All of them speak Japanese, and they speak very fast.

Inside the carriage, Li Zhenwu raised his head and glanced at it, and it was only at this time that he seemed to have reacted, with a question in his eyes.

dong dong dong...

Seeing that Li Zhenwu didn't answer, the short policeman banged on the car window and his attitude became even more severe.

Even the police next to him took out their firearms and looked alert.

The anomaly here quickly attracted the attention of passers-by around, and they all looked over.


Just then, the door opened.

A young man in a leisurely sportswear came out of the carriage with a calm expression, without the slightest panic.

He glanced at the two policemen, and the corners of his mouth lifted into a genial smile.

"It seems that you are now serving the Yamamoto family."

A faint voice sounded from the field, this is the authentic Chinese language.

Although I don't understand what it means, it makes people know that this young man is from China.

"Baga Yalu, squat down with your hands over your head, don't make any tricks."

Seeing Li Zhenwu dawdling, the short policeman was impatient, raised the firearm in his hand, and yelled loudly.

When the other policeman saw this, he took a step forward and took out his handcuffs, trying to subdue Li Zhenwu.

"court death!"

Li Zhenwu's eyes were cold and murderous.

This time, it was in Japanese, which was blunt but understandable.

The voice fell!

The two policemen were stunned for a moment, and immediately felt the flowers in front of them, as if they had been hit by a train, and they flew out backwards.


After flying more than ten meters, the two policemen fell to the ground, and the mouth sank, forming a terrifying deep pit.

Obviously, there were only two living people, and they were completely silent.


The surroundings were quiet, and the vehicles on the road couldn't help but stop.

I do not know how long it has been!

Li Zhenwu flicked his fingers, Feng Qingyun lightly stepped away, and walked towards Mount Fuji in front.

On the spot, there was a terrified scream.

An atmosphere of fear spread in an instant, and wherever they passed, tourists and local residents went crazy and fled the scene desperately.

You know, that scene just now was so weird.

Everyone saw the blue light soaring and dazzling, and the two policemen flew out.

And that young man, from beginning to end, had both hands on his back.

What a terrible energy, in the eyes of ordinary people, almost supernatural power.

For a time, the main road leading to Mount Fuji was in chaos.

The people in front were told that they could not move forward, so they had to turn their heads back. When the people behind saw this, the vehicles turned around one after another, causing the road to be blocked.

"Bagayalu, what happened ahead?"

Here at the roadblock set up by the police, a black-clothed man with a tattoo on his arm looked up with a fierce face.

There was chaos, passers-by screaming, vehicles completely out of control, blocking the entire road.

Just when everyone was surprised, Qi Shuishuan's complexion suddenly changed drastically.

"Is that the person we're looking for?"

Suddenly, dozens of black-clothed men, some with sharp eyes, saw a young man in sportswear walking towards here in the chaotic crowd.

The young man was thin, with immature facial features, with his hands on his back, ignoring the rampant passers-by, and walked step by step, as if the passers-by around him completely ignored him.

There was no one who could approach the boy within three meters.

This scene is extremely strange, and it is very conspicuous on the chaotic road.


The next moment, dozens of black-clothed men took out pistols from their waists, and the 570 rushed out in a rage.

Seeing this, passers-by in the distance screamed in fright, and immediately ran towards Shizuoka Prefecture.

You must know that these big men in black are the elite hands of the Yamamoto family, and everyone's hands are covered with blood.

At this moment, Qi Shushua shot, when the real murderer is soaring to the sky, with the momentum of killing a god.

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