Half-step fairy?

When they heard the news, the senior officials of the Ye family in the north were all shocked.

"Xiaotian, this senior, you must treat it with respect, and you must not be disrespectful at all."

This is the Ye family in the north, and they are quite strict with Ye Tian...

At the same time, the Ye family also promised him to please Li Zhenwu. If necessary, the family would go all out.

Chen Shuangshuang and Hu Ming also gave similar advice.

Only the Yanjing Qin family has an ambiguous attitude.

"What? Half-step immortal? This is not a joke, Xiaoyao, are you really sure that he is a human immortal?"

On the phone, there was a full-bodied voice, and the breath was long and leisurely.

"Grandpa, of course I'm sure. I discovered it at the beginning. Before reaching the Purple Mountain, Li Zhenwu was already at his peak, and I couldn't even take a single move from him." Qin Yao said dissatisfiedly.

At this moment, the person who was talking to her was Qin Deming, the head of the Qin family in Yanjing.

Not to mention Yanjing, even if it is placed in the entire Huaxia, it is one of the top few people.

After being confirmed, Qin Deming was shocked, and he would definitely not doubt the words of his granddaughter.

But before the age of [-], he has reached the realm of half-step human beings and immortals. How shocking is this, if it is known, it will definitely set off a storm all over the world.

"Xiao Yao, you have done a good job. Keep it a secret from the alliance for the time being. After all, this is a living god in the world, and you cannot let the West know." Old Master Qin said quickly, very cautious.

You must know that the cultivator alliance is not monolithic.

If the 1.5 news is leaked, I am afraid it will provoke the assassination of the power users in the western world, and even the assassination of the underground existence all over the world.

"I know, now only my team knows about it, and he brought my old friend from the current life..." Qin Yao told Qin Deming all the news in detail.

"Great, if there is a chance, Xiaoyao can develop a period with that senior..."

Before Qin Yao's words were finished, the tone and attitude of Mr. Qin on the other side of the phone changed.

However, Qin Yao directly hung up the phone with a black face.

"Develop a period of what, take me as what?"

After hanging up, she gritted her teeth in anger, pinched the phone with her green fingers, and almost threw it away.

This is obviously to sell her, or to post it upside down.

Chapter [-] Weird things in Jiangnan!

At night, in the deep darkness, all the light between heaven and earth was swallowed up, only the street lights in the campus flickered a few times.

Qianlong Pavilion, water pavilion.

"I didn't expect that the means of the power user turned out to be a simplified version of the Wu people!"

Sitting cross-legged in the pavilion, Li Zhenwu's eyes flashed with surprise.

Controlling the elements between heaven and earth was a unique method of the Wu clan in the ancient times.

It's just that the ability user is not a witch after all, and the difference between them is like the difference between clouds and mud.

The power user can only mobilize various elements by sensing with his mind, and then through the communication of spiritual power.

But the Wu clan is different. They are born to control the elements. In front of the Wu clan, the elements of heaven and earth are like slaves, and they are sent by them at will.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu will conclude that the means of controlling the elements of the ability user is only a simplified version.

And it's very simple, if you want to say it, it's just similar.

Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged in the pavilion, his skin glowed with crystal clear luster, and his breath was gentle, filling the surroundings, like a spring breeze blowing his face14.

After experiencing the baptism of the Great Desolate Spiritual Qi, his physique became stronger.

It can be said that if you encounter the three power users of Zijin Mountain again, you will definitely not need to shoot, and they will be shocked to death with a loud roar.

"The earth's spiritual energy is dry, but there are some hidden passages in the ancient world. It will be necessary in the future. It seems that you have to go in and have a look."

After training, Li Zhenwu's eyes were bright, and the divine light flowing through his skin also converged into his flesh and bones.

You know, the earth is now in the age of the end of the law.

Imprisoned by invisible rules, for hundreds of years, immortals and gods have almost disappeared, and the cultivation world has fallen into an unprecedented withering, so it has been overlooked by Western powers in modern times.

The weakness of the aura is simply outrageous.

Being able to reach the realm of immortals seems to be the limit of the earth. If you want to go further, you can only enter the world of those channels.

Li Zhenwu just broke through, and he stabilized the realm overnight, condensing the foundation extremely.

The next morning, as soon as he woke up, the phone rang.

"Su Quan?"

Taking a look, Li Zhenwu frowned, the call came on time, just when he woke up.

After answering the call, Su Quan's voice was respectful, but Li Zhenwu could hear it, and it contained a sense of unease before speaking.

"Hello, Mr. Li, are you satisfied with campus life? Um... Did the old man bother you?"

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