Immediately afterwards, a white light transpired from the Holy See, like the sun, emitting a blazing light.

This place is shrouded in light, mysterious energy rises, and it is beautiful, just like the holy light in myths and legends.


The next moment, the white light soared into the sky, wrapped in unknown creatures, surpassed ten times the speed of sound, and headed east.

The speed is so fast that even a high-definition camera can't capture the picture.

After slowing down countless times, only after the restoration of the equipment, a blurry picture is faintly revealed.

The world is boiling, and Westerners are stunned.

"Then... what is that, why do I seem to see a Pegasus?"

"No, that's not a Pegasus, but a legendary sacred unicorn, and someone rides it?"

"It's terrible, isn't this the modern world?"

"Science? From now on, I will never believe in science again, damn science!"

The change of the Holy See has attracted worldwide attention, and the world has speculated.

In the end, it was the leader of the Miziqi who stood up and told everyone that it was the servant of God, and now he was going to suppress the demons.

"God bless, the Holy Knight has already taken action, and the demons of small overseas countries will sleep in the Pacific Ocean."

As soon as these words came out, the entire Western world cheered.

The news swept the earth, and countless people were stunned. They never expected that this world would have such an incredible mythical existence.

Jiangbian City, Su family mansion.

At this moment, the faces of everyone in the pavilion turned pale, especially after hearing Qin Yao's explanation, they were even more worried.

"The Holy Knight is an ancient figure. Hundreds of years ago, the Crusades failed. I thought the Holy Knight no longer existed, but I didn't expect that there would be one left in the Vatican."

Qin Yao's pretty face was dignified, her silver teeth clenched tightly, and she said, "No wonder the separation of state religions in modern times, the Holy See can still control the politics of various countries, so it is."

In the Western world, religion used to rule the royal family, but after the decline of religion, it gradually retreated behind the scenes.

You must know how hateful religion is to the royal families of the West, you don't need to think about it.

But under this circumstance, in modern history, all countries still respect the Holy See, and it is not difficult to imagine that the reason is the holy knight who was just born.

Even the most powerful people in the Shenlong Kingdom felt an invisible pressure.

Qin's meeting room.

Qin Tiannan, who was at the top, closed his eyes tightly, and tapped the table with his fingers, making a soft, crisp sound.

"Western countries are really deep city houses. I thought that their diplomacy would come to the Shenlong Kingdom to request. I didn't expect that they just notified us."

The faint voice, which contained monstrous hatred, was passed down from the top.

The people below all looked at each other in dismay, their eyes were also full of anger, and they even felt humiliated.

There was no other way, just now the diplomatic spokespersons of various countries contacted, I thought that the Western countries would lower their stance, make all countries unite, and beg Li Zhenwu to stop.

Unexpectedly, it was to inform everyone that the Vatican was about to take action.

What does this represent?

Li Zhenwu, a cultivator, can overturn the entire overseas Xiaoguo. If he loses to the Holy Knight, the consequence is that the whole world will bow to the west.

Then, who can be happy?

Jingle Bell……

Among the small overseas countries, the original site of the shrine.

The cold mobile phone bell rang, echoing around, forming a sharp contrast with the picture of artillery fire in the distance.

Li Zhenwu took out his mobile phone and dialed it directly, but looked at Chi You's performance in the distance.

"Are you still in a small overseas country?"

As soon as it was connected, Qin Yao's nervous voice rang from the other end of the phone.

It is not difficult to hear that there is a deep care in it.

Li Zhenwu froze for a moment and asked, "What happened?"

"There are holy knights born in the Holy See. It is very dangerous. The speed reaches more than ten times the speed of sound. It is for you." Qin Yao said solemnly.

"Ten times the speed of sound? That strength should be good, I'm waiting."

After speaking, Li Zhenwu directly hung up the phone, and then crushed the communicator.

The attitude was nonchalant, without the slightest panic.

Ten times the speed of sound?

Under the suppression of the earth's rules, it can still reach ten times the speed of sound, which is at least half the strength of the earth immortal.

"This planet is weird. Chi You's recasting of the witch body does not seem to reach one-tenth of the prehistoric world. It seems that it is not as simple as it seems."

Standing in the ruins, Li Zhenwu narrowed his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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