The car arrived at the foot of the mountain and found a place to park, which immediately attracted countless attention.

The streamlined arc of Salamati is very technological, and the color of the body is fiery red, like a flame burning on the road, impacting everyone's visual sense.

When the door opened, there were countless exclamations.

"God, that's the school flower of the Archaeology Department..."

"Tsk tsk tsk, as expected of a goddess, it seems that the background is not ordinary, either rich or expensive."

"One of the top ten goddesses of the academy, with many suitors, if you can chat with her, you will feel no regrets in death."

"Unfortunately, Goddess Qin has a cold temperament, and she doesn't look down on countless suitors."

At this moment, the parking lot at the foot of the mountain, the freshmen of Jiangnan College, have also arrived.

Under the command of the teachers in each class, they stood together in an orderly manner, exclaiming from time to time.

Whenever a luxury car arrives, it will attract countless envious eyes.

What's more, Qin Yao, who is the school flower, is the object of countless people's attention.

At this moment, seeing the goddess getting off the car, her slender figure and golden ratio figure aroused the envy and hatred of countless women.

But the next moment, the surroundings became eerily quiet.


The door of the passenger seat opened, and a teenager in a sports suit walked out in good time.

After the young man came out, he directly ignored the gazes around him and looked up in the direction of Zijin Mountain, as if he was looking at the scenery.

"My God! This kid..."

After a while, there was a violent commotion in the crowd.

Countless hateful and angry eyes fell behind Li Zhenwu, as if looking at the enemy.

"I can't believe that the goddess is actually with this kid?"

"Look at that kid's clothes. It's very cheap. What's going on?"

Someone was howling, full of unwillingness, exuding a strong hatred and envy towards Li Zhenwu.

The surroundings were strange, which shocked all the second generation, and finally saw the school flower and Li Zhenwu together, and couldn't help but stunned.

I saw that Qin Yao was close to Li Zhenwu in front of everyone's eyes, and like him, he looked up at the direction of the top of the mountain.

"Is there anything there?"

Qin Yao frowned and was very puzzled. No matter how wide her eyes were, she couldn't see anything special.

Zijin Mountain is not tall and has beautiful scenery. On the road on the mountain, there is a huge square that can accommodate thousands of tourists.

But at this time, there are not many tourists, only a few sparsely.

Li Zhenwu didn't look sideways, the corner of his mouth raised a faint smile, and said, "It's really weird there. I feel that there are unknown secrets in this mountain."

As for the situation behind him, he directly ignored it and didn't want to pay attention at all.

"In that case, let's go up, no need to follow the brigade, my team members are all waiting in the square above." Qin Yao said, stretched out his jade hand and pulled Li Zhenwu up.

This scene made countless people go crazy.

"Damn, the goddess actually took the initiative to pull him, this kid can't let it go."

At this moment, Li Zhenwu became a public enemy of various second generations, and his eyes showed hostility.

Seeing that the two climbed the steps, they were about to leave here.

Suddenly, several men with luxurious temperament and wearing brand-name suits blocked the way.

"Qin Yao classmate, we just want to go up, why don't we go together?"

One of the men, wearing a diamond watch on his wrist, was very personable and politely approached to say hello.

"Yes, everyone is an archaeology department, let's go together!" said the man's companion.

Obviously, they knew Qin Yao and were classmates in the same class.

Seeing Li Zhenwu's appearance at this moment, they felt a sense of crisis, and they mustered up the courage to chat up.

Their eyes were fiery, with greed in their eyes, and they were obviously convinced by Qin Yao's beauty.

"This classmate, you don't seem to be in our class. Please leave Qin Yao now."

Suddenly, the man with the diamond watch, as if he had just seen Li Zhenwu, was arrogant, and spoke directly to drive him away.

At the same time, the man's companion moved and approached the past, silently forming a secret threat.

They looked at Li Zhenwu with disdain and a bad look.

"We still have business, Li Zhenwu is my friend, please get out of the way."

Before Li Zhenwu spoke, Qin Yao frowned, and her voice was cold with a hint of disgust.

The thoughts of several people, barely concealed, made her very uncomfortable.

"Qin Yao, you don't know that people's hearts are sinister. A poor man like him must have bad intentions to approach you. We only wanted to remind you when we were a classmate." The man with the diamond watch explained warmly.

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