Now Wudang Mountain has changed, but it can no longer bear it.

If you don't go now, I'm afraid you won't be able to go later.

"No, Wudang Mountain is a holy place for cultivators like us, and it is also a holy place for cultivators. It can't be destroyed, it can't be destroyed."

When Lihuo Zhenren saw this, his face was pale and his whole body was trembling.


When the voice fell, the magnificent mountain body cracked, and a large piece of rock fell from it, and the dust rose to the sky, covering the sky.

The trees were broken in pieces, the fallen leaves were all over the ground, and the winding stairs were all broken at this moment, and many cracks appeared.

That familiar feeling is getting stronger and stronger, as if it will be born at any time.

Li Zhenwu had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were bright. At this moment, he was communicating with his whole body, linking the mark left at the beginning.

"I did it casually at the beginning, but it was left behind for countless years. It would be a pity if it continued to be dusty."

After muttering to himself, Li Zhenwu stepped forward, stepping on the void, as if there were invisible steps in the sky, step by step towards the top of the Jade Emperor.

The breeze is blowing, the fragrance is fragrant, and the scenery on the mountain is pleasant.

Below, except for Qin Yao, everyone was dumbfounded. Looking at the back of the sky, they couldn't say a word.

"Is it a true immortal?" Lihuo said with difficulty.

When I knew that Li Zhenwu was making troubles in the island country, from all the information, I already knew that it was very strong.

Moreover, there were live broadcasts at that time, and you could see the heroic and heroic figures in it.

However, it was not as shocking as it is now seen with my own eyes.

The young man carried his hands on his back, strode in the air, and looked leisurely, just like the Immortal King inspecting all beings, invisible beyond the imposing manner of the heavens.

Step by step on the void, I don't know how many steps have been taken.

When Li Zhenwu came to the top of the Jade Emperor, he stood up in the sky, the azure light and golden glow of the entire mountain, as if boiling, became very violent, and the stirring energy of heaven and earth almost collapsed.

"When the dust is exhausted and the light is born, it will definitely illuminate the heavens and the world!"

While speaking, Li Zhenwu sat down, completely immersed in his mind, and communicated with the treasures on the mountain.

After all, it is a treasure. After being silent for countless years, the imprint of the true spirit he made at the beginning has become very vague.

At this moment, the cultivation base is the peak of talent and immortal, and naturally it takes some time to communicate.


In the mountains in the distance, there was a sudden loud noise.

In the rumbling sound, the dust rolled like a wave, and swept out from the gap between the mountains.

Where the dust passed, boulders were overturned, ancient trees were broken, and the scene was terrifying.

"what happened?"

"Damn, could it be that the gods just now came back?"

"No way? Then we can't escape."

"Wudang Mountain is our holy place. Anyone who wants to leave can leave, but the old man will stay here even if he sacrifices his life."

Everyone was talking about it, and they all felt shocked in their hearts.

If that terrifying movement happened in the outside world, it might be enough to destroy half of the city.

I have to say that the power of the gods is indeed powerful and terrifying.

Modern thermal weapons are useless in the face of powerful gods.

Just because of Li Zhenwu's first battle in the island country, it is very clear for people to see.

Moreover, the Holy Knights of the Vatican have also proved that the individual power of the gods can inspire power beyond nuclear weapons.


At this moment, a roar came from among the dust.

Immediately afterwards, blood shone into the sky, and endless fighting intent erupted from it...


The loud noise shook and swept away the dust in the sky.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, they saw Chiyou Baizhang's body rushing out forcefully.

His fist is like a hill, awe-inspiring, incomparable strength bursts from that strong body.

"We don't have time to entangle with you, Li Zhenwu must be put to death."

With the sound of a cold voice, Athena charged with a shield and a great sword, and the divine light was overwhelming.

The blazing light, wrapped in unparalleled flames, slashed at Li Zhenwu on the top of the Jade Emperor.

At the same time, the archangel Gabriel fluttered his wings and swooped down from the sky. Her sword light was also pointing at the Jade Emperor Peak.

Obviously, the strength of the two gods is very powerful.

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