"Is that person not there?"

Bai Huxiu frowned, and when he saw the dark attic, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

You must know that although the organizational task is not aimed at the people of Qianlong Pavilion, the news provided by the Su family a few days ago has made people have to pay attention.

She was on campus, so she naturally started her investigation from the nearest place.

But I didn't expect that there was obviously no one in the Qianlong Pavilion before dawn, and even that person was not here at all.

"Qianlong Pavilion is the most luxurious place in Jiangnan College, representing one's status and status, but that person's identity information is too mysterious and is well protected by the Su family."

The white tiger flickered and flew down from the wall. His jet-black hair was flowing like a waterfall. His figure was charming, charming and moving.

No one is there, so just go in and investigate.

"If the rumor is false, what does the Su family mean by occupying Qianlong Pavilion?"

Thinking of this, she moved her long straight legs, and her graceful and graceful figure was drawn into a fascinating and human arc by the tight clothes.

But the next moment, when she was about to pass through the small water pavilion in the courtyard, her whole body stiffened.


There was silence all around, and darkness was everywhere.

But inside the pavilion, there is a hazy glow, and if you don't look carefully, you can't feel it at all.

"This is……"

Bai Hu's heart moved, his footsteps were brisk, and he walked straight over.

But as she approached the 447 pavilion, her breathing became tight, and those bright beautiful eyes shone with a different kind of light.


Is this a person, or a naked teenager?

Bai Hu just glanced at it and couldn't take his eyes away. He was shy with a deep sense of shock and inconceivable.

The young man in the pavilion sat cross-legged in the void, the pores of his skin spewing light, containing a trace of spiritual energy.

From top to bottom, inside and out, almost never let go.

Even when he saw an indescribable part, Bai Hu's mind trembled slightly.

Is this a monk?

This thought flashed through Bai Hu's mind, and the next moment, her eyes and pupils shrank, and her whole body was like petrification, stiff in place.


It was at this moment that Li Zhenwu suddenly opened his eyes, and the blue light shot out, which was magical.

He frowned and turned his head to look, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The visitor was dressed in night clothes, like an ancient assassin, with a black veil on his face, so he couldn't see his true face, and his eyes were very bright.

and many more?

Why is this line of sight looking down?

Li Zhenwu was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he was naked, his face turned slightly red, and there was a sense of embarrassment.


Chapter [-] Familiar Souls!

Qianlong Pavilion, the atmosphere is strange and dead.

Li Zhenwu suddenly opened his eyes, and Bai Hu was also stunned.

The four eyes were facing each other, and their eyes splashed in the air, exuding a strange atmosphere.


In an instant, the white tiger came to his senses, tapped his toes, swept his body, and flew towards the wall.

This is so shocking.

The person who lived in Qianlong Pavilion turned out to be a cultivator.

Moreover, looking at the young man's appearance, he was very young, and his cultivation was so great that even she couldn't sense it.

This matter must be reported to the organization as soon as possible.

After all, cultivators are generally secluded from the world. If there are cultivators who have entered the world, they must register and report to prevent them from causing waves in the mortal world.

The white tiger is light and graceful, like a black butterfly dancing gracefully, agile and empty.

The distance of dozens of meters came in an instant, her toes touched the wall, and the whole person flew up, like a black phoenix soaring.

"who are you?"

However, Li Zhenwu was faster than her, and quietly, his figure fell on the wall, looking down at the uninvited guests below.

He carried his hands on his back, his skin was gorgeous, and his eyes were clear.

The naked body was shrouded in hazy brilliance, as if in chaos, making it difficult to see.

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