"How did you know?" She was not young, but she was very wary.

Li Zhenwu was shocked, and he really guessed it. Moreover, from the moment Luo Xiaohua was alert, there was even a trace of energy fluctuations in that small body.

Don't guess, it's really a past life.

"I guessed randomly, because your name is Xiaohua, that sister must be called Xiaocao." Li Zhenwu smiled, but his heart was quite bitter.

Hearing this, the vigilance in Luo Xiaohua's eyes gradually dissipated.

For some reason, there was a trace of trust in her heart for this handsome Guoguo in front of her.

"Yes, my sister's name is Luo Xiaocao. We haven't seen each other for two years, so this time, I sneaked out to find my sister somewhere." Luo Xiaohua said with a smile.

But when Li Zhenwu asked more, she stopped talking and turned to look out the window, the blue water below.

However, after such a tossing, Li Zhenwu kept his mind.

"It seems that in this life, your identities are a bit curious!" Li Zhenwu glanced at Luo Xiaohua with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, he flicked his fingers, and the power of true martial arts turned into a light spot, which fell silently on the opponent's clothes.

The spot of light touched the clothes, and a mysterious rune flashed away on Luo Xiaohua's clothes.

"Well, when I deal with the Yamamoto family, I'll find you again!"

Sensing the position of the rune, Li Zhenwu closed his eyes and began to adjust his breath.

As long as he is on this earth, no matter where the other party is, he can clearly sense it. This is a means of insurance.

Chapter [-] Under Mount Fuji

Unconsciously, when Li Zhenwu closed his eyes and rested, the plane landed at Tokyo Airport.

The island country is surrounded by sea on all sides, and the moment you step out of the plane, a sea breeze blows, which makes people feel shocked.

"Shandong Guoguo, I'm leaving, goodbye." Luo Xiaohua walked out of the airport and waved goodbye to Li Zhenwu.

She is only fifteen or sixteen years old, her facial features are delicate and small, like a porcelain doll, wearing a non-mainstream short skirt and clothes, with a delicate and soft figure, she is particularly conspicuous in the endless crowd.

However, the seemingly harmless body was overflowing with wisps of energy fluctuations.

With his divine sense against the sky, Li Zhenwu could clearly sense that Luo Xiaohua's body contained a surge of power.

It is no exaggeration to say that the horror of that power is the most terrifying he has ever encountered.

"Goodbye by fate!" Li Zhenwu waved and looked at Luo Xiaohua's back, dazed.

I have to say that after he came back from the rebirth, a question arose in his heart, how many people have reincarnated to follow him?

But it also confirmed from the side that someone must be able to calculate his approximate position.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Li?"

At this moment, a young man with a beard came from a distance and looked at Li Zhenwu with puzzled eyes.

His hair was waxed, he was meticulously groomed, and his demeanor was very similar to that of office workers in the island country.

Special attitude towards people, seemingly respectful, but in fact has other thoughts.

Li Zhenwu regained his senses, glanced at him lightly, and said, "Are you Hetian Mitsui?"

"It's me!" The bearded youth nodded quickly, confirming his identity.

This person is the spy arranged by the Qin family.

As a thousand-year-old family in China, the Qin family has a profound background and has private spies in various countries.

The name Hetian Mitsui in front of him is of authentic Chinese blood, but he was sent to the island country since he was a child, so there is no flaw in his demeanor.

"Mr. Li, shall we go to the hotel first?" Hetian Mitsui asked respectfully.

From the unique communicator, he had long determined that the young man in front of him was the one he wanted to receive.

It's just that he couldn't understand, the organization's attitude towards this young man seemed very solemn.

While talking, the two got into a car and slowly walked towards the suburbs.

"No, when you release the news, just say I'm here." Li Zhenwu looked at the scenery outside the window and said lightly.

I am coming?

Hearing this, Hetian Mitsui was stunned for a moment, not knowing why.

You must know that he is a spy who prevents cultivation, and he is not clear about the underground world.

Even, only know the organization, but do not know who the effective person is.

Hearing Li Zhenwu's words at this moment, he was naturally stunned.

"Is there any famous forum in the island country, you can just post a message on the forum. When that time comes, those people will naturally know that it is me."

Li Zhenwu's temperament was bleak, and he said neither sad nor happy: "Now, take me to the Yamamoto family, and then you will be free."

During the speech, there was an invisible majesty exuding, which made Hetian Mitsui unable to object at all.

"Okay." As a liaison officer, Wada Mitsui restrained his emotions.

He was able to be free, and he couldn't control that much. He quickly posted a post on the famous forum in the island country.

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