"Yes, I'm on the Tokyo Tower, is there any problem?" Li Zhenwu frowned, his mind moved slightly.

"There is a great danger. If Japan is destroyed and Mr. Li is still there, the United Nations may take action, and it may even be uncomfortable to launch the nuclear bomb, the ultimate weapon of the earth." Qin Tiannan said with a deep breath.

You know, Li Zhenwu is too dangerous now.

The strength is so powerful that it can almost run rampant on this planet. For the unavoidable safety of all countries, if Japan is destroyed, they will definitely make a unified shot.

And the ultimate weapon of this planet is the nuclear bomb that can destroy the world.

The power of the explosion is definitely comparable to that of Jin Xian, and the core temperature of the explosion can instantly melt steel.

It has to be said that Li Zhenwu did not dare to be careless in the face of nuclear bombs.

"I'm not a demon king, I'm not interested in this country, I'm just imposing a little punishment." Li Zhenwu said lightly, "As for I haven't left, because there are still some things to do."

"Okay, I'm relieved to have Mr. Li's words."

It was obvious that Qin Tiannan breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, anyone who faces this kind of invincible existence must be cautious, and if they are not careful, they may destroy the world.

dong dong dong...

At this moment, in the direction of Yasukuni's expression, there was the sound of drum beats, which was shocking.

In the gloomy sky, there are red glows flowing, blood is soaring to the sky, exuding unparalleled power, as if an invincible beast woke up from a long sleep.

"That's it, the Yasukuni Shrine has changed, and I'm about to deal with it."

Li Zhenwu quickly hung up the communicator, turned his head to look over, and couldn't help frowning.

The energy fluctuations there are endless and majestic, and it can even be clearly sensed from it that countless divine patterns are intertwined around the shrine, shrouding the entire Tokyo.

The divine pattern is flickering, complex and mysterious, with a range of dozens of miles, and the central location is the Yasukuni Shrine.

"To yin and filth? Is this the inheritance of Ming He?"

Above the Tokyo Tower, Li Zhenwu raised his eyebrows lightly, and the corner of his mouth raised a playful smile.


However, it is very simple. Compared with the sea of ​​​​blood formation in the Ming River, it is like the contrast between the sea and the water droplets, the difference between clouds and mud.

The rune formation covering Jingdong absorbs the dirt of the world, and then pours it into the Yasukuni Shrine, thus giving birth to the shikigami inside.

That is ghost repair!

In the Yasukuni Shrine, the sacrificial worship is coming to an end.

Inside the shrine, the blood-red light flows on the building, as if it has been soaked in blood, full of evil atmosphere.

Upon seeing this, the prime minister and cabinet ministers of the island country looked panicked, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

You know, the Yasukuni Shrine is dedicated to gods, but it is the first time in the history of this country that such sacrifices are made.

Unexpectedly, there is actually a reaction.

"Lord God, please save your people and the people of this land!"

The Prime Minister's eyes were cold and gloomy, and a gloomy expression flashed on his face, and he said loudly involuntarily.

As soon as the words came out, the priest in front of him turned his head to stare at the Prime Minister, with a warning in his eyes.

However, the Prime Minister directly ignored it and kept talking.

You know, although they are in high positions, they don't have much chance to come into contact with this kind of world.

There is an opportunity at this moment, and naturally I don't want to let it go.

Even these politicians want to use the power of ghosts and gods to government all over the world.

clack clack...

Suddenly, the ground trembled slightly, and the dust was splashed. The world was full of red light, as if it was soaked in blood.

The mausoleum in front of it suddenly cracked open, and the dead aura shot into the sky, sweeping the sky and covering the surrounding area.

"Who disturbs this seat's sleep!"

In the mausoleum, there was the sound of iron chains, and a sinister voice was transmitted from it.

Hearing this voice, everyone felt an aura of twilight.

Even Li Zhenwu, who was far away from the Tokyo Tower, could not help frowning, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The sound of chains?

Could it not be a ghost repair, but someone else?

Chapter [-] The Imprisoned Soul!

The sound seemed to come from hell, making people tremble in their souls.

The prime minister and cabinet ministers who were kneeling on the ground were fighting with each other, and the feeling of death was born in their hearts, which was extremely terrifying.

"Lord God!"

The high priest knelt down and reported the whole story~ one by one.

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