Chi You was knocked to the ground, his energy mask fell apart, and the condensed witch body actually had a phantom feeling.

"Unfortunately, the witch body has just been rebuilt, and it has not yet had time to adapt to the suppression of the earth's rules, otherwise why is this?"

A faint voice sounded, and Li Zhenwu flew from a distance and slowly landed on the edge of the deep pit.

"Master, your subordinates are incompetent, you can't tear this scorpion alive."

Chi You's face was full of anger, and he felt a little suffocated.

"It doesn't matter, you haven't adapted to the regulations of this world. It's not bad to have such strength."

Li Zhenwu said with a faint smile: "Go back, it won't take long, you will be able to break through the shackles of heaven and earth, and then there will be a chance for you to take action."

When the words fell, Chi You frowned with a thoughtful look on his face.

However, at this moment, he didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he stepped back respectfully and stared at the holy knight coldly.

The holy knight was wearing white and silver armor, holding a dragon slaying spear, riding a unicorn with wings on its back, and looking down at Li Zhenwu.

His long blond hair fluttered, glowing with starlight, and his whole person exuded a holy and peaceful light, like a god descending, aloft.

The picture here, spread out, makes countless people in the West go crazy.

Westerners' faces, straight nose bridges, deep eyes, blue pupils, and the whole body have an inherent noble temperament.

"Are you an oriental cultivator?" The holy knight's dragon spear pointed at Li Zhenwu, the spear's spear was full of radiance, and he asked indifferently.

Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back, with a warm smile on his face, his eyes were bright, and he could not see the slightest panic.

"Are you the so-called Western Holy Knight? It seems like that. I think I already know your true identities. It's hard to be the second saint of the West. You deserve to be an alternative saint." He smiled lightly, with a calm attitude. not give a damn about.

Of course, the Holy Knights obviously don't know what Li Zhenwu said about the two saints of the West.

But that sentence is nothing more than that, but it makes people hear it clearly.

"Crazy, hundreds of years ago, countless cultivators died in my hands, and today I will kill you here." The holy knight snorted coldly, urged him to get off his mount, and swooped down.


In an instant, the holy knight's body was full of blazing white light, bursting out from his body like a raging flame.

The dragon spear fell, and where the spear tip passed, the terrifying power caused ripples in the space.

"Apart from you, the silver knight, are there any golden knights in the Vatican? Or angels?"

In the face of the Holy Knight's violent blow, Li Zhenwu remained calm and asked lightly.

These things were all told by Qin Yao just now. When he asked at this moment, his eyes contained supreme fighting intent.

When the tip of the spear came close, Li Zhenwu started.


A faint voice sounded.

The golden light here is splendid, and a round of light, like the sun rising, was bombarded by Li Zhenwu with a punch.

Chapter [-] The knight's final declaration of war!

Tokyo trembled, and the center of the battlefield was like the eye of a hurricane, with terrifying energy raging out.

The detectors of various countries have all reached the maximum value.

Moreover, it is still rising, breaking through the sky.

It's too terrifying, the power of myths and legends, now appearing, makes countless scientists crazy.

They want to probe the mysteries and turn them into technology.

But unfortunately, the energy is too surging, and there are invisible forces covering it, making it difficult to find out, and you can only see the pictures there through high-definition cameras.

There was an explosion on the Tokyo battlefield, and the light was blazing and splendid, drowning the area for ten miles.

A nearby high-rise building, Daxia, was destroyed, collapsed, and razed to the ground.


In the center of the light, two black shadows separated at a touch, and the ground between them sank, forming a [-]-meter deep pit.

Destruction is too powerful!

This picture is horrifying and can be called the power of small nuclear weapons.


With a dull sound, the Holy Knight retreated, hitting the boulder on the edge of the pit, his face flushed red, and a mouthful of golden blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The unicorn under his seat screamed, its white feathers fell, its face was gray, and it was very embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they fought, they would suffer such an insult.

For the Vatican and religion, this is intolerable, and as God's guard, the power of heresy is absolutely unbearable.

"Yes, it seems that you really have the strength of a half-step earth immortal. It's a bit strange. You creatures are not suppressed by the rules of the earth?"

In the distance, Li Zhenwu stood in the air, with a trace of doubt on his face, talking to himself.

But thinking of the methods of the two Western saints, he couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile. It seemed that these two saints created a different kind of Tao besides the three thousand Shimen.

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