"Whoever wants to kill me must pay the price."

The voice was low and cold.

If Ye Tian and the others were not there, Li Zhenwu would definitely wait for the other party to be delivered to the door. Now let the two go first, just to prevent the people around him from being hurt.

Their speed was very fast, and after more than ten seconds, they appeared in the lobby on the first floor.

In the rest area towards the gate, there were two white men. When they saw Li Zhenwu and the three of them appear, their eyes flickered with surprise.

The next moment, the two white men flashed murderous intent in their eyes, and their right hands slowly went deep into their arms.

In the distance, Li Zhenwu Shenjue was extremely powerful, and he sensed it instantly. This was for himself.

"After you leave, don't come back. Remember, if anything happens, don't come back. Get out of here now!" Li Zhenwu walked in front of Ye Tian and the two in a few steps, his tone was unprecedentedly cold.

"Brother Zhenwu, don't worry, we will remember." Ye Tian didn't know what happened, but the feeling of not wanting to have a premonition in his heart made him very uneasy.

The next moment, Ye Tian and Hu Ming stared at Li Zhenwu's back with wide eyes, and they were shocked.

After Li Zhenwu finished explaining, he stepped forward leisurely and walked straight towards the two white men in the rest area, as if something attracted him there.

When they were about three meters away from the rest area, the two white men stood up abruptly, holding a pistol in each hand.

"The target appeared in the lobby, and I got it first."

One of the men, facing the communicator on his collar, communicated in English.

Immediately, they pulled the trigger, the pistols spit out flames, and they wanted to choose someone to devour, and blast out powerful bullets one by one.

bang bang bang...

The gunshots sounded, and the nightclub lobby was in an instant mess.

"Brother Zhenwu!"

In the distance, Hu Ming saw this, his eyes were full of anger, and he was about to rush to rescue, but was grabbed by Ye Tian.

"Have you forgotten Brother Zhenwu's explanation? Let's go, he's fine." Ye Tian said coldly.

His cultivation base is higher than that of Hu Ming, and he can vaguely see that there is a phantom flashing in front of the dense bullets.

Chapter [-] I am your God!


With the sound of gunshots, those welcoming ladies let out extremely harsh screams, which made people's eardrums hurt.

At this time, the nightclub lobby was completely messed up.

People fled in all directions, especially the manager who led the white man, whose face was bloodless with fright.

He never expected that a group of white men in suits and leather shoes would carry firearms and open fire recklessly in public. This is a big event!

You must know that China's strict gun ban will definitely alarm Yanjing, and even the whole world.


Suddenly, a white man's expression turned cold, and the firearm in his hand turned, aiming at the screaming people.

Cold-blooded and ruthless, the next moment he pulled the trigger and was about to slaughter everyone.

"Hey, hey, your target is me, don't be distracted."

At this moment, a faint voice suddenly sounded, and accompanied by two slight clicks, the gunshots in the lobby stopped abruptly.

This sudden change made the fleeing masses all stunned.

In the rest area, a teenager in loose sportswear was standing in front of the two gunmen, with a warm smile on his face, like a boy next door.


The next moment, the two white gunmen fell to the ground, their necks were twisted and their bodies were like mud, and they were no longer angry.


The crowd in the lobby was full of horror, looking at it, breathing almost stopped.

Two gunmen were killed!

And it was done by a young man, who is this?

Everyone's eyes were full of shock, like a stone sculpture, stunned in place.

"Don't blame me if you don't hurry up, you will die soon."

Feeling the eyes of everyone, Li Zhenwu's eyes turned cold, and he spoke indifferently.

The voice fell!


Everyone woke up and fled around like ghosts and wolf howls.

After a while, the lobby became quiet and everyone fled, except for Li Zhenwu alone.

Except for the crowd in the lobby, all the guests in other places chose to hide in the box when they learned of the gunfire in the lobby.

"It's so unlucky, I forgot to ask questions for a while, who is going to kill me?"

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