Orochimaru is vigilant, because Li Zhenwu's limelight is too high, and his record is too gorgeous, he is not sure whether he can beat it, and he has to be careful.

"It's nothing, I heard that Brother Orochimaru, you have some cooperation with Danzo Shimura in the village?" Li Zhenwu also smiled lightly: "Then I don't know if you know about the conflict between Danzo and me?"

"What does it have to do with me?" Generally speaking, snakes have very keen perceptions, and there is a snake in the name of Orochimaru, and his own perception is also very keen.

At this moment, through Li Zhenwu's words, Orochimaru faintly felt a little bad.

"Of course it has something to do with it." Li Zhenwu continued: "Because you like taboo research, Danzo also started taboo research in this area... That's why I got offended. You say the source of all this, is that you?"

Li Zhenwu was talking nonsense. In fact, he was just unhappy with Orochimaru, so he wanted to find some bad luck on him.

As he spoke slowly, Li Zhenwu also began to prepare to start at any time.

Orochimaru was startled at this moment, and realized that there was a danger that seemed to envelope him.

"Junior Brother Zhenwu is joking." Orochimaru said with a strong smile: "How is Shimura Danzo, and what does it have to do with me."

"Not to mention, the two eyes on Shimura Danzo's arm were transplanted for him, right?" Li Zhenwu interrupted him: "If it wasn't for the eyes you transplanted for him, he would have died in my hands. You said it has nothing to do with you."

"How does he know so much?" Orochimaru was surprised, and even more painful, because Li Zhenwu clearly didn't want to go to one side with him!Instead, prepare to trouble him!

(Recommend a girl's book, she is definitely a cute girl, if you don't believe me, you can ask her! "The Strongest Guardian Spirit"

Chapter [-]: Kaguya Jun Maru! (fifth more)

Li Zhenwu's words did not have the slightest kindness, but to Orochimaru, they were full of malice.

While surprised that Li Zhenwu knew so much about himself and Danzo, Orochimaru smiled dryly: "Young master, you think too much, Shimura Danzo and I are just using each other."

In Orochimaru's alertness, a growing danger was coming to him, and the source of this danger came from Li Zhenwu in front of him.

"He's actually so strong!" Orochimaru was shaking in his heart. Rao was a description of Li Zhenwu's strength, and several of them were already strong, even defeating the eight-tailed person Zhuli.

But now, Orochimaru feels that Li Zhenwu's strength is still underestimated in the information!

Li Zhenwu snorted softly, and unreservedly released his 'qi'.

At this moment, the entire forest is quiet, the birdsong has disappeared, and the insects have all stopped!

But Orochimaru felt terrified and his heart was beating violently, as if he was in a life-and-death crisis.

In this case, Orochimaru didn't say anything else, but grabbed Junmalu who was on the side, turned around and ran away!

Moreover, the speed of Orochimaru is extremely fast, and after two ups and downs, it has disappeared 287 in the sight of several people.

"Can you run away?" Li Zhenwu told a few people behind him to stay where he was, and then under the stunned eyes of the three, he jumped slightly, and then flew into the sky!

Air Dance!

Orochimaru fled wildly, without any sense of shame or shame, because he felt that Li Zhenwu was too terrifying, and the momentum alone made him almost unbearable.

In the forest, Orochimaru showed a meandering escape route.

However, Li Zhenwu locked him firmly through his breath!


Like a meteor falling from the sky, Li Zhenwu ruthlessly fell from the sky, and the ground was smashed into a small pit by his reckless fall, and a crack formed around it.

The police officer Orochimaru was horrified. He never thought that Li Zhenwu would suddenly land in front of him from the sky!

Moreover, after this shock, Orochimaru didn't dare to face Li Zhenwu directly, and turned around and ran away!

However, this time, in order to escape quickly without affecting his speed, he also directly threw Kaguya Junma Lu, who was carrying in his hand, towards Li Zhenwu, and took the opportunity to escape.

Swish!In the air, Junmalu, who was not unconscious, released the power of the bone veins, and a white bone shield formed around him.

Orochimaru took the opportunity to escape.

However, Li Zhenwu did not continue to chase Orochimaru, but easily blocked Junmalu, who had a bone shield on his body, and then cut a knife to the back of Junmalu's neck, and saw her stunned neatly. past.

According to the current strength of Li Zhenwu, it is not too simple to knock out a young Junma Lu.When Junmalu didn't realize anything, he had already fainted.

After that, Li Zhenwu didn't care about Orochimaru, but just took Junma Lu and returned to join Bai and the others.

But even so, Orochimaru's heart, if converted into damage, is estimated to have 10000 points.

... When Li Zhenwu carried the unconscious Junma Lu and flew down from the sky with the air dance technique, Bai and Lanmaru both opened their mouths in shock.

"Master Zhenwu, you, you can fly!" Bai took the lead in questioning and answering, but his words were a little scary, because he was not only shocked, but also full of excitement. It seemed that Li Zhenwu could fly, and he was the same as Yourongyan.

"Practice hard, maybe one day, you can too."

Li Zhenwu considered the possibility, and then took the opportunity to encourage.

Indeed, even in this world, one's strength has reached its peak, and one can master flying.

It's just that it's unknown whether Bai and Lanmaru will be able to get to this point.

However, there is still a case where Professor Li Zhenwu taught them the 'Turtle Immortal Flow'.

"Yeah." Hearing this, the two young faces blushed with excitement, nodded fiercely, and at the same time made up their minds.

The two children were excited, but Bai's mother, who was an adult, noticed Junmalu and asked, "Really invincible dwarf, this child?"

"This is also a pitiful person." Li Zhenwu put Jun Ma Lu down and explained simply: "He is also a person with a special blood lineage, and he has been unhappy since he was a child. Just now, my senior brother took him, thinking Not necessarily good."

Li Zhenwu said this, and immediately made several people feel pity for each other.

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