"The flame of divine light, that's from Olympus."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a depressing atmosphere in the field, and everyone's heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

"Vatican and Olympus, why do you want to come to China?" Lihuo Zhenren said with an extremely ugly expression, gritted his teeth.

However, no one answered him.


The void vibrated, and countless ripples appeared.

In an instant, thousands of feet in front of everyone, the two rays of light stopped, revealing the deity of the comer.

Chapter [-]: The Witch Race God of War!

This space was submerged by the blazing light, the energy boiled, reflecting the sky, and it was beautiful.

After seeing the visitor, everyone present turned pale.

I saw the holy light converge, revealing an eight-winged angel with a height of [-] meters. The pure white wings fluttered slightly, and the holy light fell like raindrops.

The Archangel Gabriel looked down on the crowd.

Her facial features are delicate, her skin is as white as suet, and she has long golden hair that flutters in the wind, showing obvious Western characteristics.

Next to it, the fiery divine light was also restrained, revealing the deity, still reaching a height of [-] meters, like a hill, which was overwhelming.

"Athena, goddess of war?" Qin Yao exclaimed, her mind blank.

Unexpectedly, this trip encountered the arrival of the gods from the West.

Athena has long purple hair, a tall figure, and the curve of the golden ratio, which is vividly displayed on her body.

Eyes glowing with purple light, unusually coquettish, red lips and flames, holding a shield in one hand and a giant sword in the other, the whole person is obviously heroic.

The archangel and the goddess of war, one of the twelve main gods, came together, their goals were the same, and they all came for Li Zhenwu.

"Who is Li Zhenwu?" Archangel Gabriel opened his mouth, his voice still warm, like the sound of nature, so that there is no disgust in life.

The voice fell, and the faces of Lihuo Zhenren and the others suddenly changed again.

You must know that during this period of time, the most eye-catching person in the whole world is Li Zhenwu.

Lihuo Zhenren did not understand why the gods in the West wanted to find Li Zhenwu, why did they come to Wudang Mountain in the first place?

Even Qin Yao felt startled and weird.

"Your Excellency God, we are Chinese cultivators, and there is no Li Zhenwu here." Lihuo Zhenren dared to take a step forward to respond.

In the face of the real gods, Rao is because of his strong cultivation base that he felt tremors in his hands and feet.

Athena glanced lightly, her curvaceous figure exuded a heavy breath, it was the blood and fire of war rising, as if it would be shot at any time.

"No, we can feel that he is among you." Archangel Gabriel looked at everyone with gentle eyes, and his clear voice made people obsessed.

The two gods, Caliber is gentle and Athena is violent, forming two extreme contrasts.

Lihuo Zhenren was shocked, his soul fell into obsession, but he didn't know Li Zhenwu himself, so he was sluggish in place.

The same is true for the dozens of disciples and grandchildren behind him.

In the field, only Qin Yao's eyes flashed with a trace of confusion, but she woke up in an instant, and there was a storm in her heart.


Suddenly, Athena noticed Li Zhenwu and Chi You, and couldn't help but look cold.

Obviously, everyone present was more or less affected by the breath of the two, but these two were calm from beginning to end.


The sound of Jin Ge sounded, Athena raised the giant sword in her hand, pointed at Li Zhenwu, and said indifferently: "Being suppressed by our divine might, you can still remain indifferent. It seems that you two are not easy!"

The voice fell!

Everyone was shocked and turned around to look.

I saw Li Zhenwu raised the corners of his mouth and grinned. The smile was very warm, completely ignoring Athena's questioning.

On the other hand, the seven-footed man looked up at the two gods, with blood transpiring in his eyes, and a majestic fighting intent that almost came out of his body.

"It seems that one of the two is the devil we're looking for." Archangel Gabriel was very beautiful, with a stunning face, and the exit was confirmed at this time.

Hearing this, Master Lihuo and the others couldn't help but take a few steps back.


It can be said that they encountered an unpredictable disaster. They didn't know Li Zhenwu at all, and they didn't expect to be by their side.

"Do you want to provoke a war when you enter China recklessly?" Qin Yao gritted her silver teeth and raised her head to ask loudly.

You must know that the east and west sides have always prohibited powers beyond mortals from entering their respective territories.

Now, with the arrival of the two gods, Qin Yao had to stand up and question for Huaxia's sake, and his momentum was not weak at all.

"The war has already begun, and the demons of China will be purified by God's holy light." Gabriel said.

"The ancient world is about to open, and the war that has lasted for countless years will also be provoked again." Athena said lightly.

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