"You, you...you are Li Zhenwu..." The man with glasses said in broken Chinese, his teeth trembling.

Hearing this, the expressions of the other three killers changed.

This is a reward of tens of billions of dollars. It suddenly appeared here, and there was no need to think about it.

"Let's all stay!"

Li Zhenwu glanced at a few people and was immediately disappointed.

It is not difficult to see that these are ninjas from the island country, and assassinations are okay, but in a head-on collision, they are just turkeys.

While speaking, Li Zhenwu stepped forward, and the arrogance on his body gradually subsided.

I thought that if I followed secretly, I would catch a big fish.

But looking at the few people in front of them, it was obvious that they were just shrimps from a certain island nation.


At this moment, a cloud of white fog rose from the opposite side, instantly filling the entire alley.

A few swooshing sounds came from several directions.

"Bagaya Road, everyone scattered and fled, this is not something we can fight against."

A middle-aged man with glasses, using both hands and feet, leaped over the wall on the alley, trying to climb away from the residential building.

Unfortunately, he was facing Li Zhenwu.

"In front of me, even gods can't escape."

The faint voice came from the white fog, like the call of the god of death, causing everyone's hair to explode.


I saw a azure light burst out from it, exuding an awe-inspiring aura, like a bolt of lightning, striking the back of the man with glasses.

Before it even got close, the terrifying cold glow already made the skin hurt.


It was so fast that the man with glasses couldn't even dodge dodge, he was split in two and fell from the sky.

With a bang, the corpse fell to the ground, the blood stained red, and it looked extremely coquettish in the pale moonlight.

When the other three saw this scene, they were instantly frightened.

However, Li Zhenwu didn't move at all, he snapped his fingers again, and three azure lights flew out like sickles, slashing at the three killers respectively.

Terrible, terrifying!


One of the killers screamed in a broken heart, miserable to the extreme.

At the same time, he found that his body could not move, and he could only watch the arrival of death.


The air was cut open, violently agitated, and penetrated from behind the killer.

The blood rained and the scene was terrifying.

bang bang bang...

Immediately afterwards, the corpse fell, smashed to the ground, and was no longer alive.

Even with the other two killers, they couldn't escape [-] meters, and they were beheaded on the scene.

Blood filled the alley, and the picture was too frightening. If ordinary people saw it, they would definitely faint from fright.

"I have a compassionate heart, but I also have Shura's means to provoke a true martial artist and be punished!"

Glancing at the scene again, Li Zhenwu muttered to himself, then turned and left.

At the same time, he called Su Xiaoli to inform him of his location and find some people to deal with.

"It's best to let the killers of the dark web know about the death of these people." Li Zhenwu said casually.

"Is it dismembered?" Su Xiaoli's voice changed when he thought of the scene of Liang's Daxia crime.

"You can have someone come over to deal with it. Also, help me investigate. I want to know all the identities and origins of these people."

After hanging up the phone, Li Zhenwu rose into the air and flew straight towards Jiangnan College.

Because just now, Qin Yao sent a message to tell him something important.

Of course, it can actually be said on the phone.

But because he was worried about Li Zhenwu's safety, Qin Yao would let him go back to the academy, at least when he saw the deity, the girl would feel at ease.

Chapter [-] Meet the old friend again!

Three days later, Jiangnan International Airport.

"I said, just send someone over there to lead the way, and I will handle the rest myself."

When Qin Yao and Su Xiaoli wanted to follow, Li Zhenwu decisively refused.

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