
This is not something that can be resisted by manpower. If we fight again, I am afraid that all the soldiers here will be buried here.

Immediately, the tank started, and the gun barrel was aimed at the target in the air, and began to evacuate from here.

The ground shook, the dust rolled, and the Self-Defense Forces retreated in embarrassment.

"Want to go?"

High in the sky, Li Zhenwu's expression turned cold, and his whole body filled with murderous aura.

The might of the Great Emperor, how could mortals be able to insult him, come when he wants, and leave when he wants, really think he is a philanthropist?


Immediately afterwards, he swayed and flew towards the nearby helicopter, turning into a cyan lightning in the void.

"No, he's here..."

In the nearest helicopter, the crew members screamed.

However, before any action could be taken, a splendid blue light erupted, and all the personnel of the helicopter lost consciousness in an instant.


A loud bang erupted, the flames shot into the sky, and it fell from the sky.

One punch, still one punch!

The helicopter, known as the killer on the ground, disintegrated in the air in an instant, then exploded and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

"Come on, this is a monster, I don't want to die!"

In the remaining three helicopters, the soldiers screamed, and fear filled everyone's heart.

What I saw in front of me, that young man was like a god descended from the earth, and human beings were invincible.

Boom boom boom...

The explosion sounded continuously, and the void fireball was dazzling, gorgeous to the extreme, and the fire was dazzling.

In less than half a minute, all the helicopters connected to the ground were destroyed, and they were all blown up by one punch, which was terrifying.

What kind of terrifying power is this?

No one knew that the troops dispatched this time were shrouded in gloom and retreated silently.

In the sky, the figure was dazzling and dazzling, and the blue light bloomed, like a sun, reflecting the heavens and the world.

"This is the powerhouse with a reward of tens of billions of dollars?"

"That's not human, absolutely not, it's God, the real living God!"

"Who is offering a reward of tens of billions of dollars? This is to deceive us. We must find out."

"Ah... cancel the order immediately, including Li Zhenwu's parents, all canceled."

"My God, what kind of existence is this, why does it appear in the world?"

After the news here was transmitted to the outside world, an earthquake of magnitude [-] occurred in the whole world.

The killers of the dark web in the underworld were all sweating.

Through the video they recorded, they could clearly see that the demon-like picture made life less courageous.

In an instant, millions of members, almost the killers and forces who took orders, all canceled the reward list.


This is something that the dark web has never seen since its creation.

Chapter [-] One to one country!

Jiangnan Su family.

At this moment, Su Quan, Chu Tianming, and Su Xiaoli gathered in the pavilion.

Even Qin Yao and her team members appeared here, all of them looked like they had seen a ghost.

There is a monitor in Shi Zhuo, and I can clearly see the picture that they are familiar with from the picture sent back by the intelligence personnel.

"Is this Mr. Li's true strength?" Su Quan was speechless, feeling his heart twitch violently.

What a feat to tear the helicopter, it is simply shocking.

"A cultivator, can you really reach the level of Mr. Li?" Chu Tianjun, a man of iron and blood, felt a toothache at the moment.

If it wasn't for the familiar figure, he would have thought it was shooting an American blockbuster.

It was a Black Hawk helicopter. There was no doubt about the firmness of the fuselage, but it was like this, and it was still blown up by one punch.

This has subverted the cognition of a soldier.

No, it should subvert the entire world, everyone's cognition.

"He said that we are old people in previous lives, so were we so powerful in our previous lives?"

Su Xiaoli looked at the display, her beautiful eyes glowing with blurry colors.

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