Could it be the problem with that space channel?

In an instant, Li Zhenwu thought a lot, but he wasn't sure because it was too weird.

But there is no doubt that the world connected by the space channel is absolutely beyond imagination, and I am afraid it is the ancient mythical world.

Soon, the rich infinite spiritual energy made everyone's cultivation level rise rapidly.


Ye Tian took the lead in breaking through and reached the top realm of the day after tomorrow. He was full of momentum and climbed to the extreme, like a king inspecting the world.

The second is Chen Shuangshuang, her hair is fluttering, her skin is as crystal clear as jade, and her cultivation has reached the top level of the day after tomorrow.

Hu Ming followed closely and also stepped into the acquired realm.

"It's developed, and I thought that all living beings couldn't break through!"

The three of them were very excited, and looked at Li Zhenwu with gratitude.

If it wasn't for Li Zhenwu, they wouldn't have gotten such a good fortune, and whether they could leave alive was a question.


Qin Yao floated off the ground, slender and graceful, like a fairy in the dust, making life look up to the wrong situation.

She also made a breakthrough, achieved innate, and can hang in the air for a short time.

"Li Zhenwu hasn't broken through yet?"

Immediately, everyone's eyes fell on Li Zhenwu, full of expectations.

Especially Qin Yao, she knows that Li Zhenwu has reached the innate, and if he breaks through, it will break the shackles of heaven and earth and step into the realm of immortals.

Chapter [-] Half-step Immortal!


Purple Mountain, a vision descends, and the golden light surrounds the mountain, which is gorgeous and beautiful, forming a shocking spectacle.

The dark clouds in the sky dissipated, the rain stopped, and the air was fragrant and fresh.

The spectacle of the mountain is shocking, like the vision of a myth and legend.

Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged on the ground, his hair was rippling, his skin was dazzling, and his whole body was glowing.

The movement here is too great, causing the spectacle of Zijin Mountain, which is surprising.

"Brother Zhenwu, do you want to break through the realm of immortals?"

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian felt frightened, his eyes widened, he couldn't believe it.

Immortals, in the eyes of these cultivators, represent invincibility.

You must know that the magical powers of immortals can call for wind and rain, summon thunder and lightning, spread beans into soldiers, all kinds of unimaginable means.

A cultivator can be considered a superhuman at most, and an immortal has already broken through the category of human beings.

"It's possible, maybe he can really become the first immortal in China!" Qin Yao gritted her teeth and was very nervous, and she was also looking forward to it.

"The first immortal in China, when the time comes, Western power users will be afraid." Chen Shuangshuang's eyes glowed, looking at Li Zhenwu with a face of nympho.

After all, the immortal represents the invincible, omnipotent, and transcends the mundane existence.

Not only can he control the power of 410 Ran, but he can also imprison the soul and bring people back to life. These are the true records of the ancient books in the alliance.


At this moment, a dazzling divine light burst out from Li Zhenwu's body, rushing straight into the sky, splendid to the extreme.

This scene moved Qin Yao and the others, all showing excited expressions.

However, the divine light soared into the sky, and in just a moment, it disappeared, and everything was calm.

"What's going on? Has it been successful?" Ye Tian screamed, his voice sharp, obviously excited and unable to extricate himself.

"Can you evolve into a fairy so quickly?" Hu Ming frowned, feeling uneasy in his heart.

I saw Li Zhenwu slowly open his eyes, his eyes were clear and clear, he could not see joy, anger, sadness and joy, and he was calm and without waves.

"Li Zhenwu, you succeeded?" Qin Yao asked nervously with a trembling voice.

So worrying!

Everyone's eyes looked at the past, containing unspeakable complex emotions.

Li Zhenwu looked around, the corner of his mouth raised a faint smile.

Seeing this, Ye Tian and the others thought they had succeeded.

"No, just a little bit."

But Li Zhenwu's next sentence was like pouring cold water on top of his head, instantly extinguishing the fire and heat in everyone's heart.

"Almost? That means you almost succeeded?" Qin Yao sighed, her face full of loneliness.

"No, it is considered a success, but for some reasons, it cannot be completely successful." Li Zhenwu explained.

If the space channel is maintained for a long time, it can completely break through to the realm of immortals, but at the last moment, the lack of spiritual energy makes it impossible to completely break through.

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