggrieved in his heart.

Since childhood, Su Quan has never had a look on her face. This is the first time that the girl is very sad. Her big eyes are filled with mist, and it will stay at any time.

Seeing this, Su Quan felt a headache, and finally comforted him gently, saying: "A cultivator is another kind of existence in this world, and there will be no change in the life of a mortal. If you continue to investigate, I am afraid you will be in trouble. Report to Yanjing?"

"I believe that China, as an ancient country on earth, must know some of them, and will send more capable people to investigate."

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